You are looking at historical revision 5295 of this page. It may differ significantly from its current revision.

Metafile reference

The .meta file describes properties of a downloadable extension (see eggs tutorial for an explanation of extensions and meta files).

The following properties are supported:

(synopsis STRING)

A short description of the extension (required).

(author STRING)

The author, optionally with an e-mail address, if desired (required).

(files STRING ...)

The names of all files that should be contained in the egg (required).

(egg STRING)

The name of the egg file (required).

(license STRING)

The license under which the code is released. Please make sure you use the proper license if you package code written by others (required).

(category SYMBOL)

A category under which the egg should be listed on the egg-index page at (required).

Currently the set of categories is fixed, use one of:

 code-generation: Code generation
 crypt: Cryptography
 data: Algorithms and data-structures
 db: Databases
 debugging: Debugging tools
 doc-tools: Documentation tools
 egg-tools: Egg tools
 ffi: Interfacing to other languages
 graphics: Graphics
 io: Input/Output
 lang-exts: Language extensions
 logic: Logic programming
 macros: Macros and meta-syntax
 math: Mathematical libraries
 misc: Miscellaneous
 net: Networking
 oop: Object-oriented programming
 os: OS interface
 parsing: Data formats and parsing
 sound: Sound related stuff
 testing: Unit-testing
 tools: Command line tools
 ui: User interface toolkits
 web: Web programming
 xml: XML processing
(needs EXTENSION-ID ...)

Any extensions needed to build and use this extension. This should normally be the raw extension-identifier, the same that you would use in a require-extension form. Alternatively, EXTENSION-ID may be an arbitrary Scheme expression that is evaluated and should return a list of extension-ids. This is intended to test the executing system for particular platform- or installation-specific features before computing a set of required extensions to be available before the installation of the original extension commences.


Marks this extension as having a documentation page in the associated CHICKEN wiki at

(eggdoc FILENAME)

Marks this extension as having a documentation page in eggdoc format. The eggdoc file should exist in the extension directory and will be executed when the egg is packaged.


Marks this extension as being "hidden", that is: it is available for download and the documentation page is generated, but it will not appear in the official list (mainly intended for preliminary eggs and testing).

(platform ID ...)

Identifies the platforms where this extension can be used. ID ... should be one or more feature IDs, i.e. symbols returned by build-platform, software-version, software-type, machine-type and machine-byte-order. If a particular type of feature ID is not given, it implies that this egg is portable across all platforms that are described by this type.