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== Outdated egg! This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for [[/eggref/5/matchable|the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg]], if it exists. If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the [[|egg index]]. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN. [[tags: egg]] == matchable This extension implements Andrew Wright's pattern matching macros. [[toc:]] === Overview Pattern matching allows complicated control decisions based on data structure to be expressed in a concise manner. Pattern matching is found in several modern languages, notably Standard ML, Haskell and Miranda. This wiki page is based on Andrew Wright's paper [[|Pattern Matching for Scheme]]. === Interface <macro>(match exp (pat body …) …)</macro> The basic form of pattern matching expression, where {{exp}} is an expression, {{pat}} is a pattern, and {{body}} is one or more expressions (like the body of a lambda-expression). The {{match}} form matches its first subexpression against a sequence of patterns, and branches to the {{body}} corresponding to the first pattern successfully matched. For example, the following code defines the usual {{map}} function: <enscript highlight=scheme> (define map (lambda (f l) (match l [() '()] [(x . y) (cons (f x) (map f y))] ))) </enscript> The first pattern {{()}} matches the empty list. The second pattern {{(x . y)}} matches a pair, binding {{x}} to the first component of the pair and {{y}} to the second component of the pair. <macro>(match-lambda (pat body …) …)</macro><br> <macro>(match-lambda* (pat body …) …)</macro><br> The {{match-lambda}} and {{match-lambda*}} forms are convenient combinations of {{match}} and {{lambda}}, and can be explained as follows: <enscript highlight=scheme> (match-lambda (pat body …) …) --> (lambda (x) (match x (pat body …) …)) (match-lambda* (pat body …) …) --> (lambda x (match x (pat body) …)) </enscript> where {{x}} is a unique variable. The {{match-lambda}} form is convenient when defining a single argument function that immediately destructures its argument. The {{match-lambda*}} form constructs a function that accepts any number of arguments; the patterns of {{match-lambda*}} should be lists. For example, the {{map}} procedure can be written as: <enscript highlight=scheme> (define map (match-lambda* [(_ ()) '()] [(f (x . y)) (cons (f x) (map f y))] )) </enscript> <macro>(match-let [var] ((pat exp) …) body …)</macro><br> <macro>(match-let* ((pat exp) …) body …)</macro><br> <macro>(match-letrec ((pat exp) …) body …)</macro><br> The {{match-let}}, {{match-let*}} and {{match-letrec}} forms generalize Scheme's {{let}}, {{let*}}, {{letrec}}, and {{define}} expressions to allow patterns in the binding position rather than just variables. For example, the following expression: <enscript highlight=scheme> (match-let (((x y z) (list 1 2 3))) ((a b c) (list 4 5 6))) body …) </enscript> binds {{x}} to 1, {{y}} to 2, {{z}} to 3, {{a}} to 4, {{b}} to 5, and {{c}} to 6 in {{body …}}. These forms are convenient for destructuring the result of a function that returns multiple values as a list or vector. As usual for {{letrec}}, pattern variables bound by {{match-letrec}} should not be used in computing the bound value. Analogously to named {{let}}, {{match-let}} accepts an optional loop variable {{var}} before the binding list, turning {{match-let}} into a general looping construct. === Pattern Matching Expressions The complete syntax of the pattern matching expressions follows: exp ::= (match exp clause …) | (match-lambda clause …) | (match-lambda* clause …) | (match-let ([pat exp] …) body) | (match-let* ([pat exp] …) body) | (match-letrec ([pat exp] …) body) | (match-let var ([pat exp] …) body) clause ::= [pat body] | [pat (=> identifier) body] pat ::= identifier matches anything, and binds identifier as a variable | _ anything | () itself (the empty list) | #t itself | #f itself | string an `equal?' string | number an `equal?' number | character an `equal?' character | 's-expression an `equal?' s-expression | (pat-1 … pat-n) a proper list of n elements | (pat-1 … pat-n . pat-n+1) a list of n or more elements | (pat-1 … pat-n pat-n+1 ...) a proper list of n+k or more elements [1] | #(pat-1 … pat-n) a vector of n elements | #(pat-1 … pat-n pat-n+1 ...) a vector of n+k or more elements | ($ struct pat-1 … pat-n) a structure | (= field pat) a field of a structure | (and pat-1 … pat-n) if all of pat-1 through pat-n match | (or pat-1 … pat-n) if any of pat-1 through pat-n match | (not pat-1 … pat-n) if none of pat-1 through pat-n match | (? predicate pat-1 … pat-n) if predicate true and pat-1 through pat-n all match | (set! identifier) anything, and binds identifier as a setter | (get! identifier) anything, and binds identifier as a getter | (pat-1 *** pat-2) a tree pattern | `qp a quasipattern qp ::= () itself (the empty list) | #t itself | #f itself | string an `equal?' string | number an `equal?' number | character an `equal?' character | symbol an `equal?' symbol | (qp-1 … qp-n) a proper list of n elements | (qp-1 … qp-n . qp-n+1) a list of n or more elements | (qp-1 … qp-n qp-n+1 ...) a proper list of n+k or more elements | #(qp-1 … qp-n) a vector of n elements | #(qp-1 … qp-n qp-n+1 ...) a vector of n+k or more elements | ,pat a pattern | ,@pat a pattern, spliced ==== Optional "=>" failure procedure syntax The {{match}}, {{match-lambda}}, and {{match-lambda*}} forms allow the optional syntax {{(=> identifier)}} between the pattern and the body of a clause. When the pattern match for such a clause succeeds, the {{identifier}} is bound to a ''failure procedure'' of zero arguments within the {{body}}. If this procedure is invoked, it jumps back to the pattern matching expression, and resumes the matching process as if the pattern had failed to match. The {{body}} must not mutate the object being matched, otherwise unpredictable behavior may result. === Patterns ; {{identifier}}: matches anything, and binds a variable of this name to the matching value in the {{body}}. Excludes the reserved names {{? , = _ ... and or not set! get!