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A FUSE interface.

Installation requires a libfuse library and headers with API version 26 and CHICKEN 4.8.0 or newer.

The source for this extension is available at BitBucket.


This extension is not yet stable! It has only been lightly tested and its interface is subject to change. I'd appreciate feedback and suggestions regarding its API.


[record] filesystem
[procedure] (filesystem? object) -> boolean

A filesystem is an opaque, defstruct-style record type representing a set of FUSE filesystem operations.

[procedure] (make-filesystem #!key <operation> ...) -> filesystem

Create a FUSE filesystem.

The keyword arguments to make-filesystem specify the resulting filesystem's callback procedures. Each <operation> should be one the following:

(procedure path mode) -> value
(procedure path mode) -> value
(procedure uid gid) -> value
(procedure path mode) -> value
(procedure) -> void
(procedure path) -> (or (vector mode nlink uid gid size atime ctime mtime) #f)
(procedure) -> void
(procedure path path) -> value
(procedure path mode) -> value
(procedure path mode) -> value
(procedure path mode) -> (or handle #f)
(procedure path) -> (or (list path ...) value)
(procedure path) -> (or path #f)
(procedure handle size offset) -> (or size string value)
(procedure handle) -> value
(procedure path path) -> value
(procedure path) -> value
(procedure path path) -> value
(procedure path) -> value
(procedure path) -> value
(procedure path atime mtime) -> value
(procedure handle string offset) -> (or size string value)

offset, size, mode, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, ctime and mtime are numeric values with the obvious meanings. A path is a pathname string.

A value may be any Scheme object and indicates whether the filesystem operation was successful. When #f, the filesystem will indicate a nonexistent file (ENOENT); any other value indicates success. Callbacks should signal other types of failure by raising an appropriate errno(3) value. For example, to signal insufficient permissions, an access: operation should (raise errno/perm).

A handle may be any Scheme object and represents a file handle. When returned as the result of an open: callback, this value is provided to that file's subsequent read:, write: and release: operations. Note that this object is evicted until the corresponding file is closed, so it is more efficient (as well as memory-safe) to use simple values as file handles; the same caveats that apply to object-evict apply here. release: is guaranteed to be called once for every successful open:, while read: and write: should be prepared to be called multiple times with diverse offset values.

[procedure] (start-filesystem path filesystem) -> object

Mount filesystem at the given path.

path should be a pathname string indicating an empty directory.

On success, this procedure will block until the filesystem is unmounted, at which point it will return a non-false value. This may occur due to a signal, a call to stop-filesystem, or a user manually running fusermount -u path.

On failure, it will return #f immediately.

The effective exception handler for the filesystem's operations at path is that of start-filesystem's dynamic environment, and must always return with a suitable errno(3) integer value. Failure to do so may result in orphaned mounts, infinite loops, and locusts.

[procedure] (stop-filesystem path filesystem) -> void

Unmount filesystem from the given path.

path should be a pathname string and must exactly match the value provided to start-filesystem when the filesystem was mounted (according to string=?).

If the given filesystem isn't currently mounted at path, this procedure is a noop.

[constant] file/fifo
[constant] file/chr
[constant] file/blk
[constant] file/reg
[constant] file/dir
[constant] file/lnk
[constant] file/sock

These values correspond to the S_IF* flags specified by stat(2). They're not FUSE-specific, but may be useful when defining getattr: callbacks.


Evan Hanson


Copyright (c) 2013, 3-Clause BSD.