You are looking at historical revision 37806 of this page. It may differ significantly from its current revision.


Parsing and formatting of tabular text data such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV).


The goal of the tabular library is to provide means of reading and writing tabular text data, such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV), as well as fixed-width columns.



[procedure] reader:: INPUT [DELIMITER: #\,] [EOL: "\n"] [COMMENT-CHAR: #f][NA: #f] [COLUMN-NAMES: #f] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [RETURN-NAMES: #f] -> READER STREAM

Constructs a reader procedure for the given input format specification and returns two values: the reader procedure and the input stream. The reader procedure is of the form LAMBDA STRM -> RECORD STRM. It reads one record from the given input stream and by default returns the record as a list of values and the remainder of the input stream. If optional argument RETURN-NAMES is true, the record will be returned as an alist where the keys are column names (if COLUMN-NAMES is provided) or indices, and the values are the column values.

[procedure] reader*:: INPUT [DELIMITER: #\,] [EOL: "\n"] [COMMENT-CHAR: #f][NA: #f] [COLUMN-NAMES: #f] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [RETURN-NAMES: #f] -> READER

Constructs a reader generator procedure for the given input format specification and returns the reader procedure. The reader procedure is of the form LAMBDA () -> RECORD. It reads one record from the given input stream and by default returns the record as a list of values. If optional argument RETURN-NAMES is true, the record will be returned as an alist where the keys are column names (if COLUMN-NAMES is provided) or indices, and the values are the column values.


[procedure] writer:: OUTPUT [DELIMITER: #,] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [ENDLINE: "\n"] -> WRITER

Constructs a writer procedure that writes out records according to the given output specification. The writer procedure is of the form LAMBDA RECORDS -> UNIT. Each record is represented as a list.


(import tabular)

(define (stream->list proc strm)
  (let recur ((ax '()) (strm strm))
    (let ((value.strm (proc strm)))
      (if (eof-object? value.strm)
          (reverse ax)
          (recur (cons (car value.strm) ax) (cadr value.strm))

;; Uses a reader generator to print all records in the given input string
(let-values (((proc strm)
                "\"Test \n1\"|Test 2|Test 3\nTest 4|Test 5\n"
               (lambda (port) (reader port delimiter: #\|)))))
               (print (stream->list proc strm)))

;; Prints the first record of the given file
(let ((input (open-input-file "file.csv"))
      (gen (reader* input delimiter: #\,)))
   (print (gen)) 

;; Writes the given records to a string port
 (lambda (port)
  (let ((out (writer port)))
    (out (list "Test 1" "Test 2" "Test 3")
         (list "Test 4" "Test 5" )))

Version history


Copyright 2019 Ivan Raikov

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

A full copy of the GPL license can be found at