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Bindings to OpenGL with GLEW extension loading.

Chicken's other opengl bindings are based on the old fixed function pipeline OpenGL. These bindings generated by bind with the OpenGL core header file. Additionally, bindings to GLEW are provided for extension management.

The opengl-glew egg provides three modules, an eponymous module that provides the main OpenGl and GLEW functionality, gl-math which provides functions for working with matrices (similar to those that are found in GLU), and gl-utils which provides various high-level functions.



All functions and constants from the OpenGL core header file are exported. Scheme style names are provided (underscores and camelCase replaced with hyphens), the gl prefix is removed from names, is functions are given question marks, and constants are bookended by +s (e.g. tex-image2d, enabled?, +arb-viewport-array+).

Functions whose C counterparts accept or return GLboolean accept or return a Scheme boolean value. Do not pass +true+ or +false+ to these functions.

GLEW functions

[procedure] (init)

Required to initialize GLEW/OpenGL. An OpenGL context must be created before this is called.

[procedure] (supported? EXTENSION-NAME)

Query whether the OpenGL extension, given as a string, is supported.

GL helper functions

The functions in this section are part of the opengl-glew module, rather than gl-utils because they either provide a direct interface to an OpenGL function in a more Scheme-like fashion, or they simplify fundamental operations that rarely must be performed differently.

[procedure] (make-shader TYPE SOURCE)

Creates and compiles a shader object given the shader's type (e.g. +vertex-shader+, +geometry-shader+, +fragment-shader), and a string containing the GLSL source. Returns an integer representing the ID of the shader.

[procedure] (make-program SHADER-LIST [PROGRAM-ID])

Creates and links a program object, given a list of shader objects (i.e. the integers returned by make-shader. Returns an integer representing the ID of the program.

Accepts an optional PROGRAM-ID argument. If given, make-program will use this ID rather than generating a new one.

[procedure] (gen-buffer)
[procedure] (gen-framebuffer)
[procedure] (gen-program-pipeline)
[procedure] (gen-query)
[procedure] (gen-renderbuffer)
[procedure] (gen-sampler)
[procedure] (gen-texture)
[procedure] (gen-transform-feedback)
[procedure] (gen-vertex-array)

Analogous to their pluralized counterparts, but only generates and returns one (integer) object.

[procedure] (delete-buffer BUFFER)
[procedure] (delete-framebuffer FRAMEBUFFER)
[procedure] (delete-program-pipeline PROGRAM-PIPELINE)
[procedure] (delete-query QUERY)
[procedure] (delete-renderbuffer RENDERBUFFER)
[procedure] (delete-sampler SAMPLER)
[procedure] (delete-texture TEXTURE)
[procedure] (delete-transform-feedback TRANSFORM-FEEDBACK)
[procedure] (delete-vertex-array VERTEX-ARRAY)

Analogous to their pluralized counterparts, but only accepts and deletes one (integer) object.

[procedure] (check-error)

Performs get-error (glGetError) and prints the error type when an error is returned.


gl-math provides a number of functions for working with 4x4 matrices (plus a handful of others). The functionality is similar to what can be found in the glm egg, but with some notable differences:

Additionally, gl-math is one fifth the compiled size of glm, has a more straight-forward code-base, and complete documentation.

gl-math expects matrices to be f32vectors or pointers. f32vectors must be 16 elements long. The memory pointed to should likewise be an array of 16 floats. If a function accepts more than one matrix, all matrices must be of the same type.

gl-math operates on matrices in a column-major fashion in correspondence with OpenGL (e.g. translation components are at indices 12, 13, and 14).

[procedure] (print-mat4 MATRIX)

Prints the given MATRIX to (current-output-port).

[procedure] (m* A B [RESULT])

Multiply matrix A by matrix B. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the results of the multiplication. If RESULT is #t, A and B must be f32vectors and the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, A and B must be f32vectors and the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (mat4-identity [RESULT])

Return an identity matrix. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (translate X Y Z MATRIX)

Translate MATRIX by X, Y, and Z.

[procedure] (rotate-x ANGLE MATRIX)

Rotate MATRIX around the x-axis by ANGLE radians.

[procedure] (rotate-y ANGLE MATRIX)

Rotate MATRIX around the y-axis by ANGLE radians.

[procedure] (rotate-z ANGLE MATRIX)

Rotate MATRIX around the z-axis by ANGLE radians.

[procedure] (rotate X Y Z ANGLE MATRIX)

Rotate MATRIX around the vector given by X, Y, and Z by ANGLE radians.

[procedure] (scale-2d SCALE-X SCALE-Y MATRIX)

Scale the x and y axis of MATRIX by SCALE-X and SCALE-Y.

[procedure] (scale-3d SCALE-X SCALE-Y SCALE-Z MATRIX)

Scale the x, y, and z axis of MATRIX by SCALE-X, SCALE-Y, and SCALE-Z.

