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[[tags: egg]] == SRFI 27 Source of Random Bits [[toc:]] == Documentation A Chicken implementation of [[|SRFI 27]]. === SRFI 27 Most procedures are per the SRFI 27 specification document. Only the extensions are documented here. The most obvious extensions are support for multiple random number generators and multiple entropy sources. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27)) </enscript> ==== current-random-source <procedure>(current-random-source [RANDOM-SOURCE])</procedure> Parameter for the default {{random-source}}. The variable {{default-random-source}} is the initial {{(current-random-source)}}. The initial {{random-source}} is an instance of {{'mrg32k3a}}, per SRFI 27. ==== current-random-integer <procedure>(current-random-integer) -> (integer -> integer)</procedure> Returns an {{integer}} random generator from the {{(current-random-source)}}. Like {{random-integer}} but w/ {{(current-random-source)}}, & a {{procedure}}, not a {{variable}}. ==== current-random-real <procedure>(current-random-real) -> (-> real)</procedure> Returns a {{real}} random generator from the {{(current-random-source)}}. Like {{random-real}} but w/ {{(current-random-source)}}, & a {{procedure}}, not a {{variable}}. ==== registered-random-sources <procedure>(registered-random-sources) -> (list-of symbol)</procedure> Returns a {{list}} of the registered {{random-source}} names. ==== registered-random-source <procedure>(registered-random-source NAME) -> (or false (-> random-source))</procedure> Returns the {{random-source}} creator for the specified {{NAME}} or {{#f}} if not registered. ==== random-source? <procedure>(random-source? OBJ) -> boolean</procedure> {{random-source}} predicate. <procedure>(check-random-source LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> Raise error when {{OBJ}} not a {{random-source}}. {{NAM}} is the optional parameter name. <procedure>(error-random-source LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> Raise error for {{OBJ}} not a {{random-source}}. {{NAM}} is the optional parameter name. ==== make-random-source <procedure>(make-random-source [SOURCE (current-random-source)]) -> random-source</procedure> {{SOURCE}} is either a {{random-source}} or the {{symbol}} of a registered {{random-source}}, the name. ==== new-random-source <procedure>(new-random-source [RANDOM-SOURCE (current-random-source)]) -> random-source</procedure> Same as {{(make-random-source RANDOM-SOURCE)}}. ==== random-source-name <procedure>(random-source-name RANDOM-SOURCE) -> symbol</procedure> The symbolic name of the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}}. ==== random-source-documentation <procedure>(random-source-documentation RANDOM-SOURCE) -> string</procedure> Some more information for the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}}. ==== random-source-log2-period <procedure>(random-source-log2-period RANDOM-SOURCE) -> integer</procedure> The period of the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}} as a power of 2. A {{fixnum}}. ==== random-source-maximum-range <procedure>(random-source-maximum-range RANDOM-SOURCE) -> inexact-integer</procedure> The largest integer the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}} can produce without resort to a {{bignum}} representation. Currently an inexact-integer {{flonum}}, even for 64-bit CPUs. ==== random-source-entropy-source <procedure>(random-source-entropy-source RANDOM-SOURCE) -> entropy-source</procedure> The current {{entropy-source}} for the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}}. ==== random-source-entropy-source-set! <procedure>(random-source-entropy-source-set! RANDOM-SOURCE ENTROPY-SOURCE)</procedure> Changes the current {{entropy-source}} for the {{RANDOM-SOURCE}}. ==== random-source-state-ref <procedure>(random-source-state-ref RANDOM-SOURCE) -> (or false random-state)</procedure> Per the SRFI 27 specification the {{random-state}} is a valid external representation of {{RANDOM-SOURCE}} state. '''Note''' a {{random-source}} is not required to provide an external state, in which case {{#f}} is returned. ==== random-source-state-set! <procedure>(random-source-state-set! RANDOM-SOURCE RANDOM-STATE)</procedure> Only a {{RANDOM-STATE}} produced by a {{random-source-state-ref}} of the same {{random-source}} is acceptable. '''Note''' a {{random-source}} is not required to provide an external state, in which case no state change. ==== random-source-randomize! <procedure>(random-source-randomize! RANDOM-SOURCE [ENTROPY-SOURCE])</procedure> ==== random-source-pseudo-randomize! <procedure>(random-source-pseudo-randomize! RANDOM-SOURCE I J)</procedure> ==== random-source-make-integers <procedure>(random-source-make-integers RANDOM-SOURCE) -> (integer -> integer)</procedure> The result is a {{procedure}}: {{(random-source-make-integers RANDOM-SOURCE)}} ==== random-source-make-reals <procedure>(random-source-make-reals RANDOM-SOURCE [PRECISION]) -> (-> real)</procedure> The result is a {{procedure}}: {{(random-source-make-reals RANDOM-SOURCE PRECISION)}} {{PRECISION}} maybe {{#f}}, in which case the value is {{flonum-epsilon}}. ==== random-source-make-u8vectors <procedure>(random-source-make-u8vectors