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[[tags: egg]] == message-digest-type [[toc:]] == Documentation The Message Digest Type provides support for an active message digest primitive. ==== Usage <enscript highlight=scheme> (import message-digest-type) </enscript> ==== Common Argument Definitions {{RESULT-FORM}} is a {{message-digest-result-form}}, one of: ; {{'blob}} : the result bytes as a blob. ; {{'u8vector}} : the result bytes as a u8vector. ; {{'hex-string}} {{'hex}} {{'hexstring}} : the result bytes encoded as a string of lower-case hexadecimal digits. ; {{'string}} {{'byte-string}} : DEPRECATED - the result bytes as a string; these are raw bytes, not necessarily characters! {{DIGEST}} is a {{message-digest}}. {{ENDIAN}} is one of {{'big-endian}}, {{'little-endian}}. {{SOURCE}} is a Scheme object. The {{buffer}} argument for the update phase is translated as: ; {{string}} : {{buffer}} is {{SOURCE}}. ; {{blob}} : {{buffer}} is {{SOURCE}}. ; {{srfi-4-vector}} : {{buffer}} from {{(...vector->blob/shared SOURCE)}}. ; {{procedure}} : updates with {{buffer}} from {{(procedure)}} until {{#f}}. ; {{input-port}} : like {{procedure}} above but from {{((message-digest-chunk-read-maker) SOURCE)}}. ; {{pointer}} : {{buffer}} is {{SOURCE}}, thru the digest primitive ''raw-update'' usually. ; {{*}} : {{buffer}} from {{(message-digest-chunk-converter SOURCE)}}. Should none of the above interpretations be available then an error is signaled. A {{byte-source}} is one of {{string}}, {{blob}}, or {{srfi-4-vector}}. A {{message-digest-result-type}} is {{(or blob string u8vector)}} ''Initialized'' here means the intialization phase is completed. ==== message-digest-result-form <parameter>(message-digest-result-form [RESULT-FORM]) -> symbol</parameter> The initial {{RESULT-FORM}} value is {{'hex-string}}. A {{RESULT-FORM}} of {{#f}} resets to the initial value. ==== reset-message-digest! <procedure>(reset-message-digest! DIGEST) -> message-digest</procedure> Returns the re-initialized {{DIGEST}}. Re-use of the backing objects lowers allocations. ==== setup-message-digest <procedure>(setup-message-digest PRIM [CTX]) -> message-digest</procedure> Returns a new, initialized, {{message-digest}} for the default or supplied {{message-digest-primitive-context}} {{CTX}}. ==== initialized-message-digest <procedure>(initialized-message-digest OBJ) -> message-digest</procedure> Operation when {{OBJ}} is a ; {{message-digest-primitive}} : {{setup-message-digest}} ; {{message-digest}} : {{reset-message-digest!}} ==== ensure-message-digest-buffer! <procedure>(ensure-message-digest-buffer! DIGEST SIZE)</procedure> Ensure the {{DIGEST}} has a buffer of at least {{SIZE}} bytes. ==== finalize-message-digest <procedure>(finalize-message-digest DIGEST [RESULT-FORM]) -> message-digest-result-type</procedure> Finalize the {{DIGEST}} and return the {{result}} in the {{RESULT-FORM}}. ; {{RESULT-FORM}} : {{message-digest-result-form}} ; default {{(message-digest-result-form)}}. Finalize here means the finalization phase is completed. The {{DIGEST}} is not in a useful state. ==== finalize-message-digest! <procedure>(finalize-message-digest! DIGEST BUFFER) -> message-digest-result-type</procedure> Finalize the {{DIGEST}} and return the {{result}} in the {{BUFFER}}. The {{BUFFER}} must be a {{string}}, {{blob}}, or {{u8vector}} of sufficient size; checked at runtime. Does not perform any initialization of the {{BUFFER}}. The {{result}} starts at the beginning of the {{BUFFER}}, and runs for {{(message-digest-primitive-digest-length (message-digest-algorithm DIGEST))}} bytes. Result is binary '''only'''. Finalize here means the finalization phase is completed. The {{DIGEST}} is not in a useful state. ==== message-digest? <procedure>(message-digest? OBJ) --> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(check-message-digest LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> <procedure>(error-message-digest LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> ==== message-digest-algorithm <procedure>(message-digest-algorithm DIGEST) --> message-digest-primitive</procedure> Returns the message-digest algorithm object representation used by this {{DIGEST}}. Mostly for use when developing an update operation. ==== message-digest-context <procedure>(message-digest-context DIGEST) --> message-digest-primitive-context</procedure> Returns the message-digest algorithm object opaque-data object used by this {{DIGEST}}. Mostly for use when developing an update operation. == Requirements [[check-errors]] [[blob-utils]] [[string-utils]] == Author [[/users/kon-lovett|Kon Lovett]] == Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. == Version history ; 4.3.0 : Deprecate {{initialize-message-digest}}/{{initialize-message-digest!}}. Add {{setup-message-digest}}/{{reset-message-digest!}}. ; 4.2.0 : Add {{message-digest-type.types.scm}}. ; 4.1.0 : Add {{initialize-message-digest!}}, fix {{message-digest-result-form}}. ; 4.0.1 : Add tests & type checking. ; 4.0.0 : CHICKEN 5 release as ''own'' egg. == License Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Kon Lovett. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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