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Chicken Scheme bindings for the JSON parser cjson. chicken-cjson offers a significant performance improvement over medea and json, but comes with a major drawback: all data must be availabe as a string. This means you cannot parse JSON coming from a port unless you know how much data to hand over to chicken-cjson.

chicken-cjson offers an alternative API which exposes a JSON c-struct as a #<cjson> scheme record. This is for performance reasons and allows you to pick apart JSON objects using lolevel C-functions, without transitioning into scheme objects. This is a little faster but is a lot more verbose.

The #<cjson> record-printer will output the object's JSON representaion for easier debugging:

$ csi -R cjson -p '(string->cjson "[1,2,3]")'
#<cjson [1,2,3]>


None. cjson comes bundled.


[procedure] (string->cjson string)

Parse the string and return a #<cjson> record which holds a c-struct representing the JSON. The returned record has a finalizer attached to it so the underlying c-struct gets freed on garbage collection.

[procedure] (string->cjson* string)

Like string->cjson but does not attach a finalizer to the #<cjson> record. cjson-free must be explicitly called later on the returned value to avoid memory leaks. This is sometimes faster than attaching finalizers, particularly if there are large numbers of #<cjson> objects.

[procedure] (cjson->string cjson [pretty-print?])

Convert the #<cjson> object to its JSON-representation, returned as a string. pretty-print? defaults to true.

[procedure] (cjson-schemify cjson)

Convert the #<cjson> object to scheme data-structures. The data-structures are the same as medea's, where array => vector and object => alist.

[procedure] (string->json string)

Make scheme data-structures of the json data in string using CJSON:

(define (string->json str)
  (let* ((j (string->cjson* str))
         (s (cjson-schemify j)))
    (cjson-free j)

For string inputs, this should be API-equivalent of medea's (read-json).

[procedure] (cjson-type cjson)

Pick out the type of a CJSON record. Returns a fixnum.

   [variable] cjson/false
   [variable] cjson/true
   [variable] cjson/null
   [variable] cjson/number
   [variable] cjson/string
   [variable] cjson/array
   [variable] cjson/object

Exposes the cjson-type constants.

[procedure] (cjson-double cjson)
[procedure] (cjson-string cjson)
[procedure] (cjson-key cjson)

"Unbox" the json value. cjson-type must match like this:

(select (cjson-type cjson)
   ((cjson/false) #f)
   ((cjson/true)  #t)
   ((cjson/null) (void))
   ((cjson/number) (cjson-double cjson))
   ((csjon/string) (cjson-string cjson))
   (else (error "probably a vector or object")))

[procedure] (cjson-array-size cjson)

Return the number of elements in the array. If cjson's type is not an array, this is undefined bahaviour.

[procedure] (cjson-array-ref cjson index)

Return the element of cjson at position index. index must be a fixnum. Undefined behaviour if cjson is not an array.

[procedure] (cjson-obj-ref cjson key)

Select field key from cjson. Key must be a string. Undefined behaviour if cjson is not of type cjosn/object.


The performance characteristics of JSON parsing is mysterious. It is recommended to use medea or json for normal usage because they integrate better with the scheme-world. For particular cases, however, there may be significant performace improvements in using cjson.

Sometimes medea is faster than cjson:

$ (echo '[' ; for i in {0..1000} ; do echo '"str", 1, 2, 3, 4,' ; done ; echo ' 0]') > bigjson
$ time csi -R medea -e '(pp (read-json))' < bigjson >/dev/null

real    0m0.152s
user    0m0.140s
sys     0m0.013s
$ time csi -R cjson -e '(pp (string->json (read-string)))' < bigjson >/dev/null

real    0m0.114s
user    0m0.103s
sys     0m0.010s

The slowdown could be because of read-string's memory allocations. cjson may shine when you already have the JSON data in memory:

$ for i in {0..100000} ; do echo '{"field" : {"id" : 1}}' ; done > jsonlines
$ time csi -R medea -R ports -e '(port-for-each (lambda (line) (pp (alist-ref `field (read-json line)))) read-line)' < jsonlines  > /dev/null

real    0m3.997s
user    0m3.933s
sys     0m0.067s
$ time csi -R cjson -R ports -e '(port-for-each (lambda (line) (pp (alist-ref `field (string->json line)))) read-line)' < jsonlines  > /dev/null

real    0m1.099s
user    0m1.083s
sys     0m0.017s

That's four times faster. Probably doesn't justify sacrificing a convenient API. In some cases, though, parsing JSON in C and using it's combersome API can pay off:

$ JSON='{"field" : {"id" : "ID"} , "a":1, "b":2, "c":[1,{"x":{"y":"y"}},3],"d":{"e":[]}}'
$ for i in {0..100000} ; do echo $JSON ; done > jsonlines
$ for f in test*.scm ; do echo ===== $f === ; cat $f ; done
===== test-cjson.scm ===
(use cjson ports)

 (lambda (line)
   (let ((cjson (string->cjson* line)))
     (print (cjson-string (cjson-obj-ref (cjson-obj-ref cjson "field") "id")))
     (cjson-free cjson)))

===== test-medea.scm ===
(use medea ports)

 (lambda (line)
   (print (alist-ref 'id (alist-ref 'field (read-json line)))))

$ for f in test*.scm ; do echo $f ; time csi -s $f < jsonlines >/dev/null ; done

real    0m0.541s
user    0m0.523s
sys     0m0.020s

real    0m13.870s
user    0m13.717s
sys     0m0.153s
$ time jq '' < jsonlines  > /dev/null

real    0m0.513s
user    0m0.500s
sys     0m0.017s

In this particular run, CJSON is 25 times faster than medea and performas as well as jq. This would be in situations where you are parsing a lot of JSON, but only a small part of that needs to go back into scheme.

Note that this example works because we have one JSON object per line, effectively giving us a json-object delimiter.