zstd bindings for Chicken Scheme

  1. zstd bindings for Chicken Scheme
    1. Requirements
    2. Source Code
    3. API
    4. API Design
    5. Examples
    6. Example code for benchmarking and testing
    7. Development status


Source Code

Hosted here.


[procedure] (compressing-output-port output-port #!key (level 3)) => output-port

Returns an output-port to which uncompressed data can be written, and its compressed form will be written to output-port. If level is supplied, it sets the compression level as documented by man zstd, and should be an integer in the range [1-19]. Closing this output-port does not close output-port.

[procedure] (decompressing-input-port input-port) => input-port

Returns an input-port from which uncompressed data can be read. Compressed data read, from input-port, will be read in the process. Closing this input-port does not close input-port.

API Design

The API surface is intentionally left small, with only 2 port-based functions. Hopefully, this is sufficient for most use-cases. If this is not the case, please give feedback.


Some very basic usage for illustration.

(import zstd chicken.process chicken.io chicken.port)

(with-input-from-pipe ;; => "hello hello hello\n"
 "echo hello hello hello | zstd"
 (lambda () (with-input-from-port (decompressing-input-port) read-string)))

(with-output-to-pipe ;; prints "hello world" to stdout
 "zstd -d"
 (lambda ()
   (current-output-port (compressing-output-port))
   (print "hello world")
   (close-output-port (current-output-port))))

Example code for benchmarking and testing

The code under ./examples may be useful to try things out and compare against the zstd command-line-tool.

> cd examples
> make
csc hello.scm
csc zstd.scm
csc unzstd.scm
> ./hello | pv -cNu | sha1sum
        u: 18.0MiB 0:00:00 [47.2MiB/s]
7c363606a232e640bb0f9dce8b0023a78f7059ba  -
> ./hello | pv -cNu | ./zstd -1 | pv -cNz | ./unzstd | sha1sum
        u: 18.0MiB 0:00:00 [46.2MiB/s]
        z:  343KiB 0:00:00 [ 879KiB/s]
7c363606a232e640bb0f9dce8b0023a78f7059ba  -
> ./hello | pv -cNu | ./zstd -22 | pv -cNz | ./unzstd | sha1sum
        u: 18.0MiB 0:00:22 [ 828KiB/s]
        z:  115KiB 0:00:22 [5.15KiB/s]
7c363606a232e640bb0f9dce8b0023a78f7059ba  -
> ./hello | pv -cNu | zstd -1 | pv -cNz | unzstd | sha1sum
        u: 18.0MiB 0:00:00 [46.5MiB/s]
        z:  486KiB 0:00:00 [1.22MiB/s]
7c363606a232e640bb0f9dce8b0023a78f7059ba  -

Development status