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CHICKEN bindings to stbimagewrite


None, stb_image_write.h v1.09 is embedded in the egg.


[procedure] (write-png pixels width height components #!key flip compression stride filter)
[procedure] (write-jpg pixels width height components #!key flip quality)
[procedure] (write-tga pixels width height components #!key flip rle)
[procedure] (write-bmp pixels width height components #!key flip)

Writes the u8vector pixels to (current-output-port) using the image format of the procedure name. The pixel format depends on components, which represents the number of bytes per pixel:

   1: y8 (gray)
   2: ya16 (gray + alpha)
   3: rgb24
   4: rgba32

Extra parameters are:


(with-output-to-file "red.png"
  (lambda ()
    (write-png 16 9 4
           (let ((r '(255   0   0 255))
             (b '(  0   0 255 128))
             (_ '(  0   0   0   0)))
           (list b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
             b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b
             b _ _ r r r _ r r r _ r r _ _ b
             b _ _ r _ r _ r _ _ _ r _ r _ b
             b _ _ r r r _ r r r _ r _ r _ b
             b _ _ r r _ _ r _ _ _ r _ r _ b
             b _ _ r _ r _ r r r _ r r _ _ b
             b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b
             b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b)))))))