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CHICKEN 5 roadmap

Here's a proposed list of things we would like to see in CHICKEN 5. Feel free to add more details if you know of a way to implement something or have an idea how to improve some part. Please, no editing flamewars here!

Modularising the compiler

There's a preliminary version of this in the compiler-modules branch. This is just an ugly first step to get the ball rolling. What remains to be done:

Reworking the core modules ("units")

Right now the modules supplied by core are somewhat arbitrarily named, and too many unrelated things are grouped together. We should go through the system and look at what we have, then make logical names. Suggestion to appear later on this page, for further discussion. We should attempt to align it with the r7rs naming conventions, to make things easy for that egg, and for people new to CHICKEN but familiar with other r7rs implementations. This probably means "scheme" should be renamed and split up to "scheme.base", "scheme.load", etc. A possible generalisation (or "convenience hack") could be to define the "scheme" module to import all of the underlying submodules.

Replacing SRFI-14 with cset implementation from irregex?

This has been discussed ages ago. It might be more memory-friendly and performant. One problem with the current SRFI-14 module is that it assumes Latin1 encoding (and therefore can only handle 256 different characters), whereas most other CHICKEN components and eggs assume UTF-8.

Refactoring the CHICKEN test suite to use a core library?

As we remove a lot of cruft from core which it doesn't need, it may be a good idea to add some things that we do need. Like the test egg: there is a lot of macro code duplication in core's test suite. It's probably better to ship a well-designed testing library with core, which core itself can also use. This would make it easier, if we decide to do this later, to format test output on Salmonella in a consistent manner for both core and eggs.

Proposed libraries

Let's follow R7RS for these:

What will we do with the SRFIs we implement? It would make sense to define the following, but it would be tedious to import all these:

cut, cute
setter, getter-with-setter

Also, is it srfi-2 or srfi.2? The latter would match up with (srfi 2) usage which is reserved by R7RS for SRFIs.


The list below is just a proposal, can be changed at any time. We should also keep an eye on R7RS WG2, which may define a few things CHICKEN currently defines already.

module, import, export, reexport, define-interface, module-environment, functor, use
:, the, assume, define-type, define-specialization, compiler-typecase
set-read-syntax!, set-sharp-read-syntax!, set-parameterized-read-syntax!, copy-read-table, current-read-table (perhaps re-export define-reader-ctor?)
chicken.fx (or chicken.fixnum?)
fx+, fx-, fx/, fx*, fx<, fx<=, fx=, fx>, fx>=, fxand, fxeven?, fxior, fxmax, fxmin, fxmod, fxneg, fxnot, fxodd?, fxshl, fxshr, fxxor, fixnum-bits(?), fixnum-precision, most-positive-fixnum, most-negative-fixnum, fixnum-bits, fixnum-precision, fixnum?
chicken.fp (or chicken.flonum?)
fp+, fp-, fp/, fp*, fp<, fp<=, fp=, fp>, fp>=, fpfloor, fpceiling, fptruncate, fpround, fpsin, fpcos, fptan, fpasin, fpacos, fpatan, fpatan2 (?), fplog, fpexp, fpexpt, fpsqrt, fpabs, fpinteger?, maximum-flonum, minimum-flonum, flonum-radix, flonum-epsilon, flonum-precision, flonum-decimal-precision, flonum-maximum-exponent, flonum-minimum-exponent, flonum-maximum-decimal-exponent, flonum-minimum-decimal-exponent, flonum?
er-macro-transformer, ir-macro-transformer, gensym(?), expand (is this useful at all?), get-line-number, strip-syntax.
the subset of srfi-60 we support: bit-set?, bitwise-and, bitwise-not, bitwise-ior, bitwise-xor. Possibly complete it with the remaining operations, and call it just "srfi-60"?
The current stuff in ports, except for the string ports in scheme.base (also, see below). Perhaps get rid of port-fold, copy-port, port, map, port-for-each?
chicken.exceptions (or srfi-12? Would make more sense, but what about our extensions? Put those in chicken.srfi-12?)
All the exception handling stuff.
If we want to keep them, load-noisily, load-relative, load-library
[fs]?printf, format (do we need this?), pp, pretty-print, pretty-print-width
* If you put {{use}} in a module, how do you get access to that module?  I favor the R7RS solution, in which {{import}} does what Chicken {{use}} does, and is special-cased in terms of the module system so that it is always available.  --John Cowan
* There will be R7RS (scheme fixnum) and (scheme flonum) modules.  I'm currently proposing to base the fixnums on R6RS and the flonums on {{math.h}} (not the egg of that name, but the whole C interface).  --John Cowan

Proposed removal from core

The list below is just one hacker's idea of what could go. Please add more.


SRFI-1, SRFI-13, SRFI-14, SRFI-18 might be removed. SRFI-69 will be removed, as discussed in CR #1142.

queue datatype (data-structures), binary-search (data-structures), mmapped files (posix), object-evict (lolevel)

Proposal already accepted in CR #1142.


Some of the combinators from data-structures are very nice, but there only a handful of them are actually useful. There is no technical reason to keep them in core, they might fit better in an egg.

Various ill-conceived POSIX things

These things I don't like, but doesn't mean it *has* to go. It may always be put in an egg of course.

Better API for continuations

Nobody seems to use the "better API for continuations" by Feeley: continuation-graft, continuation-capture, continuation-return, continuation?

If it doesn't benefit anyone (core doesn't use it, only two eggs do: shift-reset and continuations), it can be taken out. It might be put into an egg.

