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Nokia 770

The following will describe how to get a Chicken interpreter up and running on a Nokia 770.

  1. The first step after buying a 770 is to gain root and add SSH capabilities. This will allow you to remotely login to the device and run Chicken.
  2. To build Chicken install scratchbox according to the following [[|instructions]. You should then have a cross compilation environment suitable for building both Chicken & Eggs.
  3. Build Chicken with the normal autotools sequence and build any eggs.
  4. Copy the interpreter to /usr/bin and the shared library to /usr/lib.
scp /usr/local/bin/csi root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/bin/
scp /usr/local/lib/ root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/lib
  1. Add symbolic links for the library.
ln -s
ln -s
  1. Copy any eggs over and set the environment variable CHICKEN_REPOSITORY if necessary.
export CHICKEN_REPOSITORY=/usr/lib/chicken/1
scp /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/ root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/lib/chicken/1
  1. Fire up Chicken and test an egg.
Nokia770-39:~# csi

  ___| |    _)      |
 |     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 |     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2.5 - linux-unix-gnu-arm - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
#;1> (use packedobjects)
; loading /usr/lib/chicken/1/ ...
#;2> (define p '(b bit-string (size 8)))
#;3> (define po (packedobjects p))
#;4> (po 'pack '(b "10101010"))
#;5> (po 'unpack)
(b "10101010")