}}. ; {{_}}: matches anything, without binding any variables. ; {{()}}, {{#t}}, {{#f}}, {{string}}, {{number}}, {{character}}, '{{s-expression}}: These constant patterns match themselves, i.e., the corresponding value must be {{equal?}} to the pattern. ; {{(pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches a proper list of {{n}} elements that match {{pat-1}} through {{pat-n}}. ; {{(pat-1 … pat-n . pat-n+1)}} : matches a (possibly improper) list of at least {{n}} elements that ends in something matching {{pat-n+1}}. ; {{(pat-1 … pat-n pat-n+1 ...)}}: matches a proper list of {{n}} or more elements, where each element of the tail matches {{pat-n+1}}. Each pattern variable in {{pat-n+1}} is bound to a list of the matching values. For example, the expression: <enscript highlight=scheme> (match '(let ([x 1][y 2]) z) [('let ((binding values) ...) exp) body ...]) </enscript> binds {{binding}} to the list {{'(x y)}}, {{values}} to the list {{'(1 2)}}, and {{exp}} to {{'z}} in the body of the {{match}}-expression. For the special case where {{pat-n+1}} is a pattern variable, the list bound to that variable may share with the matched value. ; {{(pat-1 … pat-n pat-n+1 ___)}}: This pattern means the same thing as the previous pattern. ; {{#(pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches a vector of length {{n}}, whose elements match {{pat-1}} through {{pat-n}}. ; {{#(pat-1 … pat-n pat-n+1 ...)}}: matches a vector of length {{n}} or more, where each element beyond {{n}} matches {{pat-n+1}}. ; {{($ struct pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches a structure declared with {{define-record}} or {{define-record-type}}. ; {{(= field pat)}}: is intended for selecting a field from a structure. ''field'' may be any expression; it is applied to the value being matched, and the result of this application is matched against {{pat}}. ; {{(and pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches if all of the subpatterns match. At least one subpattern must be present. This pattern is often used as {{(and x pat)}} to bind {{x}} to to the entire value that matches {{pat}} (cf. ''as-patterns'' in ML or Haskell). ; {{(or pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches if any of the subpatterns match. At least one subpattern must be present. All subpatterns must bind the same set of pattern variables. ; {{(not pat-1 … pat-n)}}: matches if none of the subpatterns match. At least one subpattern must be present. The subpatterns may not bind any pattern variables. ; {{(? predicate pat-1 … pat-n)}}: In this pattern, {{predicate}} must be an expression evaluating to a single argument function. This pattern matches if {{predicate}} applied to the corresponding value is true, and the subpatterns {{pat-1 ... pat-n}} all match. The {{predicate}} should not have side effects, as the code generated by the pattern matcher may invoke predicates repeatedly in any order. The {{predicate}} expression is bound in the same scope as the match expression, i.e., free variables in {{predicate}} are not bound by pattern variables. ; {{(set! identifier)}}: matches anything, and binds {{identifier}} to a procedure of one argument that mutates the corresponding field of the matching value. This pattern must be nested within a pair, vector, box, or structure pattern. For example, the expression: <enscript highlight=scheme> (define x (list 1 (list 2 3))) (match x [(_ (_ (set! setit))) (setit 4)]) </enscript> mutates the {{cadadr}} of {{x}} to 4, so that {{x}} is {{'(1 (2 4))}}. ; {{(get! identifier)}}: matches anything, and binds {{identifier}} to a procedure of zero arguments that accesses the corresponding field of the matching value. This pattern is the complement to {{set!}}. As with {{set!}}, this pattern must be nested within a pair, vector, box, or structure pattern. ; {{`qp}} : Quasiquote introduces a quasipattern, in which identifiers are considered to be symbolic constants. Like Scheme's quasiquote for data, {{unquote}} (,) and {{unquote-splicing}} (,@) escape back to normal patterns. === Record Structures Pattern The {{$}} pattern handles native record structures and [[|SRFI-9]] records transparently. === Tree Pattern Here we allow patterns of the form (x *** y) to represent the pattern y located somewhere in a tree where the path from the current object to y can be seen as a list of the form (X …). Y can immediately match the current object in which case the path is the empty list. In a sense it's a 2-dimensional version of the ... pattern. As a common case the pattern (_ *** y) can be used to search for Y anywhere in a tree, regardless of the path used. == Examples You can find examples in: * the original [[|paper]] by Andrew Wright, * introductory article [[|An Introduction To Lispy Pattern Matching]] by Moritz Heidkamp. == About this extension === Author [[/users/alex-shinn|Alex Shinn]] === License Public domain === History ; 2.7 : removed {{match-define}} from documentation which is not provided by this egg (thanks to Juergen Lorenz for pointing this out) ; 2.6 : better implementation of some internal forms for E/R macros ; 2.5 : removed {{-host}} option from setup script ; 2.4 : fixing bug where (a ...) matched non-lists ; 2.3 : allowing `...' with any backend, removing redundant check in vector patterns ; 2.2 : uses srfi-46, if available (as it is in alexpander) ; 2.1 : fixing quasiquote patterns ; 2.0 : allowing ellipse patterns in other than the final position of a list ; 1.41 : added syntax-error macro & specialized for Chicken [Kon Lovett] ; 1.3 : updated to change in [[/eggref/3/syntactic-closures|syntactic-closures]] 0.91 ; 1.2 : bugfix, now all tests pass with [[/eggref/3/syntactic-closures|syntactic-closures]] ; 1.1 : works now with [[/eggref/3/syntactic-closures|syntactic-closures]] ; 1.0 : initial release
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