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Install and manage multiple CHICKEN versions.


Dust is a binary-based CHICKEN version manager. It lets one quickly install multiple CHICKEN versions and switch between them.

Platform Support

The following platforms are supported:

More platforms may be added in the future, however this is not a priority. If you'd like support for a particular platform, please let the author know.

Available Versions

The following versions can be installed:


On Linux, you can download a precompiled version of the application:

wget -O dust$(uname -m)-linux
chmod +x dust

Or you can build the program from source (this requires an existing CHICKEN version 5.0 or newer):

chicken-install -n dust


Dust operates in one of two modes. It can either install CHICKENs into a system-wide installation directory (/opt/dust) or into a user-specific directory (specified by DUST_HOME).

In both cases, user files are isolated from one another, so this is really just a question of where you want to put things. In the former case, you'll need to initialise the installation directory by running dust init (as root), while the latter can be used without root permissions.


Refer to the program's help text:

Usage: dust <command> ...

  init <group>
  install [<name>] <version>
  switch <name>
  uninstall <name>


Dust is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.