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Peter Bex

About me
I'm a Schemer and CHICKEN core developer from the Netherlands.
My ongoing core contributions mainly focus on the numerical tower code, keeping the in-core copy of the irregex library up-to-date with the upstream version (of which I'm a co-maintainer), squashing bugs (specialty: grilled macro-transformer) and the odd security fix.
Besides core, I also maintain the following eggs:
- Postgresql - bindings to libpq.
- Spiffy the webserver.
- spiffy-cgi-handlers (with Andy Bennett) - CGI handlers for Spiffy.
- spiffy-dynamic-handlers - dynamic web page handlers for Spiffy (deprecated).
- URI-generic (with Ivan Raikov) - parser for URI syntax as per RFC 3986.
- sxml-modifications - the "modif" parts from sxml-tools (from the SSAX project).
I've written the following eggs:
- 9p (with Alaric Snell-Pym) - 9p protocol implementation in pure Scheme.
- Colorize - a port of the Lisppaste colorizing code (from Common Lisp).
- Crypt - bindings for the UNIX crypt() C function, packaged with some fallback implementations.
- Efax - support for their fax gateway service.
- Epeg bindings.
- Fancypants - a ligature and quote education library for SXML.
- Henrietta-cache - a caching system for the distributed egg repository.
- HTTP-client - high-level HTTP client library.
- Imlib2 bindings (this has now passed into the capable hands of Moritz).
- Intarweb - a more convenient HTTP library (serves as the plumbing for Spiffy and Intarweb).
- md5 - Scheme wrapper of a common MD5 C library.
- Phoghorn - an image gallery library.
- SCSH-process - A reimplementation of the Scheme Shell's process pipeline notation.
- SLaTeX - Typesetting of Scheme and Lisp code with LaTeX. This is a CHICKEN port of Dorai Sitaram's package.
- sha1 - Scheme wrapper of a common SHA-1 C library.
- Smsmatrix - support for their SMS and fax gateway service.
- ssql - "structured sql" (this too is now under Moritz's care).
- svn-egg-author - Helper scripts for making egg releases with Subversion.
- Sxml-fu - Some useful SXML procedures.
- URI-common - More convenient support for parsing specific URI syntax of common protocols like HTTP.
- wmii - Scripting library for the wmii window manager.
- qwiki (with Ivan Raikov) - The wiki engine serving the page you're currently reading.
- XML-RPC - Support for the XML-RPC standard.
And occasionally, when I feel like it or when it's really needed, I work on the following eggs. None of these are authored by me and I'm not the official maintainer of any here either:
- Defstruct - A convenient alternative to define-record (from Dorai Sitaram).
- FreeTDS (with Peter Danenberg) - bindings for the FreeTDS library.
- Numbers - Full numeric tower support.
- Prometheus - a prototype-based object system with a really cool name.
- Sendfile - send a file as quickly as possible from A to B.
- SVN-client - Bindings for libsvn.
- Sxml-transforms - SXML transformations (from the SSAX project).
- Sxpath - Structured XPath selectors (also from the SSAX project).
Personal website
I run a blog called More Magic. It has lovingly crafted long-form posts dealing with Scheme, but I like to write about broader programming topics, free software and security as well. My blog is syndicated on Planet Scheme, which I heartily recommend subscribing to. If you run your own Scheme blog please consider asking Jens Axel Søgaard to add your blog to it! Scheme needs more advocacy and documentation.
You can reach me through e-mail at (string-concatenate-reverse '(".net" "more-magic" "@" "peter")), but only if you've loaded SRFI-13. You can also try joining #chicken on Freenode and asking for sjamaan.