SRFI 252
Property Testing
A Chicken port of the reference implementation of SRFI 252. Note that this egg depends on the srfi-64 egg, not the test egg.
SRFI author: Antero Mejr
Maintainer: Peter McGoron
The following is from the SRFI.
Testing forms
It is an error to invoke the testing procedures if there is no current test runner.
[procedure] (test-property property generator-list [runs])Run a property test.
The property argument is a predicate procedure with an arity equal to the length of the generator-list argument. The generator-list argument must be a proper list containing SRFI 158 generators. The property procedure must be applied to the values returned by the generator-list such that the value generated by the car position of the generator-list will be the first argument to property, and so on.
The runs argument, if provided, must be a non-negative integer. This argument specifies how many times the property will be tested with newly generated inputs. If not provided, the implementation may choose how many times to run the test.
It is an error if any generator in generator-list is exhausted before the specified number of runs is completed.
Property tests can be named by placing them inside an SRFI 64 test group.
[procedure] (test-property-expect-fail property generator-list [runs])Run a property test that is expected to fail for all inputs. This only affects test reporting, not test execution.
[procedure] (test-property-skip property generator-list [runs])Do not run a property test. The active test-runner will skip the test, and no runs will be performed.
[procedure] (test-property-error property generator-list [runs])Run a property test that is expected to raise an exception for all inputs. The exception raised may be of any type.
[procedure] (test-property-error-type error-type property generator-list [runs])Run a property test that is expected to raise a specific type of exception for all inputs. In order for the test to pass, the exception raised must match the error type specified by the error-type argument. The error type may be implementation-specific, or one specified in SRFI 36.
Test runner
[procedure] (property-test-runner)Creates a SRFI 64 test-runner. This is just (test-runner-create).
The generator procedures in this SRFI must be implemented using SRFI 194, such that the current-random-source parameter can be configured to facilitate deterministic generation of property test inputs.
[procedure] (boolean-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns #t and #f. The generator should return the sequence (#t #f) first, then a uniformly random distribution of #t and #f.
[procedure] (bytevector-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the bytevector? predicate. The generator should return an empty bytevector first, then a series of bytevectors with uniformly randomly distributed contents and lengths. The maximum length of the generated bytevectors is chosen by the implementation.
[procedure] (char-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the char? predicate. The generator should return the character #\null first, then a uniformly random distribution of characters.
(define char-gen (char-generator)) (char-gen) ; => #\null (char-gen) ; => #\something[procedure] (string-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns strings. The generator should return an empty string first, then a series of strings with uniformly randomly distributed contents and lengths. The maximum length of the generated strings is chosen by the implementation.
(define string-gen (string-generator)) (string-gen) ; => "" (string-gen) ; => "..."[procedure] (symbol-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns symbols. The generator should return the empty symbol first, then a series of randomized symbols.
(define symbol-gen (symbol-generator)) (symbol-gen) ; => || (symbol-gen) ; => 'something
Number generators
The ranges of the random numbers returned by the numeric generators below are defined by the implementation. Applications that require a specific range of numeric test inputs are encouraged to create custom generators using SRFI 158.
[procedure] (complex-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the complex? predicate. The real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers may be exact or inexact. The generator should return a uniformly random sampling of the values generated by exact-complex-generator and inexact-complex-generator.
(define complex-gen (complex-generator)) (complex-gen) ; => 0 or 0.0[procedure] (integer-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the integer? predicate. The generator should return a uniformly random sampling of the values generated by exact-integer-generator and inexact-integer-generator.
(define integer-gen (integer-generator)) (integer-gen) ; => 0 or 0.0[procedure] (number-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the number? predicate. The generator should return a uniformly random sampling of the values generated by exact-number-generator and inexact-number-generator.
(define number-gen (number-generator)) (number-gen) ; => 0 or 0.0[procedure] (rational-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the rational? predicate. The generator should return a uniformly random sampling of the values generated by exact-rational-generator and inexact-rational-generator.
