Warning: this tutorial is extremely old, and many details are now incorrect.
The following will describe how to get a CHICKEN interpreter up and running on a Nokia 770.
- The first step after buying a 770 is to gain root and add SSH capabilities. This will allow you to remotely login to the device and run CHICKEN. Note, you can obtain your IP address with "/sbin/ifconfig" within an x-term.
- To build CHICKEN install scratchbox according to the following instructions. You should then have a cross compilation environment suitable for building both CHICKEN & eggs.
- Build CHICKEN with the normal autotools sequence and build any eggs.
- Copy the interpreter to /usr/bin and the shared library to /usr/lib.
scp /usr/local/bin/csi root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/bin/ scp /usr/local/lib/libchicken.so.0.0.0 root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/lib
- Login to your 770 and add symbolic links for the library.
cd /usr/lib ln -s libchicken.so.0.0.0 libchicken.so.0 ln -s libchicken.so.0.0.0 libchicken.so
- Copy any eggs over and set the environment variable CHICKEN_REPOSITORY if necessary.
scp /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/packedobjects.so root@<nokia-ip>:/usr/local/lib/chicken/1
- Fire up CHICKEN and test an egg.
Nokia770-39:~# csi
___| | _) |
| __ \ | __| | / _ \ __ \
| | | | | ( < __/ | |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_| _|
Version 2.5 - linux-unix-gnu-arm - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
#;1> (use packedobjects)
; loading /usr/local/lib/chicken/1/packedobjects.so ...
#;2> (define p '(b bit-string (size 8)))
#;3> (define po (packedobjects p))
#;4> (po 'pack '(b "10101010"))
#;5> (po 'unpack)
(b "10101010")
#;6> (exit)