Edit history for page: eggref/5/lay

revision author date description r1 r2
43547 gahr Thu Jul 18 11:36:00 2024 lay 0.2.3 - second round of refactoring and unit-tests
43492 gahr Mon Jul 8 09:19:00 2024 Test auth
43491 gahr Mon Jul 8 09:17:00 2024 lay 0.2.2
43482 gahr Wed Jul 3 15:27:00 2024 lay 0.2.1 - keep all versions in the DAG, they might have different dependencies
43479 gahr Wed Jul 3 13:34:00 2024 lay 0.2.0 - fix installing the egg that appears last in the index file, take the highest version available in a versioned dependency, skip the srfi-4 and chicken eggs
43449 gahr Sat Jun 29 14:51:00 2024 lay 0.1.2 - default chicken-install to C_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/chicken-install, allow overriding it via -i
43435 gahr Thu Jun 27 04:48:00 2024 lay 0.1.1 - default zcat to gzcat on macOS
43426 gahr Wed Jun 26 14:18:00 2024 Use brev instead of spiffy as a benchmark (thanks mario-goulart for the hint)
43425 gahr Wed Jun 26 13:20:00 2024 Add documentation for lay