[procedure] (scale SCALE MATRIX)

Scale the x, y, and z axis of MATRIX by SCALE.

[procedure] (flip-x MATRIX)

Flip (mirror) MATRIX along the x-axis.

[procedure] (flip-y MATRIX)

Flip (mirror) MATRIX along the y-axis.

[procedure] (flip-z MATRIX)

Flip (mirror) MATRIX along the z-axis.

[procedure] (translate-scale X Y Z SCALE [RESULT])

Efficiently create a matrix translated by X, Y, and Z then scaled by SCALE. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (translate-rotate-scale-2d X Y Z ANGLE SCALE [RESULT])

Efficiently create a matrix translated by X, Y, and Z, rotated around the z-axis by ANGLE radians, then scaled by SCALE. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (translate-rotate-scale X Y Z RX RY RZ ANGLE SCALE [RESULT])

Efficiently create a matrix translated by X, Y, and Z, rotated ANGLE radians around the axis defined by (RX, RY, RZ), then scaled by SCALE. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (transpose MATRIX [RESULT])

Transpose MATRIX. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, MATRIX must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, MATRIX must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (inverse MATRIX [RESULT])

Invert MATRIX. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, MATRIX must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, MATRIX must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (ortho WIDTH HEIGHT NEAR FAR [RESULT])

Create an orthographic projection matrix. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (perspective WIDTH HEIGHT NEAR FAR ANGLE [RESULT])

Create an perspective projection matrix. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.


Create a view-frustum matrix. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (look-at EYE-X EYE-Y EYE-Z X Y Z UP-X UP-Y UP-Z [RESULT])

Create a “look-at” style camera matrix. The camera is positioned at (EYE-X, EYE-Y, EYE-Z), pointing towards (X, Y, Z). (UP-X, UP-Y, UP-Z) defines the camera’s up vector. If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (camera-inverse CAMERA [RESULT])

Invert CAMERA in an efficient fashion. This allows the camera to be constructed in an intuitive fashion by translating and rotating before inverting in order to position the scene properly. This function is far faster than the general inverse function, but the matrix CAMERA must only be a matrix representing a translation and a rotation (no scaling). If the matrix RESULT is given, it will be modified to contain the result. If RESULT is #t, CAMERA must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in non-garbage collected memory (the memory will still be freed when there are no more references to the matrix). If RESULT is not provided, CAMERA must be an f32vector and the returned value will be an f32vector located in normal garbage collected memory.

[procedure] (cross-product AX AY AZ BX BY BZ)

Return the result of the cross product between the vectors (AX, AY, AZ) and (BX, BY, BZ). The resulting vector is returned as three values.

[procedure] (dot-product AX AY AZ BX BY BZ)

Return the result of the dot product between the vectors (AX, AY, AZ) and (BX, BY, BZ).

[procedure] (normalize X Y Z)

Return the normalized vector (X, Y, Z). The resulting vector is returned as three values.

[procedure] (degrees->radians ANGLE)

Converts ANGLE from degrees to radians.

[procedure] (radians->degrees ANGLE)

Converts ANGLE from radians to degrees.


gl-utils provides functions for creating VAOs, and loading PLY files.


make-vao generalizes the typically repetitious code used to initialize vertex attribute objects. It deals with the case of having packed vertex data (VERTEX-DATA) and a vector of indices (INDEX-DATA) for those vertexes. This data may be passed as any sort of (srfi-4) vector or a blob.

ATTRIBUTES is the list of data necessary for the vertex attributes, in the form of ((LOCATION TYPE N [normalize?: NORMALIZE?]) ...). LOCATION is the attribute location, TYPE is the type of data corresponding to the given attribute, given as a keyword. For possible types, see type->gl-type. N is the number of elements for the given attribute. The keyword normalize?: accepts a boolean argument which instructs OpenGL to normalize the attribute or not. Defaults to #f.

The optional USAGE must be one of +stream-data+, +stream-read+, stream-copy, +static-data+, +static-read+, static-copy, +dynamic-data+, +dynamic-read+, dynamic-copy. Defaults to +static-draw+.

make-vao returns the ID of a vertex array object. This object should be deleted with delete-vertex-array when no longer used. Intermediate vertex buffers are generated and deleted, thus only the returned vertex array ID needs to be managed.

