Arto Bendiken
About me
I'm a twentysomething Scheme hacker living in sunny Spain.
- - my website and blog.
You can reach me at <>.
Chicken extensions
I'm the author and/or maintainer of the following CHICKEN eggs:
- date-literals - syntactic sugar for SRFI-19 dates.
- geoip - bindings for the GeoIP C API.
- kvlists - provides key-value list operations.
- php-s11n - serialization/unserialization of PHP data types.
- regex-literals - syntactic sugar for regular expressions.
- uri-literals - syntactic sugar for URI references.
In addition, I'm currently working on the following eggs, which are already available via SVN but not yet released:
- contexts - evaluation contexts for experimental interpreters.
- uri-namespaces - qualified symbol <-> absolute URI reference conversion.
- rdf-ntriples - a parser for the RDF/N-Triples serialization format.
- metaweb - Metaweb API for Freebase.
Further down the pipeline, and not yet in SVN:
- pack - binary pack/unpack functionality like Ruby's and Perl's.
- growl - a UDP client for the GrowlTalk protocol.
I currently maintain the MacPorts package for CHICKEN, and administrate the bug tracker.