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= CHICKEN miniKanren

This repository provides the canonical miniKanren implementation, wrapped as an egg for CHICKEN Scheme. The egg also includes extensions originally provided by Alex Shinn and modified to work with this version of miniKanren, which represent code and relations from *The Reasoned Schemer* (Dan Friedman, William Byrd, and Oleg Kiselyov, MIT Press.).

Note: This repository is mirrored on both Bitbucket and Github. To avoid duplication of effort, please submit issues via Bitbucket. I have enabled anonymous issue reporting in case you do not wish to create a Bitbucket account for the sake of uploading an issue.

From the miniKanren implementation

Canonical miniKanren implementation.

Implements the language described in the paper:

William E. Byrd, Eric Holk, and Daniel P. Friedman. miniKanren, Live and Untagged: Quine Generation via Relational Interpreters (Programming Pearl). To appear in the Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012.


Logical operators:

[constant] fresh
[constant] conde

Interface operators:

[constant] run
[constant] run\*


Constraint operators:

[constant] =/=
[constant] symbolo
[constant] numbero
[constant] absento