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In progress.

An interface to the leptonica library of routines for image analysis and processing.

Memory Management

Most of the library's operations are based around manipulating images, which are stored in a structure known as a pix. You should manually manage the references to the images. If you want a copy of an existing pix, use pix-clone; this updates the reference count for an image. Use pix-destroy when you are finished with a reference to a pix; this decrements the reference count, and finally deletes the image when the count is 0.

Implemented Procedures

Creating and managing images

[procedure] (pix-clone pix)

Return a reference to given pix.

[procedure] (pix-copy pix-d pix-s)

Makes a copy of pix-s: if pix-d is #f then returns a pointer to a copy of pix-s, else makes pix-d a copy of pix-s.

[procedure] (pix-create width height depth)

Returns a pointer to a new pix, an image of given width and height in pixels, and colour depth.

[procedure] (pix-destroy pix)

Reduces reference count to pix, and destroys picture if count is 0.

[procedure] (pix-read filename)

Returns a pointer to a new pix created by reading image from filename. Returns #f if there is an error.

[procedure] (pix-write filename pix image-type)

Writes pix to an image file called filename. The image-type is taken from the list of constants, below.

Image attributes

[procedure] (pix-get-width pix)

Returns the width in pixels of given pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-width pix integer)

Sets the width in pixels of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-get-height pix)

Returns the height in pixels of given pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-height pix integer)

Sets the height in pixels of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-get-depth pix)

Returns the colour depth of given pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-depth pix integer)

Sets colour depth of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-set-dimensions pix width height depth)

Sets all three properties of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-get-x-res pix)

Returns the x resolution of given pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-x-res pix integer)

Sets the x resolution of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-get-y-res pix)

Returns the y resolution of given pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-y-res pix integer)

Sets the y resolution of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-set-resolution pix x-res y-res)

Sets the x and y resolution of given pix. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-scale-resolution pix x-scale y-scale)

Rescales the image in the x and y directions. Returns 0 if ok, or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-get-input-format pix)

Returns the input format of pix.

[procedure] (pix-set-input-format pix integer)

Sets the input format of pix.

Manipulating images

[procedure] (pix-add-gray pix-d pix-1 pix-2)

Returns pointer to image which is pixel sum of pix-1 and pix-2. Unless #f, pix-d may specify the destination image, and pix-d may be equal to pix-1 for an in-place change.

[procedure] (pix-close-gray pix h-size v-size)

h-size and v-size must be odd values: they denote the size of gray block to find. Returns a pointer to a new pix, based on the given pix, removing parts that do not fit a h-size x v-size block.

[procedure] (pix-combine-masked pix-d pix-s pix-m)

Modifies pix-d in place. Each pixel in pix-d corresponding to a set pixel in the mask pix-m is set to that pixel's value from pix-s. pix-d and pix-s must be equivalent in pixel depth. The three images are aligned to the top-left corner, stopping when outside the intersection of three images. Returns 0 if OK or 1 if error.

[procedure] (pix-dilate-gray pix h-size v-size)

h-size and v-size must be odd values. Returns a pointer to a new pix, based on the given pix.

[procedure] (pix-erode-gray pix h-size v-size)

h-size and v-size must be odd values. Returns a pointer to a new pix, based on the given pix.

[procedure] (pix-find-skew pix)

Returns two values: the angle (in radians) and confidence level of skew in the given pix.

[procedure] (pix-invert pix-d pix-s)

Inverts the image pix-s. If pix-d is #f, then a pointer to a new pix is returned; otherwise, pix-d holds the inverted image.

[procedure] (pix-open-gray pix h-size v-size)

h-size and v-size must be odd values. Returns a pointer to a new pix, based on the given pix

[procedure] (pix-rotate-am-gray pix angle filler)

Returns a pointer to a new 8bpp pix created by rotating the given 8 bpp pix through the given angle; filler specifies the gray value to be brought in to fill blanks, 0 for black, 255 for white.

[procedure] (pix-threshold-to-binary pix threshold

Returns a pointer to a new pix created from the given pix. The given pix should be a 4 or 8 bpp colour image; the given threshold value is used to convert the image to binary.

[procedure] (pix-threshold-to-value pix-d pix-s threshold set-value)

If pix-d is #f, returns a pointer to a new pix. Else, pix-d must be equal to pix-s and thresholding is done in place. If set-value > threshold, then all pixels with a value >= threshold are set to set-value; else, if set-value < threshold, then all pixels with value <= threshold are set to set-value.

[procedure] (rotate pix angle rotation-type in-colour width height)

Returns a pointer to a new pix created by rotating given pix.

[procedure] (scale pix scale-x scale-y)

Returns a pointer to a new pix created by rescaling given pix along x and y dimensions.




See the examples folder in the repository.


Peter Lane


GPL version 3.0.


You will need libraries for handling images: libjpeg, libpng, libtiff are currently assumed in the setup file.

Also, you must download and compile the source code for the leptonica library.

Note: this egg has only been tested under Linux.

Version History