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PS/Tk provides an interface to the Tk toolkit, and is an effective tool for creating graphical interfaces. A detailed guide to using Tk from Scheme is in the separate documentation.


Several examples can be found in the svn repository for this egg.

Hello World

(require-extension pstk)


  (tk 'create-widget 'button 'text: "Hello" 
      'command: (lambda () (display "Hello world") (newline)))
  'padx: 20 'pady: 20)

Simple Dialog

(require-extension pstk)

(define (celsius->fahrenheit item)
  (let ((number (string->number item)))
    (if (number? number)
      (+ (* number 9/5) 32)

(tk/wm 'title tk "Celsius to Fahrenheit")

(let* ((celsius (tk 'create-widget 'entry))
       (label (tk 'create-widget 'label))
       (button (tk 'create-widget 'button
		   'text: 'Calculate
		   'command: (lambda () 
			       (label 'configure 
				      'text: (number->string (celsius->fahrenheit (celsius 'get))))))))
  ; layout widgets in a grid
  (tk/grid celsius 'column: 2 'row: 1 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid label 'column: 2 'row: 2 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid button 'column: 2 'row: 3 'sticky: 'we 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "celsius") 
	   'column: 3 'row: 1 'sticky: 'w 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "is") 
	   'column: 1 'row: 2 'sticky: 'e 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)
  (tk/grid (tk 'create-widget 'label 'text: "fahrenheit") 
	   'column: 3 'row: 2 'sticky: 'w 'padx: 5 'pady: 5)


Tips on Using PS/Tk

(tk-start "wish85")
(tk/message-box 'title: "starting program" 'message: "Press ENTER" 'type: 'ok)
(tk-wm title tk "PROGRAM") 
  (tk-end)  ; make sure tk is closed in event of any error
  ; begin program
 ; rest of  gui setup


Kenneth A Dickey, Nils M Holm and Wolf-Dieter Busch created the initial versions of pstk. This port to Chicken, plus some additions, is by Peter Lane.


Public Domain.


Requires an installation of tcltk or tclkit.

Version History