(define rational-gen (rational-generator)) (rational-gen) ; => 0 or 0.0[procedure] (real-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the real? predicate. The generator should return a uniformly random sampling of the values generated by exact-real-generator and inexact-real-generator.
(define real-gen (real-generator)) (real-gen) ; => 0 or 0.0
Exact number generators
[procedure] (exact-complex-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? and complex? predicates. The real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers must be exact. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1 1/2 -1/2 0+i 0-i 1+i 1-i -1+i -1-i 1/2+1/2i 1/2-1/2i -1/2+1/2i -1/2-1/2i
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact complex numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
If the implementation does not support the exact-complex feature, it is an error to call this procedure.
(define exact-complex-gen (exact-complex-generator)) (exact-complex-gen) ; => 0[procedure] (exact-integer-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? and integer? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact integers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define exact-int-gen (exact-integer-generator)) (exact-int-gen) ; => 0[procedure] (exact-integer-complex-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? and complex? predicates. The real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers must be exact integers. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1 0+i 0-i 1+i 1-i -1+i -1-i
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact complex numbers with integer components. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define exact-int-comp-gen (exact-integer-complex-generator)) (exact-int-comp-gen) ; => 0[procedure] (exact-number-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? predicate. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1 1/2 -1/2 0+i 0-i 1+i 1-i -1+i -1-i 1/2+1/2i 1/2-1/2i -1/2+1/2i -1/2-1/2i
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define exact-gen (exact-number-generator)) (exact-gen) ; => 0[procedure] (exact-rational-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? and rational? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1 1/2 -1/2
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact rational numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define exact-rational-gen (exact-rational-generator)) (exact-rational-gen) ; => 0[procedure] (exact-real-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the exact? and real? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0 1 -1 1/2 -1/2
first, then a uniformly random distribution of exact real numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define exact-real-gen (exact-real-generator)) (exact-real-gen) ; => 0
Inexact number generators
[procedure] (inexact-complex-generator)Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the inexact? and complex? predicates. The real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers must be inexact. The generator should return the sequence
0.0 -0.0 0.5 -0.5 1.0 -1.0 0.0+1.0i 0.0-1.0i -0.0+1.0i -0.0-1.0i 0.5+0.5i 0.5-0.5i -0.5+0.5i -0.5-0.5i 1.0+1.0i 1.0-1.0i -1.0+1.0i -1.0-1.0i +inf.0+inf.0i +inf.0-inf.0i -inf.0+inf.0i -inf.0-inf.0i +nan.0+nan.0i +inf.0 -inf.0 +nan.0
first, then a uniformly random distribution of inexact complex numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define inexact-complex-gen (inexact-complex-generator)) (inexact-complex-gen) ; => 0.0+0.0i[procedure] (inexact-integer-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the inexact? and integer? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0.0 -0.0 1.0 -1.0
first, then a uniformly random distribution of inexact integers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define inexact-int-gen (inexact-integer-generator)) (inexact-int-gen) ; => 0.0[procedure] (inexact-number-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the inexact? predicate. The generator should return the sequence
0.0 -0.0 0.5 -0.5 1.0 -1.0 0.0+1.0i 0.0-1.0i -0.0+1.0i -0.0-1.0i 0.5+0.5i 0.5-0.5i -0.5+0.5i -0.5-0.5i 1.0+1.0i 1.0-1.0i -1.0+1.0i -1.0-1.0i +inf.0+inf.0i +inf.0-inf.0i -inf.0+inf.0i -inf.0-inf.0i +nan.0+nan.0i +inf.0 -inf.0 +nan.0
first, then a uniformly random distribution of inexact numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define inexact-gen (inexact-number-generator)) (inexact-gen) ; => 0.0[procedure] (inexact-rational-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the inexact? and rational? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0.0 -0.0 0.5 -0.5 1.0 -1.0
first, then a uniformly random distribution of inexact rational numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define inexact-rational-gen (inexact-rational-generator)) (inexact-rational-gen) ; => 0.0[procedure] (inexact-real-generator)
Create an infinite generator that returns objects that fulfill the inexact? and real? predicates. The generator should return the sequence
0.0 -0.0 0.5 -0.5 1.0 -1.0 +inf.0 -inf.0 +nan.0
first, then a uniformly random distribution of inexact real numbers. Elements of the above sequence may be omitted if they are not distinguished in the implementation.
