Outdated egg!
This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.
If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.
Cock has been deprecated for hahn.
Cock is a mechanism for documenting Scheme in the source-code itself; similar to Doxygen, Javadoc or Roxygen.
As an example, let's take this naïve Fibonacci:
(define (fibonacci n)
@("Computes the nth [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number|Fibonacci]]."
"This naïve algorithm runs in ''O(2^n)''; using e.g. memoization,
we could bring it down to ''O(n)''."
(n "The nth number to calculate")
(@to "integer")
"Computing the 6th Fibonnaci number (starting from 0)"
(fibonacci 6)))
(case n
((0) 0)
((1) 1)
(else (+ (fibonacci (- n 1))
(fibonacci (- n 2))))))
It produces the following output:
[procedure] (fibonacci n) → numberComputes the nth Fibonacci number.
This naïve algorithm runs in O(2^n); using e.g. memoization, we could bring it down to O(n).
- n
- The nth number to calculate
(define (fibonacci n)
(case n ((0) 0) ((1) 1) (else (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2))))))
Computing the 6th Fibonnaci number (starting from 0)
(fibonacci 6) => 8
To document definitions, insert a so-called document-expression ("docexpr") after the variable (or variable-formals) and before the body of the definition.
The docexpr is an ampersand-prefixed expression containing a description; and optionally a longer description, parameters, return values and examples.
Variables such as constants and parameters, for example, only require a description:
(define k @("The Boltzmann constant") 1.38e-23)
The general form for variables is therefore something like:
(define <variable> @(<description> [<longer description>]) <expression>)
Procedures, on the other hand, can provide parameters, return-values and examples; parameters are specified with key-value lists containing the parameter and a description of the parameter; whereas return-values and examples are key-value lists containing the special keys @to and @example respectively.
(define (add x y)
@("Adds two numbers."
(x "The augend")
(y "The addend")
(@to "number")
(@example "Adding two imprecise binary numbers"
(add #b1# #b1##)))
(+ x y))
Notice that @example takes a description, too; the general form for procedures is therefore something like:
(define (<variable> <formals>)
[<longer description>]
[(<formal-0> <formal-description-0>) ...
(<formal-n> <formal-description-n>)]
[(@to <return-type>)]
[(@example <example-description>
<example-expression-0> ... <example-expression-n>)]))
Special tags
The @example tag is useful for providing examples of procedure-application.
(define (quadratic-diophantine z)
@("Finds a solution to the quadratic Diophantine equation x^2 + y^2 = z^2, given z."
"Returns two values, x and y."
(z "The known side")
(@to "number, number")
(@example "An example from Arithmetica II.VIII"
(quadratic-diophantine 16)))
(let* ((m (random (inexact->exact (floor (sqrt z)))))
(n (sqrt (- z (expt m 2)))))
(let ((x (- (expt m 2) (expt n 2)))
(y (* 2 m n)))
(values x y))))
The @example-no-eval tag is also useful for providing examples of procedure-application; the difference is that cock does not attempt to evaluate them when rendering the documentation.
@Example-no-eval is useful when the examples are incomplete or pathological.
(define (find-fermat-counterexample)
@("Finds positive integers a, b, c and n > 2 for which a^n + b^n = c^n."
(@example-no-eval "Warning: this should never terminate."
;; The testable range is pretty small.
(let ((range 8))
(until (let ((a (+ (random range) 1))
(b (+ (random range) 1))
(n (+ (random range) 3)))
(integer? (expt (+ (expt a n) (expt b n)) (/ 1 n)))))))
The @internal tag signifies that the documentation for the given expression should be suppressed; it is useful for internal documentation.
(define cat-alive?
@("Qubit representing whether or not our cat is alive"
"{{Cat-alive?}} is internal so that observers are forced to use
the {{observe!}} procedure."
The @no-source tag turns off the source-code listing that accompanies documented expressions.
(define (vote! candidate)
@("[[http://youtu.be/IoWJkrlptNs|Votes]] for your candidate!"
"This black-box voting procedure is the trade-secret of Biedolb,
Inc.; the source-code has been suppressed."
(candidate "The candidate for which to vote")
(register-vote! 'president-mccain))
The @to tag is optional and specifies the return value of a procedure; in the absence of @to, the return value is considered to be unspecified.
This procedure, for instance, has an unspecified return type:
(define (entangle! register . qs)
@("Entangles qubits in a register."
(register "The register in which to entangle")
(qs "The qubits to be entangled"))
(for-each (lambda (q) (set-register! q register)) qs))
whereas this one returns a specific type:
(define (apply-gate gate . qs)
@("Applies the quantum-gate to the qubits."
(gate "The quantum gate to apply")
(qs "The qubits on which to apply it")
(@to "qubit"))
(make-qubit (matrix-multiply (apply quantum-state qs) gate)))
Top-level directives
Some of the top-level directives deal with metadata already gleaned from the .meta file and are therefore redundant; others deal with presentation, and are useful for crafting introductions, &c.
