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[[tags: egg]] == forcible Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45. [[toc:]] == Rationale {{Force}} and {{delay}} from CHICKEN core as well as SRFI-45 exhibit unintuitive behavior in the presence of SRFI-18 threads and when exceptions are raised. The srfi-45 egg extends the srfi-45 reference implementation to support multiple values but is still unintuitive wrt. threads and exceptions. This egg builds and extends those, explicit aiming on the following objectives: * Explicit support for multiple value returns from suspended expressions. * Aware of threads and exception handling. Multiple threads {{force}}ing the same {{promise}} do NOT cause multiple evaluation of the {{delay}}ed (or {{lazy}}) expression. The same thread may still recurse into the {{promise}} being forced. * Bounded space as in srfi-45. * Extends {{force}} with optional parameters to simplify exception handling. * {{Future}}s are syntactically similar to {{lazy}} but evaluated in another SRFI-18 thread. * Cheap timeouts. * Adds single use "awaitable" values ({{expectable}}). * Does NOT supplement CHICKEN's force/delay but replaces it. (To reduce confusion for developers. Supplementing them as the srfi-45 egg does had caused too many confusion for the author of this egg at least.) == Requirements Requires [[pigeon-hole]], [[simple-timer]]. The implementation of {{expectable}} currently (2016-01-10) depends on a CHICKEN having the fix for [[|Ticket 1231]] applied. == Timeouts Timeouts come at negligible runtime overhead – the cost of being coarse grained. It is assumed that most timeouts never "fire" hence the are deferred for the sake of optimization. Timeouts fire only if they are not canceled before at least a full {{timeout-period}} passed. A {{timeout-period}} defaults to one second. == API <procedure>(timeout-condition? x) -> boolean</procedure> Test x to be a timeout condition object. <procedure>(eager . vals) -> PROMISE</procedure> Returns a promise which, when {{force}}d returns the values {{vals}}. <syntax>(lazy EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Returns a promise for {{EXPRESSION}}. <syntax>(delay EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Returns a promise, a delayed evaluation of {{EXPRESSION}}. <syntax>(delay/timeout TIMEOUT EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Same as {{delay EXPRESSION}}. Promise may fail raising an object for which {{timeout-condition?}} returns {{#t}}. <syntax>(future EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> <syntax>(&begin BODY ...) -> PROMISE</syntax> Returns a promise, a delayed evaluation of {{EXPRESSION}}. The evaluation of expression is started immediately in another thread. {{PROMISE}} will cache exceptions returned by {{EXPRSSION}}. {{&begin}} is analogous to {{future}} with {{BODY ...}} wraped in {{begin}}. <syntax>(future/timeout TIMEOUT EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> <syntax>(&begin/timeout TIMEOUT BODY ...) -> PROMISE</syntax> Variation of {{future}}. The evaluation of {{EXPRESSION}} receives an exceptions for which {{timeout-condition?}} holds after {{TIMEOUT}}. {{&begin/timeout}} is the same as {{future/timeout}} with {{BODY ...}} waped in {{begin}}. <syntax>(order EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Returns a promise, a delayed evaluation of {{EXPRESSION}}. The evaluation of expression is ordered from another thread in a threadpool. {{PROMISE}} will cache exceptions returned by {{EXPRSSION}}. <syntax>(order/timeout TIMEOUT EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Variation of {{order}}. The evaluation of {{EXPRESSION}} receives an exceptions for which {{timeout-condition?}} holds after {{TIMEOUT}}. <syntax>(lazy-future EXPRESSION) -> PROMISE</syntax> Same as {{future}} however the thread is NOT started. Use {{demand}} to start it prior to {{force}}. Use of {{force}} will also start it if not {{demand}}ed before. <procedure>(demand PROMISE) -> boolean</procedure> If the {{PROMISE}} was created by {{lazy-future}} and the thread is not yet started, start it. Returns {{#t}} if the thread was started only now, otherwise returns {{#f}}. <procedure>(force OBJECT [FAIL]) -> . *</procedure> Force {{OBJECT}}. Returns {{OBJECT}} if it is NOT a promise. Otherwise returns the values the suspended {{EXPRESSION}} returned. If {{FAIL}} is provided it must be a procedure of one argument. Exceptions raised from the {{EXPRESSION}} are passed to {{FAIL}}. This is equivalent to (but more efficiently implemented) (handle-exceptions ex (FAIL ex) (force OBJECT)) <procedure>(expectable [NAME] [THUNK]) -> PROCEDURE PROMISE</procedure> {{NAME}} is any object and used for debug purposes only (currently passed as name of an internal mutex). Returns two values. {{PROCEDURE}} takes a flag indicating whether the {{PROMISE}} shall return successful (if {{#t}}) or fail and values to return from {{force}}ing the {{PROMISE}}. If the flag is {{#f}} only the first of those values is used and passed to the exception handler as the exception raised from the {{PROMISE}}. When {{THUNK}} is given the resulting promise behaves like a promise created by {{lazy}}. === Low Level <procedure>(fulfil! PROMISE TYPE . ARGS) -> boolean</procedure> Mutate {{PROMISE}} to be fulfilled. {{TYPE}} must be a boolean. If {{#t}} the {{PROMISE}} is set to return successfully the values {{ARGS}}. If {{TYPE}} is {{#f}} the {{PROMISE}} will raise the first value of {{ARGS}} as exception. Note: This procedure MAY be removed in future versions (if it proves to be questionable). == About this egg === Source Latest version: [[|forcible from]] === Version History 0.3.9: Ported to CHICKEN 5 and factor out and use simple-timer. 0.3.8: Bugfix. 0.3.6: Attempted fix implementation wrt. execution in bounded space actally creating a leak. 0.3: Added {{/timeout}}. 0.2: Added optional {{THUNK}} to {{expectable}}. 0.1: Initial version. === Authors Jörg F. Wittenberger === License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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