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== Outdated egg! This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for [[/eggref/5/hahn-utils|the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg]], if it exists. If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the [[|egg index]]. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN. == hahn-utils Translates in-source documentation from [[hahn]] into wiki. [[toc:]] === Introduction {{Hahn-utils}} is mainly interesting because it provides the {{hahn}} program that takes code documented with [[hahn]] and converts it into documentation. {{Hahn-utils}} is a soft-dependency and shouldn't be included in {{depends}}. === Invocation {{Hahn-utils}} is normally invoked from a {{.setup}} file; see [[|this example]]: <enscript highlight="scheme">(use hahn setup-helper-mod) (setup-shared-extension-module 'landauer (extension-version "0.0.1") compile-options: '(-X hahn)) (run-hahn -o landauer.scm landauer-core.scm) </enscript> It can also be run from the command line: hahn -o landauer.scm landauer-core.scm See {{hahn --help}} for details. === Documentation ==== {{hahn-utils}} '''[module]''' {{hahn-utils}} The hahn-parse module is responsible for the heavy lifting: creating docexprs (see below) from documented sources code; the drivers then write docexprs as e.g. wiki, LaTeX. * [[#parse-files]] * [[#tex-write-docexprs]] * [[#wiki-write-docexprs]] * [[#with-working-directory]] * [[#version<=?]] ==== {{current-docexpr}} <parameter>current-docexpr → #f</parameter> Enables communication with the parsing @-reader <enscript highlight="scheme">(define current-docexpr (make-parameter #f)) </enscript> ==== {{docexpr}} <record>docexpr</record> Composite documentation and adherent expression ; {{doc}} : Documentation for the expression ; {{expr}} : Expression surrounding the documentation <enscript highlight="scheme">(define-record-and-printer docexpr doc expr) </enscript> ==== {{parse-files}} <procedure>(parse-files . files) → Resultant docexprs</procedure> Parse files into docexprs. ; {{files}} : Hahn-documented files to be parsed <enscript highlight="scheme">(define (parse-files . files) (parameterize ((docexprs (make-stack))) (for-each (lambda (file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (let read-next ((expression (read))) (if (not (eof-object? expression)) (begin (if (current-docexpr) (docexpr-expr-set! (stack-peek (docexprs)) expression)) (current-docexpr #f) (read-next (read)))))))) files) (docexprs))) </enscript> ==== {{with-working-directory}} <procedure>(with-working-directory directory thunk) → object</procedure> Change to the {{directory}}, execute {{thunk}}, change back; returns the value of executing {{thunk}}. ; {{directory}} : The directory to switch to ; {{thunk}} : The thunk to execute <enscript highlight="scheme">(define (with-working-directory directory thunk) (let ((original-directory (current-directory))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (current-directory directory)) thunk (lambda () (current-directory original-directory))))) </enscript> ==== {{write-example}} <procedure>(write-example data description expressions) → unspecified</procedure> Renders an example, evaluating the expressions; attempts to {{require-extension}} all modules seen so far. <enscript highlight="scheme">(define (write-example data description expressions) (display description) (newline) (let ((env (interaction-environment)) (modules (hash-table-ref/default data 'modules '()))) (for-each (lambda (module) (eval `(require-extension ,module) env)) modules) (for-each (lambda (expression) (fmt #t (columnar " " (with-width 78 (pretty expression)))) (fmt #t (columnar " => " (with-width 74 (pretty (eval expression env)))) " " nl)) expressions))) </enscript> ==== {{wiki-write-docexprs}} <procedure>(wiki-write-docexprs docexprs) → unspecified</procedure> <procedure>(wiki-write-docexprs docexprs metafile) → unspecified</procedure> <procedure>(wiki-write-docexprs docexprs metafile repo) → unspecified</procedure> <procedure>(wiki-write-docexprs docexprs metafile repo fragment?) → unspecified</procedure> Write the source-derived docexprs as svnwiki. ; {{docexprs}} : The parsed docexprs ; {{metafile}} : The egg's .meta file ; {{repo}} : The e.g. git-repo ; {{fragment?