Author is the author of the egg; it overrides (author "Egg Author") from the .meta file.
@(author "Diophantus of Alexandria")
Description describes the egg; it overrides (synopsis "Egg synopsis") from the .meta file.
@(description "To divide a given square number into two squares")
Egg is the name of the egg; it overrides the filename of the .meta file (i.e. "name" from name.meta).
@(egg "arithmetica")
Email is the author's email; it overrides (email "author@example.com") from the .meta file.
@(email "diophantus@alexandria.net")
Example is a stand-alone example, as opposed to the @example tag that accompanies procedures.
@(example "Riastradh once asked why this does what it does; no one had
a satisfactory answer."
(let* ((yin ((lambda (y) (newline) y)
(call/cc call/cc)))
(yang ((lambda (y) (write-char #\*) y)
(call/cc call/cc))))
(yin yang)))
Example-no-eval is a stand-alone, unevaluated example; as opposed to the @example-no-eval tag that accompanies procedures.
@(example-no-eval "This will never terminate; thanks, Eli!"
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))))
Heading designates a section of the documentation right below the level of title.
@(heading "Arithmeticorum Liber II")
Noop is an artifact required to separate presentation-based directives from source-code that they don't belong to.
For instance:
@(heading "Abstract") @(text "This is the body of the abstract.") @(noop) (define phi @("The heading and text above do not belong to this variable.") (/ (+ 1 (sqrt 5)) 2))
Repo overrides (repo "https://example.com/repo.git") from the .meta file.
(TODO: Implement this.)
Source provides a stand-alone source-code listing.
@(text "Through an aggressive heuristic, we've managed to solve the halting problem: let's assume that if it doesn't finish in 1 second, it never will.") @(source (define (terminate? thunk) (let ((thread (thread-start! (make-thread thunk)))) (and (thread-join! thread 1 #f) (thread-terminate! thread) #t))))
Subheading designates a section of the documentation right below the level of heading.
@(subheading "Quaestio VIII")
Subsubheading designates a section of the documentation right below the level of subheading.
@(subsubheading "Observatio domini Petri de Fermat")
Text is used for free-form text and can be useful for abstracts and explanatory material.
@(text "I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, which this
margin is too narrow to contain.")
Title overrides the egg-name as the title of the document.
@(title "Arithmetica")
Username is the username of the author on Chicken's wiki; it overrides (user "chicken-user") from the .meta file.
@(username "pfermat")
(TODO: Let's rename this user.)
Complete example
To tie everything together, here's a complete example; see the resulting documentation.
The .meta file
Cock reads the metadata from the .meta file such as: synopsis, author, email, user, repo, depends.
((synopsis "Use the Landauer limit to calculate my program's entropy.")
(author "Peter Danenberg")
(email "pcd@roxygen.org")
(user "klutometis")
(repo "https://github.com/klutometis/landauer")
(category math)
(license "BSD")
(depends cock)
(test-depends test)
The module file
The module file is a suitable place for putting introductory material about the egg; such as background information, abstract, &c.
It is also suitable for a high-level overview of what the module does.
@(heading "Landauer's principle") @(text "[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landauer%27s_principle|Landauer's principle]] states that every irreversible operation produces entropy; erasing one bit, for instance, generates at least ''kT'' ln 2 J of heat.") @(text "We can use Landauer's principle to calculate a lower-bound on the energy released by our program, given some number of bit-operations.") @(heading "Documentation") @(noop) (module landauer @("The Landauer module contains contains some constants, parameters and procedures for calculating a lower-bound on the heat-dissipation of programs.") (heat k room-temperature) (import chicken scheme) (include "landauer-core.scm"))
The source file
The source file contains the documentation of individual constants, parameters, records, procedures.
(define k @("The Boltzmann constant") 1.38e-23) (define room-temperature @("Room temperature in K") (make-parameter 298.15)) (define (heat operations) @("Calculate a lower-bound on the heat dissipated by some number of irreversible bit-operations." "Room-temperature is governed by the [[#room-temperature]] parameter." (operations "The number of irreversible bit-operations") (@to "number")) (* operations k (room-temperature) (log 2)))
The .setup file
The .setup file does two things:
- compiles each extension with -X cock; and
- generates documention.
Extensions should be compiled with -X cock; this strips the documentation from the source before compilation so that the compiler is not confused.
The cock binary from cock-utils generates the actual documentation; the cock egg provides a convenience macro run-cock so that installation does not fail for users who haven't installed cock-utils.
There is a soft-dependency on the otherwise dependency-heavy egg cock-utils: users don't have to have it unless they want to generate docs themselves, for some reason.
(use cock setup-helper-mod) (setup-shared-extension-module 'landauer (extension-version "0.0.1") compile-options: '(-X cock)) (run-cock -o landauer.wiki landauer.scm landauer-core.scm)
- The repository-awareness is Git-specific.
- The version-awareness is Github-specific.