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Module (chicken time posix)

This module provides procedures for conversion between seconds since the epoch ("POSIX time"), strings and a 10-element vector type containing the distinct time units.


[procedure] (seconds->local-time [SECONDS])

Breaks down the time value represented in SECONDS into a 10 element vector of the form #(seconds minutes hours mday month year wday yday dstflag timezone), in the following format:

seconds (0)
the number of seconds after the minute (0 - 59)
minutes (1)
the number of minutes after the hour (0 - 59)
hours (2)
the number of hours past midnight (0 - 23)
mday (3)
the day of the month (1 - 31)
month (4)
the number of months since january (0 - 11)
year (5)
the number of years since 1900
wday (6)
the number of days since Sunday (0 - 6)
yday (7)
the number of days since January 1 (0 - 365)
dstflag (8)
a flag that is true if Daylight Saving Time is in effect at the time described.
timezone (9)
the difference between UTC and the latest local standard time, in seconds west of UTC.

SECONDS defaults to the value of (current-seconds).


[procedure] (local-time->seconds VECTOR)

Converts the ten-element vector VECTOR representing the time value relative to the current timezone into the number of seconds since the first of January, 1970 UTC.


[procedure] (local-timezone-abbreviation)

Returns the abbreviation for the local timezone as a string.


[procedure] (seconds->string [SECONDS])

Converts the time represented in SECONDS into a local-time string of the form "Tue May 21 13:46:22 1991". SECONDS defaults to the value of (current-seconds).


[procedure] (seconds->utc-time [SECONDS])

Similar to seconds->local-time, but interpretes SECONDS as UTC time. SECONDS defaults to the value of (current-seconds).


[procedure] (utc-time->seconds VECTOR)

Converts the ten-element vector VECTOR representing the UTC time value into the number of seconds since the first of January, 1970 UTC.


[procedure] (time->string VECTOR [FORMAT])

Converts the broken down time represented in the 10 element vector VECTOR into a string of the form represented by the FORMAT string. The default time form produces something like "Tue May 21 13:46:22 1991".

The FORMAT string follows the rules for the C library procedure strftime. The default FORMAT string is "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y".


[procedure] (string->time TIME [FORMAT])

Converts a string of the form represented by the FORMAT string into the broken down time represented in a 10 element vector. The default time form understands something like "Tue May 21 13:46:22 1991".

The FORMAT string follows the rules for the C library procedure strptime. The default FORMAT string is "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y".

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