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Simple Freetype font rendering in OpenGL with a single vertex buffer and texture.

Only horizontal, left-to-right rendering is currently supported.



[procedure] (load-face PATH SIZE [char-set: CHAR-SET] [mode: MODE])

Load the font face given by the Freetype-openable file pointed to by PATH with a size of SIZE pixels. CHAR-SET is the SRFI 14 character-set that should be loaded, defaulting to char-set:graphic. Any non-graphical characters in the set will waste space. MODE is the mode in which the font should be rendered and should be one of #:normal (the default) – for normally hinted, anti-aliased rendering – or #:mono – for monochrome (aliased) rendering. Returns a face record.

[record] face
[procedure] (face? FACE)
[procedure] (face-atlas FACE)
[procedure] (face-char-set FACE)
[procedure] (face-height FACE)

The record type returned by load-face.

[procedure] (string-mesh STRING FACE [line-spacing: SPACING] [max-width: MAX-WIDTH] [x: X] [y: Y])

Render the given STRING into a gl-utils mesh with the provided FACE. SPACING is multiplied by the standard line advancement – a smaller spacing results in less space between successive lines – defaults to 1.0. If MAX-WIDTH is provided, the string will be word-wrapped such that it does not exceed the given width. X and Y may be given to provide an offset to the rendered string’s origin.

Strings are rendered with the upper-left corner of the text at the origin, with the dimensions of the mesh set in pixels. The mesh that is created has vertex attributes position – a 2 element #:short – and tex-coord – a 2 element normalized #:ushort, and #:ushort indices.

[procedure] (string-width STRING FACE)

Returns the width, in pixels, of the STRING if it were rendered with FACE. Any non-graphical characters other than #\space will be ignored.


See the examples directory.

Version history

Version 0.1.0

Source repository

Source available on GitHub.

Bug reports and patches welcome! Bugs can be reported via GitHub or to alex.n.charlton at gmail.


Alex Charlton
