You are looking at historical revision 40595 of this page. It may differ significantly from its current revision.


Parsing and formatting of tabular text data such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV).


The goal of the tabular library is to provide means of reading and writing tabular text data, such as comma- and delimiter-separated values (CSV and DSV), as well as fixed-width columns.



[procedure] reader:: INPUT [DELIMITER: #\,] [EOL: "\n"] [COMMENT-CHAR: #f][NA: #f] [COLUMN-NAMES: #f] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [RETURN-NAMES: #f] -> READER STREAM

Constructs a reader procedure for the given input format specification and returns two values: the reader procedure and the input stream. The reader procedure is of the form LAMBDA STRM -> RECORD STRM. It reads one record from the given input stream and by default returns the record as a list of values and the remainder of the input stream. If optional argument RETURN-NAMES is true, the record will be returned as an alist where the keys are column names (if COLUMN-NAMES is provided) or indices, and the values are the column values.

[procedure] reader*:: INPUT [DELIMITER: #\,] [EOL: "\n"] [COMMENT-CHAR: #f][NA: #f] [COLUMN-NAMES: #f] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [RETURN-NAMES: #f] -> READER

Constructs a reader generator procedure for the given input format specification and returns the reader procedure. The reader procedure is of the form LAMBDA () -> RECORD. It reads one record from the given input stream and by default returns the record as a list of values. If optional argument RETURN-NAMES is true, the record will be returned as an alist where the keys are column names (if COLUMN-NAMES is provided) or indices, and the values are the column values.


[procedure] writer:: OUTPUT [DELIMITER: #,] [COLUMN-WIDTHS: #f] [ENDLINE: "\n"] -> WRITER

Constructs a writer procedure that writes out records according to the given output specification. The writer procedure is of the form LAMBDA RECORDS -> UNIT. Each record is represented as a list.


(import tabular)

(define (stream->list proc strm)
  (let recur ((ax '()) (strm strm))
    (let ((value.strm (proc strm)))
      (if (eof-object? value.strm)
          (reverse ax)
          (recur (cons (car value.strm) ax) (cadr value.strm))

;; Uses a reader generator to print all records in the given input string
(let-values (((proc strm)
                "\"Test \n1\"|Test 2|Test 3\nTest 4|Test 5\n"
               (lambda (port) (reader port delimiter: #\|)))))
               (print (stream->list proc strm)))

;; Prints all the records from the given file, where column names are inferred from the first line
;; and each field in a record is prefixed by its column name
(let ((input (open-input-file "file.csv")))
  (let-values (((proc strm) (reader input delimiter: #\, column-names: 'header return-names: #t)))
    (let ((lst (stream->list proc strm)))
      (close-input-port input)
      (pretty-print lst)

;; Prints the first record of the given file
(let ((input (open-input-file "file.csv"))
      (gen (reader* input delimiter: #\,)))
   (print (gen)) 

;; Writes the given records to a string port
 (lambda (port)
  (let ((out (writer port)))
    (out (list "Test 1" "Test 2" "Test 3")
         (list "Test 4" "Test 5" )))


Version history


Copyright 2019-2021 Ivan Raikov

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

A full copy of the GPL license can be found at