- Run SQLite queries asynchronously in pthreads. Supports calling Scheme from SQLite's VFS to supply database block storage.
- Offloads the SQL work to pthreads; the chicken thread is free to continue.
- VFS support allows sqlite3 to call back into chicken to supply blocks of the data base. (This is a breakout from ball.askemos.org - where the VFS is used to implement versioning and replication of the databases.)
- Safe to be used with CHICKEN's srfi-18 threads. (I.e., does NOT use define-external.)
sql-null, pthreads, srfi-18, srfi-34, llrb-tree, miscmacros, srfi-1
[procedure] (: sql-index (:sql-result: string --> (or false fixnum)))convert field name to index
[procedure] (: sqlite3-prepare ((struct <sqlite3-database>) string --> (struct <sqlite3-statement>)))Prepare query.
[procedure] (: sqlite3-exec ((struct <sqlite3-database>) (or string (struct <sqlite3-statement>)) #!rest -> :sql-result:))Execute statement or prepared query.
[procedure] (: sqlite3-call-with-transaction ((struct <sqlite3-database>) (procedure ((procedure (string #!rest) :sql-result:)) :sql-result:) -> :sql-result:))Call procedure in a sqlite transaction.
[procedure] sqlite3-call-test/setquestionable, undocumented
[procedure] (: sqlite3-close ((struct <sqlite3-database>) -> . *))Close database.
[procedure] sqlite3-interrupt!Call sqlite_interrupt to abort running query.
[procedure] sql-result?Test predicate for the sql result type.
[procedure] (sql-value RESULT ROW FIELD) --> *Result Accessor.
[procedure] (: sql-ref (:sql-result: (or boolean fixnum) (or boolean fixnum string symbol) --> *))[procedure] (: sql-fold (:sql-result: (procedure ((procedure (fixnum) *) *) *) * -> *))
Fold procedure over results.
[procedure] sqlite3-open[procedure] sqlite3-close
[procedure] (: sqlite3-open-restricted (string #!optional string vector --> (struct <sqlite3-database>)))
Restricted open optionally with VFS. SQL may not attach other files. optional string requests sqlite3 VFS, vector holds VFS callbacks
[procedure] (: sqlite3-open-restricted-ro (string #!optional string vector --> (struct <sqlite3-database>)))Restricted open read only optionally with VFS. SQL may not attach other files. optional string requests sqlite3 VFS, vector holds VFS callbacks
sqlite3-database-name sqlite3-changes sqlite3-statement? sqlite3-statement-name
sqlite3-error? sqlite3-error-code sqlite3-error-args[procedure] sqlite3-error-db-locked?
debug aid
[procedure] (sqlite3-debug-statements FLAG)Log queries.
VFS Interface
The VFS allows to call back to Chicken when sqlite need to read data.
This is currently only lightly documented in tests/run.scm.
(define db (sqlite-open "path")) (sqlite3-exec db "select 1") ; 1 (sqlite3-exec db (sqlite3-prepare db "select ?1") 1) ; 1
About this egg
Source Code
Currently maintained here at github.
Jörg F. Wittenberger