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Sorted dictionary data structures based on red-black trees.


(require-extension rb-tree)


The rb-tree library is based on the SML/NJ library implementation of red-black trees, which is in turn based on Chris Okasaki's implementation of red-black trees. The delete function is based on the description in Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest.

The present implementation code defines persistent map objects that implements an ordered dictionary mapping of keys to values.

Looking up an arbitrary or the min/max keys, and deleting the min/max keys require no more key comparisons than the depth of the tree, which is O(log n) where n is the total number of keys in the tree.


The persistent object is created by procedure rb-tree-map:

[procedure] rb-tree-map:: KEY-COMPARE-PROC [insdel-key-compare: KEY-COMPARE-PROC] -> <PersistentMap>

where KEY-COMPARE-PROC is a user-supplied function that takes two keys and returns a negative, positive, or zero number depending on how the first key compares to the second.

Optional keyword argument insdel-key-compare can be used to specify different key comparison predicates for the insertion and deletion operations.

The returned selector procedure can take one of the following arguments:

returns a procedure LAMBDA KEY . DEFAULT-CLAUSE which searches the red-black tree for an association with a given KEY, and returns a (key . value) pair of the found association. If an association with KEY cannot be located in the red-black tree, the PROC returns the result of evaluating the DEFAULT-CLAUSE. If the default clause is omitted, an error is signalled. KEY must be comparable to the keys in the red-black tree by a key-compare predicate (which has been specified when the red-black tree was created)
returns a procedure LAMBDA KEY . DEFAULT-CLAUSE which searches the red-black tree for an association with a given KEY, and returns the value of (key . value) pair of the found association. If an association with KEY cannot be located in the red-black tree, the PROC returns the result of evaluating the DEFAULT-CLAUSE. If the default clause is omitted, an error is signalled. KEY must be comparable to the keys in the red-black tree by a key-compare predicate (which has been specified when the red-black tree was created)
returns a (key . value) pair for an association in the red-black tree with the smallest key. If the red-black tree is empty, an error is signalled.
removes the min key and the corresponding association from the red-black tree. Returns a (key . value) pair of the removed association. If the red-black tree is empty, an error is signalled.
returns a (key . value) pair for an association in the red-black tree with the largest key. If the red-black tree is empty, an error is signalled.
removes the max key and the corresponding association from the red-black tree. Returns a (key . value) pair of the removed association. If the red-black tree is empty, an error is signalled.
returns #t if the red-black tree is empty
returns the size (the number of associations) in the red-black tree
returns the depth of the tree. It requires the complete traversal of the tree, so use sparingly
pure variant of PUT!; it returns a new red-black tree object that contains the given association, while the original red-black tree object is unmodified.
pure variant of DELETE!; if the specified key is found, it returns a new red-black tree object that no longer contains the association specified by that key, while the original red-black tree object is unmodified. If the key is not found, the behavior of this procedure is identical to DELETE!.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC that will apply the given procedure PROC to each (key . value) association of the red-black tree, from the one with the smallest key all the way to the one with the max key, in an ascending order of keys.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC that will apply the given procedure PROCto each (key . value) association of the red-black tree, in the descending order of keys.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC that will apply the given procedure PROCto the value component of each association in the red-black tree, in the ascending order of keys, and will construct a copy of the tree that contains the values returned by that procedure.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC that will apply the given procedure PROCto each (key . value) association in the red-black tree, in the ascending order of keys, and will construct a copy of the tree that contains the values returned by that procedure.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-n . value-n) ... (key-2 . value-2) (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-1 (PROC value-2 ... (PROC value-n INITIAL).
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-n . value-n) ... (key-2 . value-2) (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC key-1 value-1 (PROC key-2 value-2 ... (PROC key-n value-n INITIAL).
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the ascending order of keys: (key-1 . value-1) (key-2 . value-2) ... (key-n . value-n) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-n ... (PROC value-2 (PROC value-1 INITIAL).
returns a procedure LAMBDA PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the ascending order of keys: (key-1 . value-1) (key-2 . value-2) ... (key-n . value-n) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC key-n value-n ... (PROC key-2 value-2 (PROC key-1 value-1 INITIAL).
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-n . value-n) ... (key-2 . value-2) (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-i ... (PROC value-n INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED x) holds true for all x = (value-n) ... (value-i). In other words, this function acts like fold on the ordered subset of the values x in the tree such that (PRED x) is true.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-n . value-n) ... (key-2 . value-2) (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC key-i value-i ... (PROC key-n value-n INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED xk x) holds true for all x = (value-n) ... (value-i) and xk = (key-n) ... (key-i). In other words, this function acts like foldi on the ordered subset of the key-value pairs (k . x) in the tree such that (PRED k x) is true.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the ascending order of keys: (key-1 . value-1) (key-2 . value-2) ... (key-n . value-n) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-1 ... (PROC value-i INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED x) holds true for all x = (value-1) ... (value-i). In other words, this function acts like fold-right on the ordered subset of the values x in the tree such that (PRED x) is true.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-1 . value-1) (key-2 . value-2) ... (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC key-1 value-1 ... (PROC key-i value-i INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED xk x) holds true for all x = (value-1) ... (value-i) and xk = (key-1) ... (key-i). In other words, this function acts like foldi-right on the ordered subset of the key-value pairs (k . x) in the tree such that (PRED k x) is true.
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-n . value-n) ... (key-2 . value-2) (key-1 . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-i ... (PROC value-n INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED x) does not hold true for all x = (PROC value-n INITIAL) ... (PROC (value-i) (PROC value-(i-1)....
returns a procedure LAMBDA PRED PROC INITIAL such that, given the associations in the tree ordered by the descending order of keys: (key-1 . value-1) (key-2 . value-2) ... (key-i . value-1) the procedure returns the result of the successive function applications (PROC value-i ... (PROC value-1 INITIAL), where i <= n and (PRED x) does not hold true for all x = (PROC value-1 INITIAL) ... (PROC (value-i) (PROC value-(i-1)....


;; "--> Sorting of a set of numbers via a red-black tree" 

(define (++ x) (fx+ 1 x))
(define (-- x) (fx- x 1))

  ((min-key -1) (max-key 10)
   (m (make-ephemeral-map (lambda (x y) (- x y))))
   ;; a hard-wired association between a key and a value
   (compute-assoc (lambda (key) (cons key (++ key)))))

  ;; loading a sequence [min-key .. max-key] in ascending order
  (do ((i min-key (++ i))) ((> i max-key))
    ((m 'put!) i (cdr (compute-assoc i))))

  (print "the tree depth is " (m 'depth) "\n")

  (print ((m 'get) (++ min-key)))

  (print ((m 'get) (++ min-key) 'notfound))

  ;; checking traversing in ascending order
  (let ((expected-key min-key))
    ((m 'for-each-ascending)
      (lambda (association)
        (print (equal? association (compute-assoc expected-key)))
        (set! expected-key (++ expected-key)))))

  ;; clearing the m and reloading the same sequence in
  ;; descending order
  (m 'clear!)
  (do ((i max-key (-- i))) ((< i min-key))
     ((m 'put!) i (cdr (compute-assoc i))))

  (print "the tree depth is " (m 'depth) "\n")

  ;; checking traversing in descending order
  (let ((expected-key max-key))
    ((m 'for-each-descending)
      (lambda (association)
        (print (equal? association (compute-assoc expected-key)))
        (set! expected-key (-- expected-key))))))

About this egg


Ivan Raikov

Version history

Using typeclass interface, discarded ephemeral map
Ensure test script returns proper exit status
Divided API in persistent and ephemeral maps
Added get-value operation
Ability to specify different predicates for lookup, insert, delete operations
Documentation converted to wiki format
Added matchable as dependency
Bug fix in dispatch-on-key
Ported to Chicken 4
Fixes to for-each-ascending/descending
Build script updated for better cross-platform compatibility
Added fold-limit procedures
Added fold-partial procedures
Added side-effect-free put and delete procedures
Initial release


Copyright 2007-2013 Ivan Raikov and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

A full copy of the GPL license can be found at