Outdated egg!

This is an egg for CHICKEN 4, the unsupported old release. You're almost certainly looking for the CHICKEN 5 version of this egg, if it exists.

If it does not exist, there may be equivalent functionality provided by another egg; have a look at the egg index. Otherwise, please consider porting this egg to the current version of CHICKEN.


  1. Outdated egg!
  2. ola
  3. Description
  4. Authors
  5. Requirements
    1. Chicken Eggs
    2. C Headers
  6. API
    1. Version
    2. Logging
    3. DmxBuffer
    4. StreamingClient
  7. Examples
  8. License
  9. Version History


Basic bindings for libola, Open Lighting Architecture. Classes covered so far are DmxBuffer and StreamingClient.

For bug reports, feature requests, and development versions, visit the github project page.



Chicken Eggs

C Headers



[procedure] (ola-version) => (major minor revision)

Return ola's version as a list.

[procedure] (ola-version-string) => string

Return ola's version as a string.


[procedure] (init-logging [level] [output]) => bool

Level may be one of the following symbols:

Output may be one of the following symbols:


[procedure] (dmxbuffer) => dmxbuffer

Construct a new empty dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer other-dmxbuffer) => dmxbuffer

Construct a new dmxbuffer with the same contents as other-dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer bytevector) => dmxbuffer

Constructs a new dmxbuffer with the same contents as bytevector.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer? dmxbuffer) => bool

Dmxbuffer predicate.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer=? dmxbuffer-a dmxbuffer-b) => bool

Test whether dmxbuffer-a and dmxbuffer-b have equal contents.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-size dmxbuffer) => size

Size of dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-get dmxbuffer) => bytevector

Return contents of dmxbuffer as a bytevector.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-get-channel dmxbuffer channel) => value

Return the value of the given channel in dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-get-range dmxbuffer offset length) => bytevector

Return a bytevector of the requested range in dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set! dmxbuffer bytevector offset size) => bool

Set the contents of dmxbuffer to contents of bytevector at given offset and size.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set! dmxbuffer bytevector) => bool

Set the contents of dmxbuffer to contents of bytevector.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set! dmxbuffer dmxbuffer-other) => bool

Set the contents of dmxbuffer to contents of dmxbuffer-other.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set-channel! dmxbuffer channel value) => undefined

Set dmxbuffer channel to value.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set-from-string! dmxbuffer str) => bool

Complement of dmxbuffer->string. Sets the contents of dmxbuffer according to the specially formatted string str. The format of the string is integers separated by commas, where 0's may be omitted, e.g. "1,2,,255"

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set-range! dmxbuffer dst-offset bytevector) => bool

Set contents of dmxbuffer from dst-offset to contents of bytevector.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set-range! dmxbuffer dst-offset bytevector src-offset src-length) => bool

Set contents of dmxbuffer from dst-offset to contents of bytevector, from src-offset, src-length bytes.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-set-range-to-value! dmxbuffer offset value length) => bool

Set contents of dmxbuffer from offset for length to value.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-htp-merge! dmxbuffer other-dmxbuffer) => bool

Perform an HTP merge (high value merge) with other-dmxbuffer into dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-blackout! dmxbuffer) => bool

Set all channels to 0 in dmxbuffer.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer-reset! dmxbuffer) => undefined

Reset dmxbuffer size to 0.

[procedure] (dmxbuffer->string dmxbuffer) => string

Complement of 'dmxbuffer-set-from-string!'. Returns a human-readable string representing the contents of dmxbuffer - comma separated decimal values.


[procedure] (streamingclient [auto-start: bool] [server-port: port]) => streamingclient

Constructs a client and attempts to establish a connection to the ola daemon. Auto-start is whether to start olad if it is not already running, default true. Server-port is the port to use, default 9010. Signals an '(exn ola)' condition if it fails to connect to the ola daemon.

[procedure] (streamingclient-stop streamingclient) => undefined

Stops a streamingclient.

[procedure] (streamingclient-send-dmx streamingclient universe dmxbuffer) => bool

Sends contents of dmxbuffer to the given universe on streamingclient.


(use ola r7rs)
(let ((client (streamingclient auto-start: #f)))
  (streamingclient-send-dmx client 0 (dmxbuffer (string->utf8 "AeIoUaEiO"))))



Version History