(define inexact-real-gen (inexact-real-generator)) (inexact-real-gen) ; => 0.0
Special generators
[procedure] (list-generator-of subgenerator [max-length])Create an infinite generator that returns lists. The generator should return the empty list first. Then it should return lists containing values generated by subgenerator, with a length uniformly randomly distributed between 1 and max-length, if specified. If the max-length argument is not specified, the implementation may select the size range.
(define list-gen (list-generator-of (integer-generator))) (list-gen) ; => '() (list-gen) ; => '(0 1 -1 ...)[procedure] (pair-generator-of subgenerator-car [subgenerator-cdr])
Create an infinite generator that returns pairs. The contents of the pairs are values generated by the subgenerator-car, and if specified, subgenerator-cdr arguments. If both subgenerator arguments are specified, subgenerator-car will populate the car, while subgenerator-cdr will populate the cdr of the pair. If the subgenerator-cdr argument is not specified, subgenerator-car will be used to generate both elements of the pair.
(define pair-gen (pair-generator-of (integer-generator) (boolean-generator))) (pair-gen) ; => '(0 . #t)[procedure] (procedure-generator-of subgenerator)
Create an infinite generator that returns procedures. The return values of those procedures are values generated by the {{subgenerator}] argument. The procedures generated should be variadic.
(define proc-gen (procedure-generator-of (boolean-generator))) ((proc-gen) 1) ; => #t ((proc-gen) 'foo 'bar) ; => #f ((proc-gen) "x" "y" "z") ; => #t or #f[procedure] (vector-generator-of subgenerator [max-length])
Create an infinite generator that returns vectors. The generator should return the empty vector first. Then it should return vectors containing values generated by subgenerator, with a length uniformly randomly distributed between 1 and max-length, if specified. If the max-length argument is not specified, the implementation may select the size range.
(define vector-gen (vector-generator-of (boolean-generator))) (vector-gen) ; => #() (vector-gen) ; => #(#t #f ...)
Named property tests
(define (my-square z) (* z z)) (define (my-square-property z) (= (sqrt (my-square z)) z)) ;; Test the property ten times. (test-begin "my-square-prop-test") (test-property my-square-property (list (integer-generator)) 10) (test-end "my-square-prop-test")
Property tests that are expected to fail
(define (my-square z) (+ z 1)) ; Incorrect for all inputs (define (my-square-property z) (= (sqrt (my-square z)) z)) (test-property-expect-fail my-square-property (list (integer-generator)))
Skip a property test
(test-property-skip (lambda (x) #t) (list (integer-generator)))
Test property error
(define (my-square z) (* z "foo")) ; will cause an error (define (my-square-property z) (= (sqrt (my-square z)) z)) (test-property-error my-square-property (list (integer-generator)))
Error type
(define (cause-read-error str) (read (open-input-string (string-append ")" str)))) (define (cause-read-error-property str) (symbol? (cause-read-error str))) (test-property-error-type &read-error cause-read-error-property (list (string-generator)))
Boolean Generator
(define bool-gen (boolean-generator)) (bool-gen) ; => #t (bool-gen) ; => #f (bool-gen) ; => #t or #f
Bytevector generator
(define bytevector-gen (bytevector-generator)) (bytevector-gen) ; => #u8() (bytevector-gen) ; => #u8(...)