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== [[|OpenCL]] bindings for [[|Chicken Scheme]] [[toc:]] These bindings target [[|OpenCL version 1.1]] for wide support. It should be fairly easy to add support to newer OpenCL APIs. === Source Code Hosted [[|here]]. === General conventions Most Scheme procedures map 1-1 to OpenCL C procedures, with some naming conventions changed. All procedures start with the type of object they work on. For example, {{clCreateBuffer}} becomes {{buffer-create}}. All OpenCL objects are wrapped in a record structure. All {{finalizer}} keyword arguments default to using {{set-finalizer!}} to call the appropriate {{*-release!}} procedure when the object is freed by the CHICKEN GC. This automatic memory management should be sufficient for many use cases. For a large number of OpenCL objects it may be a good idea to call the {{*-release!}} procedures explicitly. All the {{*-release!}} procedures are idempotent, so it is even safe to use them on objects that have finalizers attached. Also, {{(gc #t)}} can sometimes be used to free ObjecCL objects no longer needed by the application, freeing OpenCL resources sooner. If any of the OpenCL C procedures return an error code other than {{CL_SUCCESS}}, an error is signaled, hopefully with a meaningful error message. === OpenCL installation You must have a working OpenCL installed on your system for this egg to work. {{clinfo}} is a useful tool to diagnose and verify this. Environment variables like {{OCL_ICD_VENDORS}} may be useful to out-source the device-picking process: <enscript highlight="sh"> ~> csi -R opencl -P '(platforms)' (#<cl_platform "Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics"> #<cl_platform "Clover"> #<cl_platform "Portable Computing Language">) ~> env OCL_ICD_VENDORS=intel.icd csi -R opencl -P '(platforms)' (#<cl_platform "Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics">) </enscript> === Example There is unfortunately a bit boilerplate to get started, but luckily it's less than the equivalent C code. This code snippet might be useful: <enscript highlight="scheme"> (import srfi-4 opencl) (define device (car (flatten (map platform-devices (platforms))))) (define context (context-create device)) (define cq (command-queue-create context device)) (define buffer (buffer-create (f32vector -1 -1 -1 -1 -1) cq)) (define kernel (kernel-create (program-build (program-create context " __kernel void foo(__global float *out) { out[get_global_id(0)] = get_global_id(0) * 10; } ") device) "foo")) (kernel-arg-set! kernel 0 buffer) (kernel-enqueue kernel cq (list 4)) (print (buffer-read buffer cq)) </enscript> When run, it should output {{#f32(0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 -1.0)}}. The last {{-1}} is leftovers from buffer creation. More examples can be found in the [[examples/|examples]] folder. === API <procedure>(platforms) => (list-of cl_platform)</procedure> List all the OpenCL platforms on the system. <procedure>(platform-extensions platform) => string</procedure> <procedure>(platform-name platform) => string</procedure> <procedure>(platform-profile platform) => string</procedure> <procedure>(platform-vendor platform) => string</procedure> <procedure>(platform-version platform) => string</procedure> Get various information for a given platform. See [[|clGetPlatformIDs]] <procedure>(platform-devices platform #!optional device-type) => (list-of cl_device)</procedure> List the available devices for {{platform}}. {{device-type}} can optionally be supplied as a filter, and symbol among {{cpu}} {{gpu}} {{all}} {{accelerator}} {{default}}. <procedure>(device-info device) => alist</procedure> <procedure>(device-address-bits device) => number</procedure> <procedure>(device-name device) => string</procedure> <procedure>(device-vendor device) => string</procedure> <procedure>(device-version device) => string</procedure> Get various information of {{device}}. See [[|this page]]. <procedure>(context-create devices #!key (finalizer #t)) => cl_context</procedure> <procedure>(context-release!) => void</procedure> Create