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[[tags: egg]] == hash-trie [[toc:]] ==== Documentation Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMT) (Phil Bagwell, `Ideal Hash Trees', Technical Report, 2001) Provided that the hash function have no collisions and yield hash values in a bounded interval, hash tries admit search and update in constant worst-case time (!), bounded by a somewhat larger constant than what one usually finds for the worst-case time of search or replacement, and the amortized time of insertion or deletion, in hash tables. There is no complicated incremental rehashing going on like in some real-time hash tables to attain these constant time bounds; in fact, there is never any rehashing. A little more precisely, `constant' means logarithmically proportional to the length of the interval of the hash values, or, practically, linearly proportional to the number of bits in the hash, with small constant factors. Yes, this is the same data structure as Clojure uses to implement its hash maps and hash sets. Similarly to Clojure, this code uses hash collision buckets rather than the paper's suggestion of repeating hashes salted by the trie depth. Although the pronunciation is identical, and despite the title of Bagwell's paper, a hash trie is not a hash tree. Sorry. Nor do these hash tries have any relation to what Knuth calls hash tries. Except where this is obviously not the case ({{hash-table/fold}}, for example), every procedure here runs in constant expected time under the assumption of a good key hash function, ignoring the time taken by garbage collection and the time taken by the key hash function and the key equality predicate of the relevant hash trie type. When searching in a hash trie, the key equality predicate is applied to only as many keys extra as share a common hash value with the key whose association is sought. Thus in a hash trie with no collisions, every search involves at most one invocation of the key hash function, and at most one invocation of the key equality predicate. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import hash-trie) </enscript> ==== make-hash-trie-type <procedure>(make-hash-trie-type KEY=? KEY-HASH) -> <hash-trie-type></procedure> Constructor for hash trie types. {{KEY=?}} must be a key equality predicate, a procedure of two arguments that returns true to indicate that they are equal and false to indicate that they are not, and that behaves transitively, symmetrically, and reflexively. {{KEY-HASH}} must be a key hash function that preserves the key equality predicate, i.e. for keys A and B, it must be that if {{(KEY=? A B)}}, then {{(= (KEY-HASH A) (KEY-HASH B))}}. ==== hash-trie-type? <procedure>(hash-trie-type? OBJECT) -> boolean</procedure> Disjoint type predicate for hash trie types. ==== hash-trie-type/key-equality-predicate ==== hash-trie-type/key-hash-function <procedure>(hash-trie-type/key-equality-predicate HASH-TRIE-TYPE) -> key-equality-predicate</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie-type/key-hash-function HASH-TRIE-TYPE) -> key-hash-function</procedure> Accessors for the key equality predicates and key hash functions of hash trie types. ==== make-hash-trie <procedure>(make-hash-trie HASH-TRIE-TYPE) -> <hash-trie></procedure> Hash trie constructor. ==== hash-trie/type <procedure>(hash-trie/type HASH-TRIE) -> <hash-trie-type></procedure> Returns the {{<hash-trie-type>}} of {{HASH-TRIE}}. ==== hash-trie/count <procedure>(hash-trie/count HASH-TRIE) -> fixnum</procedure> Returns the number of associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}. ==== hash-trie/empty? <procedure>(hash-trie/empty? HASH-TRIE) -> boolean</procedure> Returns true if {{HASH-TRIE}} has no associations, or false if it has any. ==== hash-trie/search <procedure>(hash-trie/search HASH-TRIE KEY IF-FOUND IF-NOT-FOUND)</procedure> Searches