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== Elevator Pitch Some things to point out to your boss if you want to use CHICKEN for Real World programming, especially for the Web: * Running an application in a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop: no compilation step; redefine anything you want, any time) is the original RDE (Rapid Development Environment). * An excellent maintenance environment; bugs can be corrected live, without restarting a single process. * Programmers are capable of only so many correct statements per unit time. Scheme provides a vehicle to generate more correct statements in any given time period. Fewer bugs = Faster code. * CHICKEN Scheme is easy to learn, and there are plenty of resources available. * Very supportive community, with a wide intellectual background. * Unit testing frameworks available and used by core and extension code. * Works with third-party libraries written in C, C++, Java, Python, and Lua. Support for major databases. * Profile to determine any "hotspots". Then compile for a "bare metal" speed-up. * Supports Windows, BSD, Linux, MacOS X, and embedded platforms. * Static linking makes it easy to distribute binaries to users. * Works great in an environment where forking processes is cheap: you can write small, fast programs that are suitable for Unix-style design (forks, pipes, etc.). A good approach for shared-nothing, highly-scalable applications; unlike Java. -- adapted from [[|a post by Graham Fawcett]] Scheme occupies a unique niche. A research niche and an educational niche. It is not a language. Not R6RS, not R5RS, not R4Rs. It is an idea. Or a collection of ideas. It is a framework. It is a way of thinking. It is a mindset. All of this is embodied in an ever growing family of languages or dialects, not a single language. It is a virus. It is the ultimate programming-language virus. The cat is already out of the bag and there is no way to get it back in. Once someone gets the mindset, they can implement their own implementation, which is often a slightly different dialect. This has happened hundreds if not thousands of times over. (Probably hundreds of thousands or more if one counts all the people doing homework for Scheme courses.) This happens for Scheme in a way that it doesn't for any other language. Scheme has also served as a testbed for innovated language ideas more than any other language, either by fueling such innovation or by adopting such innovation. I'm talking about the most major innovations of all of computer science. Things like: scoping, nondeterminism, parallelism, lazy evaluation, unification, constraint processing, stochastic computation, quantum computation, automatic differentiation, genetic programming, types, automated reasoning, ... just to name a few. -- from the R6RS Ballot of Jeffrey Mark Siskind, author of Stalin and current (unofficial) maintainer of Scheme->C
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