[procedure] (load-ply FILE BUFFER-SPEC)

Loads a PLY file. FILE is a path that may be pointing to a gziped PLY file. BUFFER-SPEC is a list in the form ((NAME VARS) ...) where NAME is the name of an element in the PLY file and VARS is either a list of property names or, in the case of a property list, a single name. Two values are returned: a list of u8vectors which correspond to the buffers named in BUFFER-SPEC and a list of the elements that are in the PLY file in the form of:

   (element-name n-elements (property-name property-type))

Or, when an element is a property list:

   (element-name n-elements (property-name (list: list-length-type element-type)))

The buffers returned are packed with the contents of the properties named in the BUFFER-SPEC. Thus, for a PLY file that has element vertex with properties float x, float y, float z, float confidence, uchar r, uchar g, and uchar b, as well as a nelement face with a property list uchar ushort vertex_index, the following BUFFER-SPEC could be used:

   (load-ply "example.ply.gz" '((vertex: (x y z r g b)) (face: vertex_index)))

This buffer spec would result in a list of two u8vectors being returned: one with the packed elements corresponding to properties x, y, z, r, g, and b (with the corresponding property types), and the second containing the vertex indices.

[procedure] (load-ply-vao FILE vertex: VERTEX face: FACE)

Similar to load-ply, but returns a number of values:

FILE is a PLY file (which may be gziped). The PLY file must contain at least the elements vertex and face (other elements will be ignored). VERTEX is a list of (attribute-location property-name ...) elements, which specifies how the vertex buffers of the VAO will be arranged. All properties named by each element of VERTEX must be of the same type. FACE is the name of the face property list.

Again, for a PLY file that has element vertex with properties float x, float y, float z, float confidence, uchar r, uchar g, and uchar b, as well as a element face with a property list uchar ushort vertex_index, the following could be used:

   (load-ply-vao "example.ply" vertex: `((,vertex-location x y z) 
                                         (,color-location r g b))
                               face: vertex_index)
[procedure] (type->gl-type TYPE)

Converts the keyword TYPE into a OpenGL type enum value. Accepted types (grouped by synonyms) are:

Vectors (srfi-4)

gl-utils reexports a version of srfi-4 that gives preference to vectors being created in non-garbage collected memory. This is useful for use with OpenGL, since it is often desirable to pass vectors to OpenGL that will remain in one place. All srfi-4 functions not mentioned below are reexported without changes.

The NNNvector and list->NNNvector constructors have been modified so that they return vectors in non-garbage collected memory.

The make-NNNvector constructors act as their srfi-4 counterparts, except they now return vectors in non-garbage collected memory by default.


This example depends on the glfw3 egg for window and context creation.

(import chicken scheme)
(use (prefix glfw3 glfw:) (prefix opengl-glew gl:) gl-math gl-utils)

(define *vertex* 
#version 330
in vec2 vertex;
in vec3 color;
out vec3 c;
uniform mat4 MVP;

void main(){
   gl_Position = MVP * vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0);
   c = color;

(define *fragment*
#version 330
in vec3 c;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main(){
  fragColor = vec4(c, 1.0);

(define vertex-data (f32vector -1 -1 1 0 0
                               1 -1 0 1 0
                               1 1 0 0 1
                               -1 1 1 0 1))

(define index-data (u16vector 0 1 2
                              0 2 3))

(define vao (make-parameter #f))

(define program (make-parameter #f))

(define projection-matrix
  (perspective 640 480 0.1 100 70))

(define view-matrix
  (look-at 1 0 3
           0 0 0
           0 1 0))

(define model-matrix (mat4-identity))

(define (render)
  (gl:use-program (program))
  (gl:uniform-matrix4fv (gl:get-uniform-location (program) "MVP")
                        1 #f
                        (m* projection-matrix
                            (m* view-matrix model-matrix)))
  (gl:bind-vertex-array (vao))
  (gl:draw-elements-base-vertex gl:+triangles+ 6 (type->gl-type ushort:) #f 0)

  (gl:bind-vertex-array 0))

(glfw:with-window (640 480 "Example" resizable: #f)

  (print (gl:supported? "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object"))

  (set! *vertex* (gl:make-shader gl:+vertex-shader+ *vertex*))
  (set! *fragment* (gl:make-shader gl:+fragment-shader+ *fragment*))

  (program (gl:make-program (list *vertex* *fragment*)))

  (vao (make-vao vertex-data index-data
                 `((,(gl:get-attrib-location (program) "vertex") float: 2)
                   (,(gl:get-attrib-location (program) "color") float: 3))))
  (let loop ()
     (glfw:swap-buffers (glfw:window))
     (gl:clear (bitwise-ior gl:+color-buffer-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+))
     (unless (glfw:window-should-close (glfw:window))

Version history

Version 0.5.0

3 June 2014

Version 0.4.4

2 June 2014

Version 0.4.3

30 May 2014

Version 0.4.2

24 May 2014

Version 0.4.1

12 May 2014

Version 0.4.0

11 May 2014

Version 0.3.0

Version 0.2.0

Version 0.1.0

Source repository

Source available on GitHub.

Bug reports and patches welcome! Bugs can be reported via GitHub or to alex.n.charlton at gmail.


Alex Charlton
