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A flonum matrix module for CHICKEN Scheme.

matrico Functions

[procedure] (matrico-ver)

returns pair holding major and minor version number of the matrico module.

[procedure] (matrico-cite)

returns void, prints citation to terminal.

[procedure] (matrico-about)

returns void, prints help text to terminal.

[procedure] (matrico? sym)

returns boolean answering if symbol sym is an existing function starting with "mx" and prints its docstring.

Matrix Type

[type] matrix

a list-of-f64vectors (flonum-)matrix type. This record type is not directly accessible, and can only be manipulated through "mx-" functions.

Matrix Generators

[procedure] (mx rows cols val)

returns rows-by-cols matrix with all entries set to flonum val for positive fixnums rows and cols.

[procedure] (mx% lst)

returns matrix from row-major list-of-lists-flonums lst.

[procedure] (mx-identity dims)

returns dims-by-dims identity matrix for a positive fixnum dims.

[procedure] (mx-exchange dims)

returns dims-by-dims exchange matrix for a positive fixnum dims.

[procedure] (mx-hilbert dims)

returns dims-by-dims Hilbert matrix for a positive fixnum dims.

[procedure] (mx-pascal dims)

returns dims-by-dims (lower triangular) Pascal matrix for a positive fixnum dims.

[procedure] (mx-lehmer rows cols)

returns rows-by-cols Lehmer matrix for the positive fixnums rows and cols.

[procedure] (mx-random rows cols low upp)

returns rows-by-cols uniformly distributed random matrix in the interval flonum low to flonum upp for the positive fixnums rows and cols.

[procedure] (mx-tridiag dims low mid upp)

returns dims-by-dims matrix with lower, main, upper band entries given by the flonums low, mid, upp for a positive fixnum dims.

[procedure] (mx-linspace x y num)

returns matrix of positive fixnum num row-wise linearly spaced entries with endpoints given by flonums or column-matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-logspace x y num)

returns matrix of positive fixnum num row-wise (base-10) logarithmic spaced entries with endpoints given by flonums or column matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-unit rows num)

returns dims-by-one matrix with of zeros except the positive fixnum num entry set to one for a positive fixnum dims, aka canonical base vector.

[procedure] (mx-iota dims)

returns dims-by-one matrix with entries set to corresponding row index for a positive fixnum dims.

Matrix Dimensions

[procedure] (mx-cols mat)

returns fixnum of columns of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-rows mat)

returns fixnum of rows of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-numel mat)

returns fixnum of entries of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-dims mat)

returns fixnum of dimensions of matrix mat.

Matrix Predicates

[procedure] (mx? any)

returns boolean answering if any is a matrix.

[procedure] (mx-col? mat)

returns boolean answering if matrix mat has only a single column.

[procedure] (mx-row? mat)

returns boolean answering if matrix mat has only a single row.

[procedure] (mx-scalar? mat)

returns boolean answering if matrix mat has only a single row and single column.

[procedure] (mx-vector? mat)

returns boolean answering if matrix mat has only a single row or single column.

[procedure] (mx-square? mat)

returns boolean answering if matrix mat has the same number of rows and columns.

[procedure] (mx-samecols? x y)

returns boolean answering if matrixes x and y have same number of columns.

[procedure] (mx-samerows? x y)

returns boolean answering if matrixes x and y have same number of rows.

[procedure] (mx-samedim? x y)

returns boolean answering if matrixes x and y have same number of columns and rows.

[procedure] (mx-any? pred mat)

returns boolean answering if any entry of matrix mat fulfills predicate procedure pred.

[procedure] (mx-all? pred mat)

returns boolean answering if all entries of matrix mat fulfills predicate procedure pred.

[procedure] (mx=? x y tol)

returns boolean answering if all entry-wise distances between matrixes x and y are below tolerance flonum `tol`.

Matrix Accessors

[procedure] (mx-ref11 mat)

returns flonum being the entry in the first row and first column of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-ref mat row col)

returns flonum being matrix mat entry in row and column specified by fixnums row, col.

[procedure] (mx-col mat col)

returns matrix being matrix mat column specified by fixnum col.

[procedure] (mx-row mat row)

returns matrix being matrix mat row specified by fixnum row.

[procedure] (mx-submatrix mat row1 row2 col1 col2)

returns matrix holding entries of matrix mat in rows specified by fixnums row1 to row2 and columns specified by fixnums col1 to col2.

[procedure] (mx-diag mat)

returns column-matrix holding square matrix mat diagonal entries.

[procedure] (mx-set! mat row col val)

returns void, sets entry of matrix mat in row and column specified by fixnums row and col to flonum or one-by-one matrix val.

Matrix Expanders

[procedure] (mx+ x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise addition of matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx* x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise multiplication of matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx- x)

returns matrix of entry-wise negation of matrix x.

