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[[tags: egg]] == getopt-utils Utilities for the {{getopt-long}} egg. [[toc:]] == Documentation Provides some helpers for the {{getopt-long}} library, whose documentation must be consulted for the ''Command-line option grammar'' referenced below. === Module getopt-utils ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import getopt-utils) </enscript> ==== Argument Conventions ; {{GRAMMER}} : a {{(list-of (pair symbol list))}}, an extended {{getopt-long}} grammer ; {{OVERRIDES}} : reporting option overrides, a {{(list-of (pair symbol . *))}} ; {{ARGUMENTS}} : result of {{(command-line-arguments)}}, a {{(list-of string)}} ; {{PARAMS}} : {{((list-of (pair symbol list)))}} ; processed options (see {{opt-pase}}). ; {{KEY?}} : {{symbol}} ; name of option to reference ==== Reporting option overrides ; {{command}} : the {{command-name}}, default {{(program-name)}} {{parameter}} ; {{port}} : the {{error-port}}, default {{(current-error-port)}} {{parameter}} ; {{long-option-value-cset}} : a {{SRFI-14}} {{character-set}} that specifies all valid characters in an option value, default {{getop-long}} {{default-long-option-value-cset}} constant value ; {{long-option-value-quoting}} : a {{boolean}} specifying whether arguments are quoted {{"..."}}, default {{getop-long}} {{(long-option-value-quoting)}} {{parameter}} ; {{message}} : the usage template message, default {{(usage-message)}} {{parameter}} ; {{width}} : the output line width, default {{getop-long}} {{(width)}} {{parameter}} ; {{separator}} : the output line width, default {{getop-long}} {{(separator)}} {{parameter}} ; {{indent}} : the output line width, default {{getop-long}} {{(indent)}} {{parameter}} ==== extend-opt-grammar <syntax>(extend-opt-grammar HELP? OPTION ...)</syntax> <syntax>(extend-opt-grammar SOURCE OPTION ...)</syntax> ; {{HELP?}} : {{boolean}} ; include ''help'' flag ; {{SOURCE}} : {{(or (list-of OPTION) OPTION)}} ; appends {{SOURCE}} {{OPTION ...}} ; {{OPTION}} : see {[getopt-long]} ''Command-line option grammar'' Extends the option grammer w/ {{((long s) ...)}} => {{((long s) ... (single-char #\s))}}. ==== opt-docstring <procedure>(opt-docstring MESSAGE [VALUE]) -> string</procedure> Takes a string {{MESSAGE}} and any {{VALUE}}, returning a string composed of the {{MESSAGE}} with the string form of the {{VALUE}}, as a default value. ==== opt-value <syntax>(opt-value RO [TP])</syntax> ; {{RO}} : {{(or (required KIND) (optional KIND) KIND)}} ; requirement ; {{TP} : {{(or (string -> boolean) ((string -> *) (string -> boolean)))}} ; transform-predicate ==== opt-body <syntax>(opt-body MSG [RO [TP]])</syntax> ; {{MSG}} : {{(or string (string *))}} ; help text, {{*}} is default value ; {{RO}} : {{(or (required KIND) (optional KIND) KIND)}} ; requirement ; {{TP} : {{(or (string -> boolean) ((string -> *) (string -> boolean)))}} ; transform-predicate ==== opt-number <syntax>(opt-number MSG [RO [PRED]])</syntax> {{opt-body}} element for number values. ; {{MSG}} : {{(or string (string *))}} ; message, {{*}} is default value ; {{RO}} : {{(or (required KIND) (optional KIND) KIND)}} ; requirement ; {{PRED}} : {{(string -> boolean)}} ; predicate <enscript highlight=scheme> ((size s) ,@(opt-number ("sample size" *sample-size*) (required INTEGER) (conjoin integer? positive?))) </enscript> ==== opt-string <syntax>(opt-string MSG [RO [PRED]])</syntax> {{opt-body}} element for string values. ; {{MSG}} : {{(or string (string *))}} ; message, {{*}} is default value ; {{RO}} : {{(or (required KIND) (optional KIND) KIND)}} ; requirement ; {{PRED}} : {{(string -> boolean)}} ; predicate <enscript highlight=scheme> (et ,@(opt-string "entry thingy directory" ET-PATHNAME dirname?)) </enscript> ==== string-read <procedure>(string-read STR) -> *</procedure> Use {{utf8}} {{read}} to transform the {{string}} {{STR}}. ==== string->/? <syntax>(string->/? TRAN PRED) -> (string -> (or false *))</syntax> Returns a procedure returning the transformed & tested value from an input string. Cannot be used when {{#f}} is valid for the domain. ; {{TRAN}} : {{(string -> 'a)}} ; transformer ; {{PRED}} : {{('a -> boolean)}} ; predicate <enscript highlight=scheme> (string->/? string->number (conjoin integer (cut <= 1 <> 32))) </enscript> ==== opt-parse <procedure>(opt-parse ARGUMENTS GRAMMER [OVERRIDES] [RAW?]) -> (list-of (pair symbol *))</procedure> Have {{getopt-long}} parse the {{ARGUMENTS}} using the {{GRAMMER}}, with any {{OVERRIDES}}, and returns an {{association-list}} of grammer option names ({{symbol}}) to option values. When {{RAW?