Viking CHICKEN 2014
Please join us for this Viking CHICKEN event!
- Start: Wednesday, April 30th
- End: Sunday, May 4th
- Where: Høyteknologisenteret, Room 2142, Bergen, Norway
We're planning to do mostly Lisp workshops, where people work on their favorite eggs, share code and experiences and show off their newest Emacs-shortcuts.
We have three talks scheduled on Friday 2nd May, starting at 12:00:
- Lisp for newbies intoductory talk (starting from the basics) (by Adellica)
- Features of CHICKEN, pros and cons (by Felix Winkelmann)
- Introduction to the Comparse parser combinator library (Moritz Heidkamp)
So far, one talk is scheduled for Saturday 3rd May, starting at 12:00:
- Crypto in CHICKEN for dummies (Moritz Heidkamp)
- NixOS, the functional operating system (Moritz Heidkamp)
Fun discussion topics:
- why does csi segfault if you reinstall an egg it's using?
- See #929 for more info.
- is there a way to properly solve "zmq poll" problem? (blocking C-calls blocks srfi-18 threads)
- a lisp that compiles to glsl! (lambda image)
- Moritz: declarative format for building eggs
- test egg: refactor / custom-reports
- spiffy: cleanly exit start-server
- primordial thread: why special? why exit process on thread-terminate?
- (repl) : reuse?
- module exports: regex
There will also be a tour around Bergen for those who wish to join, depending on weather and interest. And we'll taste some local beer!
Presentation Download
For anyone interested, here are the presentations:
- Lambda Propaganda (Adellica)
- What I like about CHICKEN
- Sjamaan
- Peder Refsnes
- Kristian Lein-Mathisen
- Thomas Chust
- Juergen Lorenz
- Alexander Shendi
- Felix Winkelmann
- Shawn Rutledge
- Moritz Heidkamp