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== manual-labor Generate static HTML pages from Chicken wiki manual files. === Command-line program A command-line program called {{manual-labor}} is installed with the extension. It takes two arguments: the directory containing the man pages (such as {{/path/to/chicken-core/manual}}) and the output directory, which should be a new or empty directory. $ manual-labor --help usage: manual-labor [options] mandir htmldir options: --support DIR Look in DIR for support files (CSS, JS, etc.) (default: "/usr/local/lib/chicken/6/manual-labor-support") All files in ''mandir'' are converted to HTML by way of [[/egg/svnwiki-sxml|svnwiki->sxml]] and [[/egg/chicken-doc-html|chicken-doc-sxml->html]]. Uninteresting files (backup files, dotfiles, symlinks, directories) are skipped. Output files are named like the input, adding an {{.html}} extension. Additionally, CSS and Javascript files in the support directory are copied into the output directory, and referenced from the HTML pages. These support files are included with the installed egg; by default, this is just {{manual.css}}. By using the {{--support}} option, you can point {{manual-labor}} to a customized support directory of your choosing. === High-level API <procedure>(generate-html-manual mandir outdir)</procedure> Process the wiki manual directory ''mandir'' and output HTML to ''outdir'', which will be created if it does not exist. Also copies any support files from {{(manual-labor-support-dir)}}. <parameter>(manual-labor-support-dir DIR)</parameter> Directory for manual-labor support files. Any {{.css}} and {{.js}} files in this directory are copied into the output directory and linked into the generated pages. (Order of inclusion is not currently guaranteed.) Defaults to {{(make-pathname (repository-path) "manual-labor-support")}}. === Low-level API Not currently exported. === Bugs and limitations * No section table of contents is generated * No definition contents sidebar, as in [[/egg/chickadee|chickadee]] * HTML IDs may not be unique, which is illegal but will render ok === About this egg ==== Author Jim Ursetto ==== Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. ==== License Copyright (c) 2010 Jim Ursetto. 3-clause BSD license.
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