or release an OpenCL context. See [[|this page]]. Unfurtunately, currently {{devices}} must be a single {{cl_device}}. In the future, a list of {{cl_device}}s might be implemented. <procedure>(command-queue-create context device #!key out-of-order profile (finalizer #t)) => cl_command_queue</procedure> <procedure>(command-queue-release! command_queue) => void</procedure> Create or release a {{cl_command-queue}}. {{out-of-order}} is a boolean flag and is {{#f}} by default. See [[|this page]]. <procedure>(command-queue-context context) => cl_context</procedure> Get back the {{cl_context}} passed into {{command-queue-create}}. <procedure>(buffer-create s c #!key (type #f) (flags 0) (finalizer #t)) => cl_mem</procedure> <procedure>(buffer-release! buffer) => void</procedure> Create or release an OpenCL buffer object, a memory chunk that is usually stored on the target device. See [[|this page]]. If {{c}} is a {{cl_context}}, {{s}} (s for source) must be an integer representing the buffer size in bytes. If {{c}} is a {{cl_command-queue}}, {{s}} must be a srfi-4 vector or a blob. The content of {{s}} is copied to the newly created buffer {{buffer}} using {{buffer-write}}. The size in bytes of this buffer and the size in bytes of {{s}} will be equal. {{type}} defaults to the type of {{s}} for srfi-4 vectors, or {{blob}} if {{s}} is an integer. If {{s}} is an integer, {{type}} can be explicitly supplied. See {{buffer-type}} for valid values. Support for {{flags}} is currently limited, and must be a number corresponding to the C API. The default is {{CL_MEM_READ_WRITE}}. <procedure>(buffer-write buffer cq src #!key (offset 0)) => cl_mem</procedure> Copy the content of {{src}} to {{buffer}}. See [[|this page]]. Only blocking writes are supported. {{cq}} must be a valid {{cl_command-queue}}. {{src}} must be a srfi-4 vector or a blob. {{offset}} is the offset in bytes in the buffer object to write to. <procedure>(buffer-read buffer cq #!key type (dst #f) (byte-offset 0) (bytes #f)) => srfi-4-vector</procedure> Copy the content of {{buffer}} into host memory. The returned object is {{dst}} if supplied, otherwise a newly allocated srfi-4 vector or blob. Which vector type depends on {{type}}, which defaults to {{(buffer-type buffer)}}. If supplied, {{dst}} must be a srfi-4 vector or blob and its content will be overwritten with data from {{buffer}}. If supplied, {{bytes}} must be the number of bytes to copy. If supplied, {{byte-offset}} must be the number of bytes to skip in {{buffer}}. <procedure>(buffer-size buffer) => integer</procedure> Return the size of {{buffer}} in bytes. <procedure>(buffer-type buffer) => symbol</procedure> Return the type tag symbol. This is stored in the {{cl_mem}} Scheme record, not in the OpenCL {{cl_mem}} object. It is used by {{buffer-read}} to construct a suitable srfi-4 vector. Valid types are {{u8}} {{s8}} {{u16}} {{s16}} {{u32}} {{s32}} {{u64}} {{s64}} {{f32}} {{f64}}. <procedure>(program-create context source #!key (finalizer #t)) => cl_program</procedure> <procedure>(program-release! program) => void</procedure> Create or release a OpenCL with [[|clCreateProgramWithSource]]. {{context}} must be a valid {{cl_context}}. {{source}} must be OpenCL C source code as a string. Note that the returned {{program}} must be built before it can be used to create kernels. <procedure>(program-build program devices #!key options) => program</procedure> {{devices}} must be a valid {{cl_device}}. Unfortunately, only a single device is currently supported. If the build process fails, an error is signaled with the content of {{(program-build-log program)}} which will hopefully contain useful compiler errors. If supplied, {{options}} must be a string as specified in [[|clBuildProgram]]. <procedure>(program-build-log program) => string</procedure> <procedure>(program-build-options program) => string</procedure> Retrieve various information about {{program}}, see [[|this page]]. <procedure>(kernel-create program name #!key (finalizer #t)) => cl_kernel</procedure> <procedure>(kernel-release! kernel) => void</procedure> Create