* +1 for an egg.  I'm going to propose this for R7RS-large.  --John Cowan

Reworking the way libraries are loaded

Right now there are just too many confusing things, like require, require-extension, use, import, load, load-library, require-library.

* Import (with the function of use) should be the main API.  Load is necessary because it can load things whose names are determined at run time.  It should be able to load either source or binaries.   Include also belongs here.  --John Cowan

Units and modules are confusing also. This could just be a documentation issue.

* Units should IMO be deprecated, with a compiler switch to turn off deprecation when compiling Chicken itself.  --John Cowan

Refactoring the scheduler

One missing ability in the scheduler is for threads to block on more than one object. This would allow us to generalise file-select to ports.

Refactoring the I/O (ports) system

Currently, ports are somewhat ill-defined: they're a hand-coded record type with a bunch of slots, with comments indicating which slot is used for what. It would be cleaner and easier to understand the code if this was changed to a "proper" record type.

Recently I discovered that set-file-position! does not work on string ports. Port position should be part of the official interface, so that this is extensible, and if a port implements it, it can be rewound. This makes sense at least for file-backed ports and string ports.

* Well, not all file-backed ports are seekable.  --John Cowan

This is also a good opportunity to look at why I/O is so slow.

Integrating the full numeric tower

Obvious, but a lot of work which will probably result in a long tail of fallout (issues, bugs, missing support).

Important TODOs (most of which can be done inside the numbers egg):

Once we get around to implementing this, the main task is going through the entire C API and converting all the inline and non-allocating operations to CPS, and/or make them accept an allocation pointer.

String encoding

This at least needs some additional thought. Do we want to make UTF-8 the "official" encoding? If so, ideally, all string operations should reject invalidly encoded byte sequences (should we still allow NUL bytes to be represented?). What to do with the Unicode case folding lookup tables, string-ref?

* Go full Unicode.  If Chibi can do it, so can we.  R7RS is factored to push the big Unicode tables into (scheme char).  However, IMO the NUL character is completely worthless as a character: it has no semantics worth mentioning.  We can forbid it in strings, as R7RS-small allows.  --John Cowan

If we go full Unicode, the SRFI-4/blob types might need some attention, because strings can no longer be (ab)used as byte vectors.

Why are there both u8vectors and blobs? IMO they should be the same thing, and should be R7RS bytevectors. I'm working on a R7RS-large numeric vector library that allows either SRFI 4 style (separate data types for different kinds) or the style used in later SRFIs and R6RS (everything is just a view on top of bytevectors). --John Cowan

Rewrite chicken-install and make setup-files declarative

This will make it easier to make eggs statically compilable, cross-compile them and perhaps integrate them into other build systems. It will also mean that setup-files won't be running arbitrary Scheme code as root, which means it's more trustworthy.

* A possible approach would be to create a module that exports only the list of things we want to support in setup-files.  Then they will begin with {{(module () (use setup-files)}} and can still be executed, but only the whitelisted operations will be permitted.  --John Cowan

Another thing we need is to make files installed by eggs more explicitly registered: currently "chicken-uninstall" will simply remove all libraries that have the given name as a prefix.

Determine how to make CHICKEN 4 eggs live alongside CHICKEN 5 eggs

Currently, "THE SYSTEM" does not have any special considerations for the major CHICKEN release used. This could be considered an oversight. To make it possible to continue using CHICKEN 4 eggs while CHICKEN 5 is being developed and matured, there needs to be some sort of way to do this.

Currently, we have the master list of available eggs, which lives in the svn repo. THE SYSTEM is extremely simple and doesn't really care much about how eggs are supplied, so we could just fire up a second instance of henrietta-cache which fetches from a different master list containing the CHICKEN 5 eggs. However, what can we do to make life easier for egg maintainers?

The official CHICKEN egg repo (SVN) already has taken care of this due to the /release/N namespacing. The thing that needs to be changed is the location of the henrietta CGI, to include a version number, or we could add an extra URL parameter and teach it about the versions.

For user repos, a simple way is to simply start a second repository and call it a day. However, this will probably result in awkward names. Making a new branch results in the same problem: the master branch would correspond to an outdated release!

The simplest approach: just carry on

Just continuing in the old repository is possible, if no new releases need to be tagged for the old CHICKEN release. This mostly precludes emergency bugfix releases, but these could be continued on a different branch (release-info only takes into account tarballs which get generated from a tag name, after all!).

To prevent version tag clashes, the egg's major version should be bumped for CHICKEN 5. Let's take for example an egg which has released 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3 for CHICKEN 4. If we bump the major version, we can release 2.0, 2.1, etc for CHICKEN 5. If an important bugfix needs to be made for the CHICKEN 4 version, we can continue with 1.4. If we don't bump the major version, the egg would be forced to use micro version numbers for those, like 1.3.1. Both approaches are fine, depending on how much effort is expected to be put into the "old" branch.

The old release-info file will be untouched and continue to be used by the CHICKEN 4 version of Henrietta-cache. For CHICKEN 5, a new file is made (ie myegg.chicken-5.release-info) which starts out empty, and as new releases are made will continue with the number where the CHICKEN 4 branch left off.

Rework each egg's release namespace

Another, possibly cleaner, approach is the following:

This way, new eggs and old eggs will always have the master branch point to the active version. It does mean a little bit more work on every major release.

To avoid having to clear the release-info file every time, we could also extend it to include a major release version number (and if it's missing, assume "4"?). This means the release-info file would list both CHICKEN 4 and CHICKEN 5 (and later CHICKEN 6) releases in the same file. This might make maintenance a little easier, but requires a small change in henrietta-cache.

* IMO the brains should be in henrietta.  --John Cowan