[procedure] (mx- x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise subtraction of matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx/ x)

returns matrix of entry-wise reciprocal of matrix x.

[procedure] (mx/ x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise division of matrixes x by y.

[procedure] (mx*2 x)

returns matrix of entry-wise doubling of matrix x.

[procedure] (mx^2 x)

returns matrix of entry-wise squaring of matrix x.

[procedure] (mx^ x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise exponentiation matrixes x to the y.

[procedure] (mx-log b x)

returns matrix of entry-wise base matrix b logarithms of matrix x.

[procedure] (mx-where pred x y)

returns matrix of entries of matrixes x or y based on predicate procedure pred.

[procedure] (mx*+ a x y)

returns matrix of entry-wise generalized addition of flonum a times matrix x plus matrix y.

Matrix Mappers

Entry-Wise Rounding Functions

[procedure] (mx-round mat)

returns matrix with entries of matrix mat rounded to nearest integer.

[procedure] (mx-floor mat)

returns matrix with entries of matrix mat rounded to nearest upper integer.

[procedure] (mx-ceil mat)

returns matrix with entries of matrix mat rounded to nearest lower integer.

Entry-Wise Generalized Functions

[procedure] (mx-abs mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise absolute value of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-sign mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise sign of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-delta mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise Kronecker delta of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Trigonometric Functions

[procedure] (mx-sin mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise sine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-cos mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise cosine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-tan mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise tangent of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Inverse Trigonometric Functions

[procedure] (mx-asin mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse sine of matrix mat, aka arcsine.

[procedure] (mx-acos mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse cosine of matrix mat, aka arccosine.

[procedure] (mx-atan mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse tangent of matrix mat, aka arctangent.

Entry-Wise Hyperbolic Functions

[procedure] (mx-sinh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise hyperbolic sine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-cosh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise hyperbolic cosine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-tanh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise hyperbolic tangent of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

[procedure] (mx-asinh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse hyperbolic sine of matrix mat, aka area hyperbolic sine.

[procedure] (mx-acosh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse hyperbolic cosine of matrix mat, aka area hyperbolic cosine.

[procedure] (mx-atanh mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise inverse hyperbolic tangent of matrix mat, aka area hyperbolic tangent.

Entry-Wise Haversed Trigonometric Functions

[procedure] (mx-hsin mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise haversed sine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-hcos mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise haversed cosine of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Roots

[procedure] (mx-sqrt mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise square root of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-signsqrt mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise sign times square-root of absolute value of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Logarithms

[procedure] (mx-ln mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise natural logarithm of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-lb mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise base-2 logarithm of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-lg mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise base-10 logarithm of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Exponential

[procedure] (mx-exp mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise exponential of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-gauss mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise Gaussian of matrix mat.

Entry-Wise Special Functions

[procedure] (mx-sinc mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise cardinal sine of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-sigm mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise sigmoid of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-stirling mat)

returns matrix with entry-wise Stirling approximation of matrix mat.

Matrix Reducers


[procedure] (mx-rowsum mat)

returns column-matrix of summing row entries of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-colsum mat)

returns row-matrix of summing column entries of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-sum mat)

returns flonum of summing all entries of matrix mat.


[procedure] (mx-rowprod mat)

returns column-matrix of multiplying row entries of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-colprod mat)

returns row-matrix of multiplying column entries of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-prod mat)

returns flonum of multiplying all entries of matrix mat.


[procedure] (mx-rowmin mat)

returns column-matrix of row-wise minima of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-colmin mat)

returns row-matrix of column-wise minima of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-min mat)

returns flonum minimum of all matrix mat entries.


[procedure] (mx-rowmax mat)

returns column-matrix of row-wise maxima of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-colmax mat)

returns row-matrix of column-wise maxima of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-max mat)

returns flonum maximum of all matrix mat entries.


[procedure] (mx-rowmidrange mat)

returns column-matrix of row-wise midrange of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-colmidrange mat)

returns row-matrix of column-wise midrange of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-midrange mat)

returns flonum midrange of all matrix mat entries.


[procedure] (mx-rowmean mat typ)

returns column-matrix of row-wise power means of matrix mat of type symbol typ, which can be -1, 0, 1, 2, or 'inf.

[procedure] (mx-colmean mat typ)

returns row-matrix of column-wise power means of matrix mat of type symbol typ, which can be -1, 0, 1, 2, or 'inf.

[procedure] (mx-mean mat typ)

returns flonum power mean of all matrix mat entries of type symbol typ, which can be -1, 0, 1, 2, or 'inf.


[procedure] (mx-rownorm mat typ)

returns column matrix of row-wise matrix norms of matrix mat of type symbol typ, which can be 1, 2, or 'inf.

