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PS/Tk provides an interface to the Tk toolkit, and is an effective tool for creating graphical interfaces.


A simple example of using this library:

(require-extension pstk)

(define (celsius->fahrenheit item)
  (let ((number (string->number item)))
    (if (number? number)
      (+ (* number 9/5) 32)

(tk/wm 'title tk "Celsius to Fahrenheit")

(let* ((celsius (tk 'create-widget 'entry))
       (label (tk 'create-widget 'label))
       (button (tk 'create-widget 'button
		   'text: 'Calculate
		   'command: (lambda () 
			       (label 'configure 
				      'text: (number->string (celsius->fahrenheit (celsius 'get))))))))
  ; layout widgets in a grid
  (tk/grid celsius 'column: 2 'row: 1 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid label 'column: 2 'row: 2 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid button 'column: 2 'row: 3 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "celsius") 
	   'column: 3 'row: 1 'sticky: 'w 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "is") 
	   'column: 1 'row: 2 'sticky: 'e 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "fahrenheit") 
	   'column: 3 'row: 2 'sticky: 'w 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)


Several examples can be found in the svn repository for this egg.


Kenneth A Dickey, Nils M Holm and Wolf-Dieter Busch created the initial versions of pstk. This port to Chicken, plus some additions, is by Peter Lane.


Public Domain.


Relies on the posix library.

Also requires an installation of tk. By default, the program tclsh85 is called, but an alternative program may be provided as an optional argument to (tk-start). For example, to instead use wish84 begin the program with (tk-start "wish84").

Version History

version 1.0: first package.