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An emulator for the 6502 CPU.

Only the pure CPU is emulated, no hardware-interaction model is provided.

The opcode-interpreter is implemented in crunch, and so a C++ compiler must be installed on your system. The interpreter-code is pre-compiled and included in the egg as compiling it takes quite a while. Compiling the C++ code needs crunch.h, so the crunch extension must be installed.


[procedure] (make-processor #!key memory registers)

Returns a record structure representing a single 6502 processor. memory should be an u8vector that is used as RAM, usually of length 65546. registers should be an 7 element u8vector, where the elements hold the values of the registers, according to the following table:

Index Register
0 A
1 X
2 Y
3 P
4 S
5 PC (low byte)
6 PC (high byte)
[procedure] (processor? X)

Returns #t if X is a processor record or #f otherwise.

[procedure] (processor-memory P)
[procedure] (processor-memory-set! P U8VECTOR)
[procedure] (processor-registers P)
[procedure] (processor-registers-set! P U8VECTOR)

Accessors for the processor record.

[procedure] (reset! P)

Resets the CPU represented by P by setting A, X, Y to zero, P to #x20, S to #xff and PC to the 16-bit address stored at location #xfffc.

[procedure] (execute! P #!key cycles)

Executes instructions for processor P with the state currently active in the processor record. Execution continues endlessly or after at least cycles CPU cycles have been consumed (instructions always run to completion).

[procedure] (interrupt! P VEC)

Triggers an interrupt for processor P by pushing the PC and P registers, setting the interrupt flag and continuing execution at the address stored at the memory location given in VEC.


Say you need a fast way of multiplying an 8-bit quantity with 10, then you could do:

(use sixtyfive-oh-two srfi-4 lolevel utils miscmacros)

;; Fast Multiply by 10
;; By Leo Nechaev (, 28 October 2000.

; * = $1000
; LDA #18
; L1:
; JMP L1
; MULT10:
; ASL A         ;multiply by 2
; STA TEMP    ;temp store in TEMP
; ASL A        ;again multiply by 2 (*4)
; ASL A        ;again multiply by 2 (*8)
; ADC TEMP    ;as result, A = x*8 + x*2

(define mult10
  '#${a9 12
      20 08 10
      4c 05 10
      8d 00 20
      6d 00 20

(define p (make-processor))
(move-memory! mult10 (processor-memory p) (blob-size mult10) 0 #x1000)
(define regs (processor-registers p))
(u8vector-set! regs 5 #x00)			; PC = #x1000
(u8vector-set! regs 6 #x10)
(execute! p cycles: 100)
(pp regs)
(assert (= 180 (u8vector-ref regs 0)))

The sixtyfive-oh-two egg also contains a copy of the FIG Forth interpreter for the 6502. Download the code by entering

 chicken-install -retrieve -test sixtyfive-oh-two

and check out the "test" subdirectory. More examples, the sources for the interpreter and hardware emulation code can be found in the egg SVN repository: (user: anonymous, password: empty).


Felix Winkelmann


(c)2012 Felix Winkelmann
Available under a 3-clause BSD license.

Version History

initial release