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The strictly-pretty library is an implementation of the algebraic pretty printer described by Christian Lindig in his paper Strictly Pretty.
Library procedures
doc?:: OBJECT -> BOOL
A predicate that returns true if the given argument is a pretty-printer object constructed with the procedures in this library.
doc:empty?:: DOC -> BOOL
Returns true if the given document object is empty, false otherwise.
doc:empty:: () -> DOC
Returns an empty document object.
doc:cons:: DOC * DOC -> DOC
Returns a document object that contains the concatenated pair of documents.
doc:text:: STRING -> DOC
Returns a document object that contains the given string.
doc:nest:: INDENT * DOC -> DOC
Returns an inner document group that contains the given document, which will be broken up at the given indentation.
doc:break:: () -> DOC
Returns an optional line break object.
doc:break-with:: STRING -> DOC
Returns an optional line break object that uses the given string to delimit the break.
doc:group:: DOC -> DOC
Returns a document group that contains the given document.
doc:concat:: LST -> DOC
Concatenates the documents in the given list.
doc:binop:: INDENT -> LEFT * OPER * RIGHT -> DOC
A parameterizable formatter for infix binary operation expressions. Given an indentation level INDENT, returns a procedure that takes a left operand (document object), operator (string), and a right operand (document object) and returns a document object that contains the formatted expression.
doc:ifthen:: INDENT * IF * THEN * ELSE -> COND * IFTRUE * IFFALSE -> DOC
A parameterizable formatter for if-then-else expressions. Given an indentation level INDENT, and document objects that represent if,then,else keywords, respectively, returns a procedure that takes a condition (document object), true branch (string), and false branch (document object) and returns a document object that contains the formatted expression.
doc:list:: INDENT * ELEM->DOC * SEP -> LST -> DOC
A parameterizable formatter for list expressions. Given an indentation level INDENT, a procedure that creates document object representations of the elements of the list, and a document object that represents the list element separator, returns a procedure that takes a list of elements and returns a document object that contains the formatted expression.
doc:block:: INDENT * OPEN * CLOSE -> BODY -> DOC
A parameterizable formatter for block expressions. Given an indentation level INDENT, and document objects that represent block open and close markers, returns a procedure that takes a document object and returns a new document object that encloses the given object in a block.
doc:letblk:: INDENT * LET * IN * END -> E1 * E2 -> DOC
A parameterizable formatter for let expressions (local binding). Given an indentation level INDENT, and document objects that represent let,in,end keywords, respectively, returns a procedure that takes bindings block (document object) and body block (document object) and returns a document object that contains the formatted expression.
doc:display:: WIDTH * DOC -> UNDEFINED
Formatted display procedure.
doc:format:: WIDTH * DOC -> SDOC
A procedure that generates simple document representation of the given document object.
sdoc?:: OBJECT -> BOOL
A predicate that returns true if the given argument is a simple document object.
sdoc->string:: SDOC -> STRING
Generates string representation of the given simple document object.
(define cond1 ((doc:binop 2) (doc:text "a") (doc:text "==") (doc:text "b"))) (define e1 ((doc:binop 2) (doc:text "a") (doc:text "<<") (doc:text "2"))) (define e2 ((doc:binop 2) (doc:text "c") (doc:text "+") (doc:text "d"))) (define doc1 ((doc:ifthen 2 (doc:text "if") (doc:text "then") (doc:text "else")) cond1 e1 e2)) (define doc2 ((doc:block 2 (doc:text "(") (doc:text ")")) doc1)) (define doc3 ((doc:list 2 (lambda (x) x) doc:break) (list e1 e2))) (define doc4 ((doc:letblk 2 (doc:text "program") (doc:text "in") (doc:text "end")) doc3 doc1)) (print (sdoc->string (doc:format 32 doc4))) (print (sdoc->string (doc:format 10 doc4)))
Ivan Raikov
- 1.3
- Added doc:empty? procedure
- 1.2
- Now using matchable extension
- 1.1
- Added doc:connect to list of exports
- 1.0
- Initial version
Copyright 2008 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
A full copy of the GPL license can be found at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.