for an association for {{KEY}} in {{HASH-TRIE}}. If there is one, tail-calls {{IF-FOUND}} with one argument, the datum associated with key. If not, tail-calls {{IF-NOT-FOUND}} with zero arguments. ==== hash-trie/lookup <procedure>(hash-trie/lookup HASH-TRIE KEY DEFAULT) -> *</procedure> Searches for an association for {{KEY}} in {{HASH-TRIE}}. If there is one, returns its associated datum; otherwise returns {{DEFAULT}}. ==== hash-trie/member? <procedure>(hash-trie/member? HASH-TRIE KEY) -> boolean</procedure> Returns true if {{HASH-TRIE}} has an association for {{KEY}}, or false if not. ==== hash-trie/update <procedure>(hash-trie/update HASH-TRIE KEY IF-FOUND IF-NOT-FOUND)</procedure> Searches for an association for {{KEY}} in {{HASH-TRIE}}. If there is one, tail-calls {{IF-FOUND}} with three arguments: * the associated datum * a procedure {{(REPLACE DATUM)}} that returns a new hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}, but with {{DATUM}} substituted for the datum associated with {{KEY}} * a procedure {{(DELETE)}} that returns a new hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}} excluding the association for {{KEY}} If there is no such association, tail-calls {{IF-NOT-FOUND}} with one argument, a procedure {{(INSERT DATUM)}} that returns a new hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}} as well as an association of {{DATUM}} with {{KEY}}. ==== hash-trie/insert <procedure>(hash-trie/insert HASH-TRIE KEY DATUM) -> <hash-trie></procedure> Returns a hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}, but associating {{DATUM}} with {{KEY}}, whether {{HASH-TRIE}} had an association for {{KEY}} or not. ==== hash-trie/modify <procedure>(hash-trie/modify HASH-TRIE KEY DEFAULT MODIFIER) -> <hash-trie></procedure> Returns a hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}, but associating {{(MODIFIER D)}} with {{KEY}} if {{HASH-TRIE}} associated a datum {{D}} with {{KEY}}, or associating ({{MODIFIER}} {{DEFAULT}}) with {{KEY}} if {{HASH-TRIE}} had no association for {{KEY}}. ==== hash-trie/intern <procedure>(hash-trie/intern HASH-TRIE KEY GENERATOR) -> * <hash-trie></procedure> If {{HASH-TRIE}} has an association for {{KEY}}, returns its associated datum and {{HASH-TRIE}}. Otherwise, calls ({{GENERATOR}} {{KEY}}) to obtain a datum {{D}}, and returns {{D}} and a hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}} as well as an association of {{D}} with {{KEY}}. ==== hash-trie/delete <procedure>(hash-trie/delete HASH-TRIE KEY) -> <hash-trie></procedure> Returns a hash trie with all the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}, excluding its association, if any, for {{KEY}}. ==== hash-trie/fold <procedure>(hash-trie/fold HASH-TRIE INITIAL-VALUE COMBINATOR) -> *</procedure> Folds {{HASH-TRIE}} by {{COMBINATOR}}, starting with an initial value {{V}} of {{INITIAL-VALUE}} and updating it for each association of a datum {{D}} with a key {{K}}, in no particular order, by {{(COMBINATOR K D V)}}. ==== hash-trie->alist ==== hash-trie/key->list ==== hash-trie/datum->list <procedure>(hash-trie->alist HASH-TRIE) -> alist</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie/key->list HASH-TRIE) -> list</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie/datum->list HASH-TRIE) -> list</procedure> {{hash-trie->alist}} returns a list of pairs, in no particular order, corresponding with the associations in {{HASH-TRIE}}, with keys in the cars and associated data in the respective cdrs. {{hash-trie/key-list}} returns a list of all the keys in {{HASH-TRIE}}, in no particular order. {{hash-trie/datum-list}} returns a list of all the data in {{HASH-TRIE}}, in no particular order. ==== alist->hash-trie <procedure>(alist->hash-trie ALIST HASH-TRIE-TYPE) -> <hash-trie></procedure> Returns a hash trie of the given type with the associations listed in {{ALIST}}, taking keys from