}} is {{#t}} any interpreter script mode processing is not perfomed; any leading "--" is left. The {{long-option-value-quoting}} override is in effect; the corresponding {{getopt-long}} parameter is set. A {{getopt-long}} {{unknown-option-handler}} is ==== opt-set! <syntax>(opt-set! VARIABLE KEY PARAMS [DEFAULT])</syntax> Sets the {{VARIABLE}} to the value of the processed option {{KEY}}, in the {{PARAMS}}, with {{DEFAULT}} supplying a value when no such option {{KEY}}. The {{KEY}} is evaluated so a literal must be quoted. ; {{VARIABLE}} : {{symbol}} ; name of variable to set! ; {{DEFAULT}} : {{(or procedure *)}} ; default is {{(DEFAULT)}}, when procedure, and {{DEFAULT}} otherwise ==== opt-ref <syntax>(opt-ref KEY PARAMS)) -> *</syntax> Returns the value of the processed option {{KEY}}, in the {{PARAMS}}. The {{KEY}} is evaluated so a literal must be quoted. ==== opt-rest <procedure>(opt-rest PARAMS) -> list</procedure> Any remaining, unprocessed, options. ==== usage-message <parameter>(usage-message [MESSAGE]) -> string</parameter> The usage template message. ==== opt-usage <procedure>(opt-usage GRAMMER [OVERRIDES])</procedure> Display {{getopt-long}} {{usage}} for the {{GRAMMER}}, with any reporting {{OVERRIDES}}, on the {{error-port}}. The {{message}}, {{width}}, {{separator}}, and {{indent}} overrides are in effect; the corresponding {{getopt-long}} parameter is set. ==== opt-usage-error <procedure>(opt-usage-error ISSUE GRAMMER [OVERRIDES] [EXIT-CODE])</procedure> Prints an error arguments message for {{ISSUE}} & the {{getopt-long}} {{usage}}, using the {{GRAMMER}}, with any reporting {{OVERRIDES}}, then exits the process with {{EXIT-CODE}}. ; {{ISSUE}} : {{(or string condition)}} ; error condition/message ; {{EXIT-CODE}} : {{fixnum}} ; process exit-code, default is {{EX_USAGE}} (64). ==== opt-exn-error <procedure>(opt-exn-error EXN GRAMMER [OVERRIDES])</procedure> Prints an error message for {{EXN}} with {{opt-error}}. ; {{EXN}} : {{condition}} ; error condition ==== opt-error <procedure>(opt-error MESSAGE ARGUMENTS GRAMMER [OVERRIDES])</procedure> Prints an error {{MESSAGE}} to the {{error-port}} for the {{ARGUMENTS}} and {{GRAMMER}}, with any reporting {{OVERRIDES}}. == Examples * Note that the example is incomplete - no app code, no logging library. <enscript highlight=scheme> (import (chicken file)) ;(import ph-log-utils) (import getopt-utils) (define-constant DB-PATHNAME-DEF "development.sqlite3") (define-constant BUSINESS-VIEW-NAME "business_entries") (define +geocode-service-name+ "google") (define +db-view+ "entries") (define +replace-all?+ (the boolean #f)) (define +app-dir+ ".") (define +db-pathname+ DB-PATHNAME-DEF) (define +sample-size+) (define +opt-grammar+ (extend-opt-grammar #t ((replace-all a) "replace all geocodes") ((db-fil f) ,@(opt-string ("database pathname" +db-pathname+) DB-PATHNAME file-exists?)) ((service s) ,@(opt-string ("geocode service" +geocode-service-name+) SERVICE-NAME)) ((db-view v) ,@(opt-string ("database view" +db-view+) DB-VIEW-NAME)) ((app-dir d) ,@(opt-string ("Ti project directory" +app-dir+) APP-DIRECTORY directory-exists?)) ((size s) ,@(opt-number "sample size" (required INTEGER) (conjoin integer? positive?))) )) (define +opt-options+ '((width . 48))) (define (processs-options params) (opt-set! +geocode-service-name+ 'service params) (opt-set! +db-view+ 'db-view params) (opt-set! +replace-all?+ 'replace-all params) (opt-set! +app-dir+ 'app-dir params) (opt-set! +db-pathname+ 'db-fil params) (opt-set! +sample-size+ 'size params) ) (define (appmain params) (processs-options params) #| ;no logging (current-log-level 'trace) (log-info "project dir: ~S" +app-dir+) (log-info "project db: ~S" "(app-db-pathname)") (log-info "db view: ~S" +db-view+) (log-info "service: ~S" +geocode-service-name+) (log-info "sample-size: ~A" +sample-size+) (logout-empty) |# ; (void "... app code ...") ) ;;; (define (main args) (appmain (opt-parse args +opt-grammar+ +opt-options+)) ) (cond-expand (chicken-script (main (command-line-arguments)) ) (csi (display "(main (\"--example\" ...))") (newline) (main '("-h")) ) (else (main (command-line-arguments)) ) ) </enscript> == Notes * The {{define-options}} egg takes a ''bundled'' approach. == Requirements [[srfi-1]] [[utf8]] [[getopt-long]] == Author [[/users/kon-lovett|Kon Lovett]] == Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. == Version history ; 1.2.0 : Add {{opt-value}}, {{opt-body}}, {{opt-number}}, {{opt-string}}, {{string-read}}, {{string->/?}}. ; 1.1.1 : . ; 1.1.0 : Extended name syntax {{(long s)}}. ; 1.0.1 : . ; 1.0.0 : Hello == License Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Kon Lovett. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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