A JSON reader and writer based on the Comparse parsing library. In contrast to the alternative implementations json and json-abnf its representation of JSON data types in Scheme can be fully customized. It's also possible to change how and what Scheme data types are serialized to JSON.
[procedure] (read-json [port-or-string] #!key consume-trailing-whitespace)Reads a JSON document from port-or-string which is (current-input-port) by default. The returned object is assembled according to the current json-parsers parameter.
By default trailing whitespace in the input is consumed (as per the grammar defined in RFC 4627). To disable this behavior (e.g. to allow early return when streaming a sequence of JSON documents) the keyword argument consume-trailing-whitespace can be passed as #f.
[procedure] (write-json datum [port])Writes the given JSON datum to port which is (current-output-port) by default. datum's conversion to JSON is inferred by its Scheme type via the current json-unparsers parameter.
A common gotcha is that the default json-unparsers assume lists to be alists which are written as JSON objects. If you want to write a JSON array you need to pass a Scheme vector instead.
[procedure] (json->string datum)Like write-json but returns a string instead of writing to a port.
[parameter] (json-parsers [parsers])An alist which maps JSON data type symbols to procedures which are used to convert the corresponding data types to Scheme data structures. By default the following mappings apply:
- string
- string
- number
- number
- member
- pair (keys are represented as symbols)
- object
- list of member pairs
- array
- vector
- true
- #t
- false
- #f
- null
- 'null
An alist which maps predicate functions to emitter functions. When a datum is to be written the predicates are tried in order until one returns #t. The datum is passed to the corresponding emitter function which is expected to write its JSON representation to (current-output-port). By default the following mappings apply:
- list?
- object (an alist with symbols for keys is expected)
- vector?
- array
- string?
- string
- number?
- number
- (lambda (x) (eq? x #t))
- "true"
- (lambda (x) (eq? x #f))
- "false"
- (lambda (x) (eq? x 'null))
- "null"
(import medea (chicken port)) ;; Reading from a port (with-input-from-string "[1,2,3]" read-json) ; => #(1 2 3) ;; Reading from a string (read-json "[1,2,3]") ; => #(1 2 3) ;; Writing to a port (write-json '((foo . 1) (bar . 2))) ; output: {"foo":1,"bar":2} ;; Writing to a string (json->string '((foo . "bar"))) ; => "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}" ;; Parsing JSON arrays as lists instead of vectors (define array-as-list-parser (cons 'array (lambda (x) x))) (json-parsers (cons array-as-list-parser (json-parsers))) (read-json "[1,2,3]") ; => (1 2 3) ;; Adding support for writing u8vectors (import srfi-4 (chicken blob)) (define (u8vector-unparser v) (write-json (blob->string (u8vector->blob/shared v)))) (json-unparsers (cons (cons u8vector? u8vector-unparser) (json-unparsers))) (write-json '((nice . #u8(99 104 105 99 107 101 110 33)))) ; output: {"nice":"chicken!"}
About this egg
The source code is hosted at Bitbucket. Feel free to fork it and send pull requests there.
Version history
- 0.1.1
- Add consume-trailing-whitespace option
- 0.1.0
- Update to Comparse 0.0.2
- 0.0.4
- First release based on Comparse (previous versions were based on genturfa'i)
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