the cars and corresponding data from the respective cdrs. ==== string-hash ==== symbol-hash ==== exact-integer-hash ==== real-number-hash ==== complex-number-hash <procedure>(string-hash STRING) -> fixnum</procedure> <procedure>(symbol-hash SYMBOL) -> fixnum</procedure> <procedure>(exact-integer-hash EXACT-INTEGER) -> fixnum</procedure> <procedure>(real-number-hash REAL-NUMBER) -> fixnum</procedure> <procedure>(complex-number-hash COMPLEX-NUMBER) -> fixnum</procedure> Hash functions for various types of data. {{exact-integer-hash}}, {{real-number-hash}}, and {{complex-number-hash}} all agree where their domains coincide. The current implementations of these hash functions are all based on the FNV (Fowler-Noll-Vo) family of hash functions, tweaked slightly so that it is more likely to fit into the range of fixnums (small exact integers that can be represented immediately) for most Scheme systems on 32-bit machines. ==== hash-trie-type:string ==== hash-trie-type:symbol ==== hash-trie-type:exact-integer ==== hash-trie-type:real-number ==== hash-trie-type:complex-number <constant>hash-trie-type:string -> <hash-trie-type></constant> <constant>hash-trie-type:symbol -> <hash-trie-type></constant> <constant>hash-trie-type:exact-integer -> <hash-trie-type></constant> <constant>hash-trie-type:real-number -> <hash-trie-type></constant> <constant>hash-trie-type:complex-number -> <hash-trie-type></constant> {{<hash-trie-type>}} of the above hash functions, with appropriate key equality predicates: {{string=?}} for strings, {{eq?}} for symbols, and {{=}} for the numeric types. ==== ''Iterator API'' <procedure>(hash-trie-root HASH-TRIE) -> HASH-TRIE-NODE</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie-bucket? HASH-TRIE-NODE) --> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie-bucket-list HASH-TRIE-BUCKET-NODE) -> (list-of HASH-TRIE-NODE)</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie-branch? HASH-TRIE-NODE) --> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(hash-trie-branch-count HASH-TRIE-BRANCH-NODE) -> exact-positive-integer</procedure> ; {{HASH-TRIE-NODE : (or HASH-TRIE-BUCKET-NODE HASH-TRIE-BRANCH-NODE)}} ; {{HASH-TRIE-BRANCH-NODE}} : {{vector}} ; {{hash-trie-branch-count}} returns last index ===== Example <enscript language=scheme> (import hash-trie) (import (srfi 41)) ;see (define (hash-trie->stream hash-trie) (define (bucket->stream list tail) (if (pair? list) (stream-cons (car list) ((stream-lambda () (bucket->stream (cdr list) tail)))) tail ) ) (define (branch->stream branch tail) (let recur ((index (sub1 (vector-length (hash-trie-branch-vector branch)))) (tail tail)) (if (positive? index) (node->stream (vector-ref branch index) ((stream-lambda () (recur (sub1 index) tail)))) tail ) ) ) (define (node->stream node tail) (cond ((hash-trie-branch? node) (branch->stream node tail)) ((hash-trie-bucket? node) (bucket->stream (hash-trie-bucket-list node) tail)) (else (error 'hash-trie->stream "(internal) invalid hash-trie node" node hash-trie)) ) ) (let ((root (hash-trie-root hash-trie))) (if root ((stream-lambda () (node->stream root stream-null))) stream-null ) ) ) (define (stream->hash-trie stream hash-trie-type) (let loop ((stream stream) (hash-trie (make-hash-trie hash-trie-type))) (if (stream-pair? stream) (let ((cell (stream-car stream))) (loop (stream-cdr stream) (hash-trie/insert hash-trie (car cell) (cdr cell))) ) hash-trie ) ) ) </enscript> ==== Author Taylor R. Campbell ==== Maintainer [[/users/kon-lovett|Kon Lovett]] ==== Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. ==== Version history ; 1.1.0 : Provide ''Iterator API''. ; 1.0.0 : C5 release. ==== License Copyright (c) 2009, Taylor R. Campbell Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the names of the authors nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
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