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Directed graph in adjacency list format.


(require-extension digraph)


The digraph library is an implementation of a directed graph, where the edges are stored as adjacency lists indexed by node number.

The library defines a digraph "object" -- a procedure that takes a method name as a symbol, and returns the procedure that implements the respective operation.

Directed graph procedures

The digraph object is created by procedure make-digraph, which is the only user-visible procedure defined in this egg:

[procedure] make-digraph:: NAME INFO [NODE-LIST [SUCC-LIST [PRED-LIST]]] -> SELECTOR


The returned selector procedure can take one of the following arguments:

returns the graph name (string or symbol)
returns the graph metadata (arbitrary type)
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the lowest available node number
returns a procedure LAMBDA N INFO which inserts in the graph node with number N and metadata INFO; if the node already exists in the graph, it will be overwritten with the new metadata
returns a procedure LAMBDA EDGE which inserts in the graph the specifed edge; the edge is given by a list of the form (I J INFO), where I and J are source and destination nodes, respectively, and INFO is edge metadata of arbitrary type
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which removes node N and all its edges from the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with the nodes of the graph and their metadata
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with the edges of the graph and their metadata
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns a list with all nodes in the graph that do not have an predecessor
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the number of nodes in the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the number of edges in the graph
returns a procedure with no arguments, which returns the size of the underlying dynamic vector
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the successor nodes of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the predecessor nodes of node N
returns a procedure with no arguments which returns a list containing the successor nodes for each node.
returns a procedure with no arguments which returns a list containing the predecessor nodes for each node.
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the outgoing edges of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns a list with the incoming edges of node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA I J which returns true if edge I -> J exists in the graph and false otherwise
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns true if node N exists in the graph and false otherwise
returns a procedure LAMBDA N which returns the metadata for node N
returns a procedure LAMBDA N V which sets the metadata for node N
returns an iterator procedure LAMBDA F which iterates over the nodes in the graph by invoking function F on the node number and metadata of each node
returns an iterator procedure LAMBDA F which iterates over the edges in the graph by invoking function F on each edge
returns a list with the internal representation of the graph


;; example adapted from graph example in the Boost library documentation
(require-extension srfi-1)
(require-extension digraph)
(define g (make-digraph 'depgraph "dependency graph"))

(define used-by
     (cons 'dax_h 'foo_cpp) (cons 'dax_h 'bar_cpp) (cons 'dax_h 'yow_h)
     (cons 'yow_h 'bar_cpp) (cons 'yow_h 'zag_cpp) (cons 'boz_h 'bar_cpp)
     (cons 'boz_h 'zig_cpp) (cons 'boz_h 'zag_cpp) (cons 'zow_h 'foo_cpp)
     (cons 'foo_cpp 'foo_o) (cons 'foo_o 'libfoobar_a) 
     (cons 'bar_cpp 'bar_o) (cons 'bar_o 'libfoobar_a) 
     (cons 'libfoobar_a 'libzigzag_a) (cons 'zig_cpp 'zig_o) 
     (cons 'zig_o 'libzigzag_a) (cons 'zag_cpp 'zag_o) 
     (cons 'zag_o 'libzigzag_a) (cons 'libzigzag_a 'killerapp)))

(define node-list (delete-duplicates 
		   (concatenate (list (map car used-by) (map cdr used-by)))))

(define node-ids (list-tabulate (length node-list) values))
(for-each (lambda (i n) ((g 'add-node!) i n)) node-ids node-list)
(define node-map (zip node-list node-ids))

(for-each (lambda (e) 
	    (match e ((ni . nj) (let ((i (car (alist-ref ni node-map)))
				      (j (car (alist-ref nj node-map))))
				  ((g 'add-edge!) (list i j (format "~A->~A" ni nj)))))
		   (else (error "invalid edge " e))))
(print ((g 'nodes)))
(print ((g 'edges)))

((g 'remove-node!) 0)
(print ((g 'nodes)))
(print ((g 'edges)))

About this egg


Ivan Raikov

Version history

Ensure unit test script return proper exit code
Added test as a test dependency
Converted documentation to wiki format
Ported to Chicken 4
Now using matchable extension
Added procedures pred-list and succ-list
Added procedure node-info-set!
Build script updated for better cross-platform compatibility
Test infrastructure changed to use testbase
Bug fixes in set-out-edges! and set-in-edges! [thanks to Andreas Scholta]
License upgrade to GPL v3
Updated the roots procedure to match the documentation
Minor changes to the setup script
Added support for chicken-setup -test
Initial release


Copyright 2007-2011 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

A full copy of the GPL license can be found at