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Shows text-mode progress-indicators.


 (require-extension progress-indicators)




[procedure] (make-progress-bar #!key fill empty head frame value max width port end-message)

Creates an object representing a progress-bar. The keyword arguments customize the appearance of the progress-bar, when it is shown and default to the following values:

fill #\=
empty #\space
head #\>
frame "[~a~a~a~a|~a]"
max 100
width 60
port (current-output-port)
end-message " finished"
[procedure] (progress-bar? X)

Returns #t if X is an object representing a progress-bar, or #f otherwise.

[procedure] (progress-bar-value PBAR)

Returns the current value of the given progress bar. You can also use SRFI-17 "setter" syntax to modify the current value (causing a redisplay):

 (set! (progress-bar-value PBAR) VALUE)
[procedure] (show-progress-bar PBAR)

Redisplays the progress-bar PBAR.

[procedure] (advance-progress-bar! PBAR [AMOUNT])

Increases the current value of the progress-bar PBAR by AMOUNT, which defaults to 1 and redisplays it.

[procedure] (finish-progress-bar! PBAR)

Sets the value of PBAR to the maximum, writes the end-message and prints a newline. The progress-bar should not be reused after this procedure has been called.

[procedure] (make-spinner #!key value port steps)

Creates an object representing a "spinner" progress-indicator. The keyword arguments customize the appearance of the progress-bar, when it is shown and default to the following values:

steps "[~a~a~a|~a]"
port (current-output-port)
[procedure] (spinner? X)

Returns #t if X is an object representing a spinner, or #f otherwise.

[procedure] (advance-spinner! SPINNER)

Advances the given spinner by 1 step and redisplays it.

[procedure] (finish-spinner! SPINNER)

Clears the spinner. It should not be used after this procedure has been called.


felix winkelmann


This code is placed into the public domain.

Version History

initial release