1. CHICKEN hackers guide
    1. Getting the sources
    2. Building
    3. Versions
    4. Releases
    5. Documentation
    6. Mailing lists

CHICKEN hackers guide

This document is intended to provide some guidance for those who want to work on the chicken compiler and core libraries.

Getting the sources

See the http://code.call-cc.org page for instructions about how to get the development version of CHICKEN.


To build chicken, change into the source directory and follow the directions in the README file.

Some notes:


There are several versions that identify a particular chicken installation:


Files added to the distribution tarball must be listed in the distribution/manifest file. You must add any files that are to distributed in that file.

For information on the current CHICKEN release policy, please see release-policy.


The README should contain all required information to build the system, there is not a separate INSTALL file. Platform-specific information is kept at the end and should be reasonably up-to-date.

All user-visible changes between releases should be noted down in the NEWS file, to make it easy to see things to look out for or new features to explore.

The user's manual is kept in svnwiki format in manual/. The manual pages are a copy of the manual found at The User's Manual and should contain the complete documentation of everything implemented in this particular branch (or trunk) of the system you have checked out. Once a release is made, the changes from the manual/ directory should be merged back into the wiki proper (the wiki/ directory in the toplevel of the svn repository).

Please add all contributors and bug reporters to the Acknowledgements file in the manual. We should make sure contributors get the respect they deserve, unless someone explicitly doesn't want to get mentioned there.

Mailing lists

The chicken-hackers mailing list is the place to discuss implementation issues and subjects of hacking the core system.

chicken-users should be reserved for questions about CHICKEN in general and its extensions.

Finally, chicken-janitors collects daily maintenance information. Here automatic builds and post-commit egg uploads report problems or news to this list as well.