or release a {{cl_kernel}}. See [[|this page]]. {{name}} must be a string, the name of a {{__kernel}} function inside {{program}}. <procedure>(kernel-arg-set! kernel idx value) => void</procedure> Calls [[|{{clSetKernelArg}}]]. {{idx}} must be an integer, where 0 is the first kernel argument. {{value}} must be a srfi-4 vector for by-value argument types, or {{cl_buffer}} for arguments pointers. The type of the kernel argument (ie. {{float2}}) must match the srfi-4 vector type (ie. {{(f32vector 1 1)}}). It is unfortunately not possible to enforce checks for this. The srfi-4 vector's length must match the kernel argument. For example, the arguments to {{__kernel foo(long4 a, float *result)}} could be initialized like this: <enscript highlight="scheme"> (kernel-arg-set! kernel 0 (s64vector 1 2 3 4)) (kernel-arg-set! kernel 1 (buffer-create (* 4 1000) ctx type: 'f32)) </enscript> I don't know if you must call this for all arguments each time. <procedure>(kernel-enqueue kernel cq global-work-sizes #!key event wait global-work-offsets local-work-sizes) => (or cl_event #f)</procedure> Enqueues {{kernel}} for execution on {{cq}} as described [[|here]]. {{global-work-sizes}} must be a list of integers, each representing a work size for each dimension. On most platforms, the maximum number of dimensions (and thus the length of {{global-work-sizes}}) is 3. The minimum is always 1. The numbers supplied here will be reflected inside {{kernel}} as [[|{{get_global_size(n)}}]]. Note that total number of worker-items executed should be {{(foldl * 1 global-work-sizes)}}. Unlike most of the other procedures, {{kernel-enqueue}} is non-blocking and may return before {{kernel}} is finished executing. If {{event}} is supplied and is {{#t}} or a {{cl_event}}, the returned {{event}} can be used to query the kernel execution status. If {{event}} is not supplied, {{kernel-enqueue}} returns {{#f}}. ==== Events The event API is a bit experimental and difficult to test. <procedure>(event-create context) => cl_event</procedure> <procedure>(event-release!) => void</procedure> Create or release a user-event {{cl_event}}, see [[|this page]]. <procedure>(event-complete! event #!optional (status 'complete)) => cl_event</procedure> Set the execution status of {{event}}, see [[|clSetUserEventStatus]]. <procedure>(event-status event) => symbol</procedure> Retrieve {{event}} status, one of: {{queued}} {{submitted}} {{running}} {{complete}}. ==== Record predicates <procedure>(cl_command-queue? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_context? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_device? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_event? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_kernel? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_mem? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_platform? x) => bool</procedure> <procedure>(cl_program? x) => bool</procedure> Predicates for record types. {{buffer}} object are {{cl_mem?}} records. === Development status * [x] automatic memory management of OpenCL objects * [x] list platforms and devices * [x] create context and command queue * [x] create, compile and run programs from source-code * [ ] create, compile and run programs from IR/Binary * [ ] build options (in [[|{{clBuildProgram}}]]) * [x] launch kernels (global-size, local-size and global-offset) * [ ] kernel name * [ ] {{clCreateKernelsInProgram}} * [x] create, read and write buffer objects * [ ] set read-only and write-only buffer flags * [ ] create, read and write image objects * [ ] copy buffers * [ ] copy images * [ ] samplers * [ ] sub-buffers * [ ] non-blocking API * [x] event support for kernel and user (test fails on my Clover platform) * [ ] event support for buffer commands * [ ] event callbacks * [ ] event blocking ({{clWaitForEvents}}) * [ ] OpenCL - OpenGL interop So far everything is blocking. Implementing the non-blocking API would complicate things as the Chicken GC might get in the way.
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