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[[tags:egg]] == npdiff Compute the longest common subsequence of two sequences, and generate a script to transform one sequence into the other. [[toc:]] == Documentation The {{npdiff}} library is an implementation of an algorithm for sequence comparison that has a worst-case running time of {{O(N*P)}}, where {{P}} is the number of deletions required by the shortest edit script between the two sequences. The algorithm is described in the following paper: Sun Wu, Udi Manber, Eugene Myers, and Webb Miller. An O(NP) sequence comparison algorithm. In Information Processing Letters, volume 35, pages 317--323, September 1990. This library defines a data type that describes the three basic operations of an edit script (remove, insert, change) and a procedure that implements the algorithm for sequences of an arbitrary type, provided an equality predicate for that type, and accessors for the sequence. === Data types {{(define-datatype diffop diffop? ...)}} Representation of the three diff operations: insert, remove, change. The target in each operation is an index or a range of indices in the sequence being transformed (target sequence), and the source is a range of indices in the sequence being read from (source sequence). The operation definitions are: ; {{(Insert target source seq context)}} : Insert operation * {{TARGET}} is the index at which the insertion takes place; * {{SOURCE}} is a range in the form (x . y) that specifies the indices of those elements in the source sequence that are inserted in the target sequence; * {{SEQ}} is the target sequence, and * {{CONTEXT}} is an optional context provided in the form {{(BEFORE . AFTER)}} where {{BEFORE}} is a sequence of elements from the source preceding the elements being inserted, and {{AFTER}} is a sequence of elements from the source that follow the elements being inserted. ; {{(Remove target seq context)}} : Remove operation * {{TARGET}} is a range of elements in the form (x . y) that are being deleted from the target sequence; * {{SEQ}} is the target sequence, and * {{CONTEXT}} is an optional context provided in the form {{(BEFORE . AFTER)}} where {{BEFORE}} is a sequence of elements from the target preceding the elements being deleted, and {{AFTER}} is a sequence of elements from the target that follow the elements being deleted. ; {{(Change target source seqin seqout contextin contextout)}} : Change operation * {{TARGET}} is a range of elements in the form (x . y) that are being modified in the target sequence; * {{SOURCE}} is a range of elements in the form (x . y) from the source sequence that are replacing the specified elements in the target sequence; * {{SEQIN}} is the source sequence, and {{SEQOUT}} is the target sequence; * {{CONTEXTOUT}} is an optional context provided in the form {{(BEFORE . AFTER)}} where {{BEFORE}} is a sequence of elements from the target preceding the elements being changed (SEQOUT), and {{AFTER}} is a sequence of element from the target that follow the elements being changed (SEQOUT); {{CONTEXTIN}} is an optional context provided in the form {{(BEFORE . AFTER)}} where {{BEFORE}} is a sequence of elements from the source preceding the replacement elements (SEQIN), and {{AFTER}} is a sequence of elements from the source that follow the replacement elements (SEQIN); === Procedures <procedure>npdiff:: A B [CONTEXT-LEN] -> (HUNK ... )</procedure> Performs comparison on the input sequences where {{A}} and {{B}} are two sequences to be compared, and {{CONTEXT-LEN}} is an optional context length, which is used by the {{HUNKS}} procedure to create context in the hunks of the edit script == About this egg === Author [[/users/ivan-raikov|Ivan Raikov]] === Repository [[|]] === Version history ; 2.0 Ported to CHICKEN 5 and yasos collections ; 1.16 : Added missing else clause when constructing hunks for completely different sequences [thanks to Felix Winkelmann] ; 1.15 : Increased amount of context used for remove hunks [related to a bug discovered by Daishi Kato] ; 1.14 : Proper handling of boundary cases when either input sequence is empty [thanks to Daishi Kato] ; 1.13 : Make sure context is included even if the two sequences are completely different ; 1.12 : Updated version in setup file ; 1.11 : Documentation converted to wiki format ; 1.10 : Eliminated dependency on matchable ; 1.9 : Ported to Chicken 4 ; 1.8 : Added missing files to the file manifest ; 1.7 : Removed dependence on stack egg ; 1.5 : Build script updated for better cross-platform compatibility ; 1.4 : eggdoc documentation fix ; 1.3 : License upgrade to GPL v3 ; 1.2 : Added license text to source files ; 1.1 : Documentation fixes ; 1.0 : Initial release === License Copyright 2007-2019 Ivan Raikov. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A full copy of the GPL license can be found at <>.
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