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== CHICKEN Coding Jam 2021 Due to the current difficulties to have a physical CHICKEN meetup, there will be an online event this year, to get together to discuss the roadmap for the next CHICKEN version, and as a general get-together and exchange for the CHICKEN community. As we need to set new goals for the next CHICKEN release, this meeting will be an opportunity to collect ideas, discuss them and plan how and when to implement improvements, bug fixes and/or new features for CHICKEN 6. If you have suggestions, please create a document that describes the changes you have in mind, ideally as a page in this wiki, the more detailed it is and the more thought out, the better, as this makes it easier to assess the feasability and the required work for what should go into the next release(s). These projects may be ambitious, but if they are, then some thought should have gone into it, in other words: just asking for native thread support without some concrete idea of how to do that is not going to make it ... :-) A dedicated IRC channel on will be announced shortly before the event. We plan to use Jitsi video conferencing, the hosting of which is kindly provided by [[|bevuta IT GmbH]]. IRC is of course also available for separate discussions and frequent consulting of Vandusen in philosophical matters. The event will take place from Friday, 9th to Sunday, 11th of April. It is planned to start Fridays at noon (UTC) and keep it open for 48 hours until Sunday noon, so there will be opportunities to join for people of all timezones. It would be great if participants are willing to give talks or presentations on interesting subjects, please tell us in advance if you'd like to show or present something so we can make up a schedule. We plan to have an open video-conferencing session on Friday, 9th and Saturday, 10th, from 19:00-22:00, where we can discuss things in person (so to speak) and make presentations and demonstrations. === Schedule Discussion and coordination will take place in the IRC channel #ChickenCodingJam on The channel will be created Friday morning, so feel free to join. Presentations and talks may be prerecorded. We still show them in the video sessions, but include a Q+A session after each talk, as time permits. Links to prerecorded talks will be made available shortly before each presentation begins to reduce bandwidth. ==== Friday, 2021-04-09 * 12:00 UTC - Official start of the event * 19:00 UTC - Start of 1st video session, Welcome. * 19:30 UTC - Discussion panel: State of the CHICKEN 2021 survey: Discussion on the results of the [[//|State of CHICKEN 2021 survey]] * 21:30 UTC - Presentation: Towards a better Duckyscript toolchain (by Vasilij "wasamasa" Schneidermann): I'll present [[|plucky]], a [[|Duckyscript]] compiler I wrote out of frustration with the existing toolchain. It processes a BASIC-style language describing human keyboard input, intended to be used for red teaming security assessments. Video links: [[//|Talk]] [[//|Demo]] * 22:30 UTC - End of 1st video session ==== Saturday, 2021-04-10 * 18:00 UTC - Start of 2nd video session * 18:10 UTC - Testing CHICKEN and eggs (by mario-goulart) Video link: [[//|Talk (webm)]] * 19:00 UTC - Persistent Variables (by Luke K) Video link: [[//|Talk (webm)]] * 19:10 UTC - Bleeding-edge Stateless Programming (by Luke K) Video link: [[//|Talk (webm)]] * 19:30 UTC - Experiences using Chicken in a corporate compute environment for design automation (by Matt Welland): I'll give a quick overview of Megatest, logpro, refdb and sauth and then cover challenges encountered, mistakes made, lessons learned and end with a few thoughts on what might help us from the Chicken side. Video link: [[//|Talk (webm)]] * 21:00 UTC - Bintracker: Writing a chiptune music editor in Chicken. (by utz) Video link: [[//|Talk (mp4)]] * 22:00 UTC - End of 2nd video session ==== Sunday, 2021-04-11 * 12:00 UTC - Official end of event The IRC channel will be open until an undetermined time, so there is still a lot of time for discussions, hacking and chatting. === Current list of development proposals: * [[/c6-proposal-pump|New event dispatching system]] (by felix)
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