}} : Whether to produce a document-fragment as opposed to a whole document (useful for debugging) <enscript highlight="scheme">(define wiki-write-docexprs (case-lambda ((docexprs) (wiki-write-docexprs docexprs #f)) ((docexprs metafile) (wiki-write-docexprs docexprs #f #f)) ((docexprs metafile repo) (wiki-write-docexprs docexprs #f #f #f)) ((docexprs metafile repo fragment?) (let* ((document (make-document (make-hash-table) (make-stack))) (parsed-docexprs (wiki-parse-docexprs document docexprs))) (let ((data (hash-table-merge (hash-table-merge (document-data document) (parse-metafile metafile)) (repo-metadata repo)))) (let ((author (hash-table-ref/default data 'author (default-author))) (username (or (hash-table-ref/default data 'username #f) (hash-table-ref/default data 'user #f) (default-user))) (email (hash-table-ref/default data 'email (default-email))) (repository (or (hash-table-ref/default data 'repository #f) (hash-table-ref/default data 'repo #f))) (title (let ((title (hash-table-ref/default data 'title #f)) (egg (hash-table-ref/default data 'egg #f))) (or title egg (default-title)))) (description (or (hash-table-ref/default data 'description #f) (hash-table-ref/default data 'synopsis #f) (default-synopsis))) (dependencies (or (hash-table-ref/default data 'depends #f) (hash-table-ref/default data 'needs #f) '())) (license (hash-table-ref/default data 'license #f)) (versions (hash-table-ref/default data 'versions '()))) (unless fragment? (display (wiki-preamble title description))) (stack-for-each parsed-docexprs (lambda (docexpr) (docexpr))) (unless fragment? (display (wiki-postamble author username license repository dependencies versions))))))))) </enscript> ==== {{tex-write-docexprs}} <procedure>(tex-write-docexprs docexprs) → unspecified</procedure> <procedure>(tex-write-docexprs docexprs metafile) → unspecified</procedure> <procedure>(tex-write-docexprs docexprs metafile repo) → unspecified</procedure> Write the source-derived docexprs as LaTeX. ; {{docexprs}} : The parsed docexprs <enscript highlight="scheme">(define tex-write-docexprs (case-lambda ((docexprs) (tex-write-docexprs docexprs #f)) ((docexprs metafile) (tex-write-docexprs docexprs #f #f)) ((docexprs metafile repo) (let* ((document (make-document (make-hash-table) (make-stack))) (parsed-docexprs (tex-parse-docexprs document docexprs))) (let ((data (document-data document))) (write-template tex-preamble `((author unquote (hash-table-ref/default data 'author "Anonymous")) (email unquote (hash-table-ref/default data 'email "")) (title unquote (hash-table-ref/default data 'title "Documentation"))))) (stack-for-each parsed-docexprs (lambda (docexpr) (docexpr))) (display tex-footer))))) </enscript> === About this egg ==== Author [[/users/(anonymous)|Peter Danenberg]] ==== Repository [[]] ==== License BSD ==== Dependencies * [[alist-lib]] * [[args]] * [[hahn]] * [[debug]] * [[define-record-and-printer]] * [[fmt]] * [[git]] * [[matchable]] * [[miscmacros]] * [[shell]] * [[srfi-95]] * [[stack]] * [[usage]] ==== Versions ; [[|0.1.1]] : Add dependencies. ; [[|0.1.2]] : Remove circular dependency on cock; use string->symbol to evade reader. ; [[|0.2]] : @internal, @example, @noop, &c. ; [[|0.2.1]] : Do string->symbol on @egg. ; [[|0.2.2]] : Width-specifiers, noop. ; [[|0.2.3]] : @example-no-eval ; [[|0.2.4]] : Add @no-source. ; [[|0.3]] : Read egg- and repo-metadata. ; [[|0.3.1]] : Fix the case of #f versions. ; [[|0.4]] : Setup-helper-like thing: run-cock ; [[|0.4.1]] : Add version<=?. ; [[|0.4.2]] : Move to setup-helper-cock. ; [[|0.4.3]] : Fix the version-sorting mechanism. ; [[|0.4.4]] : Add links to releases. ; [[|0.4.5]] : Actually fix the versioning order. ; [[|0.4.6]] : Use setup-helper-mod. ; [[|0.4.7]] : Remove debug. ; [[|0.4.8]] : Legitimately tag a release. ; [[|0.5]] : Fix evaluation of examples; make testable. ; [[|0.5.1]] : Document; allow multiple expressions in source. ; [[|0.5.2]] : Refactor as hahn-utils. ==== Colophon Documented by [[/egg/hahn|hahn]].
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