Ivan Raikov
About me
I am a researcher at Stanford University.
You can reach me at ivan (dot) g (dot) raikov (at) gmail (dot) com.
Chicken Eggs
I'm the author and maintainer of the following Chicken eggs:
- abnf
- agrep
- atlas-lapack
- binary-heap
- blob-record
- bvsp-spline
- byte-blob
- byte-blob-stream
- cis
- csv
- digraph
- dyn-vector
- endian-blob
- ersatz
- filepath
- format-graph
- format-textdiff
- formular
- fpio
- getopt-long
- glpk
- graph-bfs
- graph-cycles
- graph-dfs
- graph-scc
- gts
- html-form
- iexpr
- interp1d
- input-classes
- internet-message
- internet-timestamp
- interval-digraph
- json-abnf
- lexgen
- lognum
- matrix-utils
- mbox
- memcached
- miniML
- mpi
- multidoc
- nemo
- neuromorpho
- npdiff
- object-graph
- plot
- ploticus
- posix-shm
- probdist
- pyffi
- random-mtzig
- random-swb
- random-test
- rb-tree
- sfht
- sigma
- signal-diagram
- smtp
- srfi-4-utils
- static-modules
- strictly-pretty
- suffix-tree
- sundials
- unitconv
- uri-generic
- varsubst
I'm the maintainer (but not the author) of the following Chicken eggs: