Module (chicken sort)
This module contains several procedures which deal with sorting of sequences (i.e., lists and vectors).
[procedure] (merge LIST1 LIST2 LESS?)[procedure] (merge! LIST1 LIST2 LESS?)
Joins two lists in sorted order. merge! is the destructive version of merge. LESS? should be a procedure of two arguments, that returns true if the first argument is to be ordered before the second argument.
[procedure] (sort SEQUENCE LESS?)[procedure] (sort! SEQUENCE LESS?)
Sort SEQUENCE, which should be a list or a vector. sort! is the destructive version of sort.
[procedure] (sorted? SEQUENCE LESS?)Returns true if the list or vector SEQUENCE is already sorted.
[procedure] (topological-sort DAG PRED)Sorts the directed acyclic graph dag DAG so that for every edge from vertex u to v, u will come before v in the resulting list of vertices.
DAG is a list of sublists. The car of each sublist is a vertex. The cdr is the adjacency list of that vertex, i.e. a list of all vertices to which there exists an edge from the car vertex. pred is procedure of two arguments that should compare vertices for equality.
Time complexity: O (|V| + |E|)
(topological-sort '((shirt tie belt) (tie jacket) (belt jacket) (watch) (pants shoes belt) (undershorts pants shoes) (socks shoes)) eq?) => (socks undershorts pants shoes watch shirt belt tie jacket)
If a cycle is detected during the sorting process, an exception of the condition kinds (exn runtime cycle) is thrown.
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