[procedure] (mx-colnorm mat typ)

returns row matrix of column-wise matrix norms of matrix mat of type symbol typ, which can be 1, 2, or 'inf.

[procedure] (mx-norm mat typ)

returns flonum matrix norms of matrix mat of type symbol typ, which can be 1, 'inf, 'fro, or 'max.

Linear Algebra

[procedure] (mx-horcat x y)

returns matrix of horizontally concatenated matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-vercat x y)

returns matrix of vertically concatenated matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-vec mat)

returns matrix of vertically concatenated columns of matrix mat, aka vectorization.

[procedure] (mx-transpose mat)

returns matrix of entries of matrix mat with swapped row and column indices.

[procedure] (mx-sympart mat)

returns matrix being symmetric part of square matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-skewpart mat)

returns matrix being skey-symmetric part of square matrix mat, aka anti-symmetric part.

[procedure] (mx-diagonal mat)

returns diagonal matrix from column matrix mat.

Linear Problems

[procedure] (mx-qr mat)

returns pair of orthogonal matrix (Q) and upper right triangular matrix (R) factoring full column rank argument matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-solver mat)

function returning column-matrix solving the linear (least-squares) problem of matrix mat and for argument column-matrix vec.

[procedure] (mx-solve mat vec)

returns column-matrix solving the linear problem of matrix mat and column-matrix vec.

[procedure] (mx-absdet mat)

returns flonum being absolute value of the determinant of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-logdet mat)

returns flonum being the logarithm of the determinant of matrix mat.


[procedure] (mx-trace mat)

returns flonum being sum of square matrix mat diagonal entries.

[procedure] (mx-multrace mat)

returns flonum being product of square matrix mat diagonal entries.

[procedure] (mx-prodtrace* x yt)

returns flonum being the trace of the matrix product of matrix x and transposed matrix yt.

[procedure] (mx-prodtrace x y)

returns flonum being the trace of the matrix product of matrixes x and y.

Matrix Multiplication

[procedure] (mx-scalar x y)

returns flonum resulting from scalar product of column-matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-dot* xt y)

returns matrix resulting from matrix multiplication of transposed matrix xt and matrix y.

[procedure] (mx-dot x y)

returns matrix resulting from matrix multiplication of matrixes x and y.

[procedure] (mx-gram mat)

returns matrix resulting from matrix multiplication of transposed matrix mat with itself, aka Gram matrix.

[procedure] (mx-gram* mat)

returns matrix resulting from matrix multiplication of matrix mat with itself transposed.

[procedure] (mx-square mat)

returns matrix resulting from matrix multiplication of matrix mat with itself.

Multivariate Statistics

[procedure] (mx-xcov x y)

returns matrix of cross-covariances of matrixes x and y, representing columns of observations.

[procedure] (mx-cov mat)

returns matrix of covariances of matrix mat, representing columns of observations.

[procedure] (mx-std mat)

returns column matrix of standard deviations of matrix mat, representing columns of observations.

[procedure] (mx-xcor x y)

returns matrix of cross-correlations of matrixes x and y, representing columns of observations.

[procedure] (mx-cor mat)

returns matrix of correlations of matrix mat, representing columns of observations.

[procedure] (mx-coher x y)

returns flonum of distance coherence between matrixes x and y.


[procedure] (mx-diff mat)

returns matrix of differences of consecutives columns of matrix mat.

[procedure] (mx-trapz mat)

returns column-matrix trapezoid approximate integral of matrix mat being columns data-points of rows-dimensional function.

[procedure] (mx-ode2-hyp num fun x0 dt tf)

returns states-times-steps matrix trajectory solving an ordinary differential equation, by a 2nd order hyperbolic Runge-Kutta method of fixnum num stages, with vector field procedure fun, initial state column-matrix x0, time step flonum dt, and time horizon flonum tf.

[procedure] (mx-ode2-ssp num fun x0 dt tf)

returns states-times-steps matrix trajectory solving an ordinary differential equation, by a 2nd order strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta method of fixnum num stages, with vector field procedure fun, initial state column-matrix x0, time step flonum dt, and time horizon flonum tf.

Matrix Utilities

[procedure] (mx-print mat)

returns void, prints matrix mat to terminal.

[procedure] (mx-export str mat)

returns void, writes matrix mat to new comma-separated-value (CSV) file with name string str.

[procedure] (mx-save str mat)

returns void, writes matrix mat to new Scheme (SCM) file with name string str.

[procedure] (mx-load str)

returns matrix loaded from SCM file in relative path specified by string str.


Christian Himpe



Copyright (c) 2022 Christian Himpe. zlib-acknowledgement license

Version History

Initial Release
Major Update (details)