RANDOM-SOURCE) -> (integer -> u8vector)</procedure> Returns a {{procedure}} of one argument, the length of the generated vector, the returns a vector of random 8-bit unsigned values, a SRFI 4 {{u8vector}}. The variable {{random-u8vector}} is a {{procedure}}: {{(random-source-make-u8vectors default-random-source)}} ==== random-source-make-f64vectors <procedure>(random-source-make-f64vectors RANDOM-SOURCE [PRECISION]) -> (integer -> f64vector)</procedure> Returns a {{procedure}} of one argument, the length of the generated vector, the returns a vector of random 64-bit floating-point values, a SRFI 4 {{f64vector}}. The variable {{random-f64vector}} is a {{procedure}}: {{(random-source-make-f64vectors default-random-source)}} ==== current-entropy-source <procedure>(current-entropy-source [ENTROPY-SOURCE])</procedure> Parameter for the default {{entropy-source}}. {{default-entropy-source}} is the initial {{(current-entropy-source)}}. The initial {{entropy-source}} is an instance of {{'system-clock}}. ==== registered-entropy-sources <procedure>(registered-entropy-sources) -> (list-of symbol)</procedure> Returns a {{list}} of the registered {{entropy-source}} names. ==== registered-entropy-source <procedure>(registered-entropy-source NAME) -> (or false procedure)</procedure> Returns the {{entropy-source}} creator for the specified {{NAME}} or {{#f}} if not registered. ==== entropy-source? <procedure>(entropy-source? OBJ) -> boolean</procedure> {{entropy-source}} predicate. <procedure>(check-entropy-source LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> Raise error when {{OBJ}} not an {{entropy-source}}. {{NAM}} is the optional parameter name. <procedure>(error-entropy-source LOC OBJ [NAM])</procedure> Raise error for {{OBJ}} not an {{entropy-source}}. {{NAM}} is the optional parameter name. ==== make-entropy-source <procedure>(make-entropy-source [SOURCE (current-entropy-source)]) -> entropy-source</procedure> {{SOURCE}} is either a {{entropy-source}} or the {{symbol}} of a registered {{entropy-source}}, the name. ==== new-entropy-source <procedure>(new-entropy-source ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> entropy-source</procedure> Same as {{(make-random-entropy ENTROPY-SOURCE)}}. ==== entropy-source-name <procedure>(entropy-source-name ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> symbol</procedure> The symbolic name of the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. ==== entropy-source-documentation <procedure>(entropy-source-documentation ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> string</procedure> Some more information for the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. ==== entropy-source-u8 <procedure>(entropy-source-u8 ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> fixnum</procedure> Returns a non-negative {{fixnum}} from the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. ==== entropy-source-f64 <procedure>(entropy-source-f64 ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> flonum</procedure> Returns a {{flonum}} from the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. ==== entropy-source-u8vector <procedure>(entropy-source-u8vector ENTROPY-SOURCE LENGTH [U8VECTOR]) -> u8vector</procedure> Returns a {{u8vector}} with the 0 thru {{LENGTH-1}} elements filled with non-negative {{fixnum}}s from the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. If {{U8VECTOR}} is supplied then this is used otherwise a new vector is returned. ==== entropy-source-f64vector <procedure>(entropy-source-f64vector ENTROPY-SOURCE LENGTH [F64VECTOR]) -> f64vector</procedure> Returns a {{f64vector}} with the 0 thru {{LENGTH-1}} elements filled with {{flonum}}s from the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. If {{F64VECTOR}} is supplied then this is used otherwise a new vector is returned. ==== entropy-source-integer <procedure>(entropy-source-integer ENTROPY-SOURCE) -> integer</procedure> Returns an {{integer}} from the {{ENTROPY-SOURCE}}. === Random Sources A random source module must be loaded before it can be used. This maybe obvious but a call of {{(make-random-source 'moa)}} will fail unless the extension "moa" is loaded. See {{make-random-source}} for use of the {{NAME}}. ==== System random number generator ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import random-system) </enscript> ===== make-random-source-system <procedure>(make-random-source-system) -> random-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'system}}. ==== Pierre L'Ecuyer's Multiple Recursive Generator 32k3a random number generator ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import mrg32k3a) </enscript> ===== make-random-source-mrg32k3a <procedure>(make-random-source-mrg32k3a) -> random-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'mrg32k3a}}. ==== George Marsaglia's Multiply With Carry random number generator ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import mwc) </enscript> ===== make-random-source-mwc <procedure>(make-random-source-mwc) -> random-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'mwc}}. ==== George Marsaglia's Mother Of All random number generator ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import moa) </enscript> ===== make-random-source-moa <procedure>(make-random-source-moa) -> random-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'moa}}. === Entropy Sources An entropy source module must be loaded before it can be used. ==== System ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-system) </enscript> ===== make-entropy-source-system <procedure>(make-entropy-source-system) -> entropy-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'system}}, ==== System Clock ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-clock) </enscript> ===== make-entropy-source-system-clock <procedure>(make-entropy-source-system-clock) -> entropy-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'system-clock}}. ==== Windows Crypt Device ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-windows) </enscript> ===== make-entropy-source-crypt <procedure>(make-entropy-source-crypt [BUFFER-LENGTH]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'crypt}}. ==== Unix Random Device ===== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-unix) </enscript> ===== make-entropy-source-urandom-device <procedure>(make-entropy-source-urandom-device) -> entropy-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'random-device}}. ===== make-entropy-source-random-device <procedure>(make-entropy-source-random-device) -> entropy-source</procedure> Registered {{NAME}} is {{'urandom-device}}. === Procedure Entropy Source {{U8PROC}} is a procedure of no arguments returning a {{fixnum}} in the range {{0 .. 255}}. {{F64PROC}} is a procedure of no arguments returning a finite {{flonum}}. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-procedure) </enscript> ==== make-entropy-source/procedures <procedure>(make-entropy-source/procedures U8PROC F64PROC [name: (NAME (gensym 'procedures-))] [docu: (DOCU "Entropy from procedures")]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} built from the supplied {{U8PROC}} and {{F64PROC}} procedures. ==== make-entropy-source/f64procedure <procedure>(make-entropy-source/f64procedure F64PROC [name: (NAME (gensym 'procedures-))] [docu: (DOCU "Entropy from procedures")]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} built from the supplied {{F64PROC}} procedure. === Port Entropy Source ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-port) </enscript> ==== entropy-port-lifetime <parameter>(entropy-port-lifetime [SECONDS])</parameter> The number of {{SECONDS}} an entropy port is kept open without any activity. {{SECONDS}} is a {{positive real}} or a {{boolean}}: {{#t}}, to reset the default seconds, or {{#f}}, to determine the lifetime by GC finalization. ==== make-entropy-source/port <procedure>(make-entropy-source/port PORT [name: (NAME (gensym 'port-))] [docu: (DOCU "Entropy from an open port")]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} built from the supplied {{PORT}}, which is treated as a binary stream. The {{PORT}} is kept open and must be closed by the caller, if at all. ==== make-entropy-source/port-open <procedure>(make-entropy-source/port-open OPENER [name: (NAME (gensym 'port-))] [docu: (DOCU "Entropy from port")]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} built from the supplied {{OPENER}}. ; {{OPENER}} : {{(-> port)}} ; returns an opened {{port}}. The returned {{port}} has an {{(entropy-port-lifetime)}} so the {{port}} may be closed and {{OPENER}} called more than once. ==== make-entropy-source/port-open-timed <procedure>(make-entropy-source/port-open-timed OPENER SECONDS [name: (NAME (gensym 'timed-port-))] [docu: (DOCU "Entropy from timed open port")]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} built from the supplied {{OPENER}} & {{SECONDS}}. ; {{SECONDS}} : {{real}} ; timeout. ; {{OPENER}} : {{(-> port)}} ; interpreted as with {{make-entropy-source/port-open}}. ==== make-entropy-source/file <procedure>(make-entropy-source/file NAMSTR [name: (NAME (gensym 'file-))] [docu: (DOCU (string-append "Entropy from file \"" namstr "\""))]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} using the file named by the pathname {{NAMSTR}}. The opened {{port}} for the file {{NAMSTR}} is interpreted as with {{make-entropy-source/port-open}}. ==== make-entropy-source/file-timed <procedure>(make-entropy-source/file-timed NAMSTR SECONDS [name: (NAME (gensym 'file-))] [docu: (DOCU (string-append "Entropy from file \"" namstr "\""))]) -> entropy-source</procedure> Returns an unregistered {{entropy-source}} using the file named by the pathname {{NAMSTR}} & a lifetime restricted to {{SECONDS}}. ; {{SECONDS}} : {{real}} ; timeout. The opened {{port}} for the file {{NAMSTR}} is interpreted as with {{make-entropy-source/port-open}}. === Simple Distributions Provides exact and inexact generators. All return 2 values: the generator itself and a procedure returning the argument values used to parameterize the generator. The second return value can be ignored. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 uniform-random)) </enscript> ==== make-uniform-random-integers <procedure>(make-uniform-random-integers [high: (HIGH #f)] [low: (LOW 0)] [precision: (PRECISION 1)] [source: (SOURCE (current-random-source))]) -> (-> integer)</procedure> {{LOW}}, {{HIGH}} and {{PRECISION}} are {{integer}}s. {{SOURCE}} is a {{random-source}}. {{HIGH}}, if not supplied, is the {{(- (random-source-maximum-range source) 1)}}. The generator returns integers in the range {{LOW .. HIGH}} with an index of {{PRECISION}}. Unlike a {{(random-integer)}} result negative integers are possible. {{(current-random-integer)}} <> {{(make-uniform-random-integers)}}. {{(current-random-integer)}} returns {{((integer) -> integer)}}. {{(make-uniform-random-integers)}} returns {{(() -> integer)}}. ==== make-uniform-random-reals <procedure>(make-uniform-random-reals [precision: PRECISION] [source: (SOURCE (current-random-source))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> The generator is as {{(random-source-make-reals SOURCE PRECISION)}}. {{PRECISION}} maybe {{#f}}, in which case the value is {{flonum-epsilon}}. {{SOURCE}} is a {{random-source}}. {{(current-random-real)}} = {{(make-uniform-random-reals)}}. Both return procedures of {{(() -> real)}}. === Vector Distributions The procedures named as per {{make-random-...}} return a {{procedure}} of one argument {{N}}, the length of the vector to be created. The nomenclature {{vector%}} is used to indicate a disjoint type union of {{vector, f32vector, f64vector}}. If the user is really keen to access the API for this type it is available in the, undocumented, "srfi-27-vector-support" module. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 vector)) </enscript> ==== make-random-permutations ==== random-permutation! <procedure>(make-random-permutations [randoms: (RANDOMS current-random-integer)]) -> (integer -> vector)</procedure> <procedure>(random-permutation! VECTOR [randoms: (RANDOMS current-random-integer)]) -> vector</procedure> Performs the "Knuth shuffle" (or "Fisher-Yates shuffle"). Fills {{VECTOR}} with a random permutation of the finite set {0 ... {{N}}-1}, where {{N}} = {{(vector-length VECTOR)}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{procedure}}: {{(exact-real) -> exact-real}} (From Gambit) ==== make-random-vector ==== random-vector! <procedure>(make-random-vector [randoms: (RANDOMS current-random-real)]) -> (integer -> vector)</procedure> <procedure>(random-vector! VECTOR% [randoms: (RANDOMS current-random-real)]) -> vector%</procedure> Fills {{VECTOR}} with inexact real random numbers from the random distribution generator {{randoms}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{procedure}}: {{() -> inexact-real}} ==== make-random-hollow-sphere ==== random-hollow-sphere! <procedure>(make-random-hollow-sphere [mu: (MU 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (integer -> vector)</procedure> <procedure>(random-hollow-sphere! VECTOR% [mu: (MU 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> vector%</procedure> Fills {{VECTOR%}} with inexact real random numbers the sum of whose squares are equal to {{1}}. Thinking of {{VECTOR%}} as coordinates in space of dimension {{N}} = {{(vector%-length VECTOR%)}}, the coordinates are uniformly distributed over the surface of the unit n-sphere. (From Gambit) ==== make-random-solid-sphere ==== random-solid-sphere! <procedure>(make-random-solid-sphere [mu: (MU 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (integer -> vector)</procedure> <procedure>(random-solid-sphere! VECTOR% [mu: (MU 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> vector%</procedure> Fills {{VECTOR%}} with inexact real random numbers the sum of whose squares are less than {{1}}. Thinking of {{VECTOR%}} as coordinates in space of dimension {{N}} = {{(vector%-length VECTOR%)}}, the coordinates are uniformly distributed within the unit n-sphere. (From Gambit) === Other Distributions Provides generators for some common distributions ranging over some subset of the inexact-reals. The domain of the generators depends, of course, on the specific distribution. All return 2 values: the generator itself and a procedure returning the argument values used to parameterize the generator. The second return value can be ignored. The identifiers matching {{*make-random-<distribution>}} are reserved. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 distributions)) </enscript> All distributions are available from the omnibus module {{(srfi 27 distributions)}}, and individually as the {{(srfi 27 <distribution>)}} module. ==== make-random-normals <procedure>(make-random-normals [mu: (MU 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{MU}} is {{real}}. {{SIGMA}} is {{nonzero-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 normals)) </enscript> ==== make-random-exponentials <procedure>(make-random-exponentials [mu: (MU 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{MU}} is {{real}} in [{{0}} {{1}}]. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 exponentials)) </enscript> ==== make-random-triangles <procedure>(make-random-triangles [s: (S 0)] [m: (M 1/2)] [l: (L 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{S}} is {{real}}. {{M}} is {{real}} in [{{S}} {{L}}]. {{L}} is {{real}} in ]{{S}} {{+inf.0}}[. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 triangles)) </enscript> ==== make-random-poissons <procedure>(make-random-poissons [mu: (MU 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> integer)</procedure> {{MU}} is {{nonnegative-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 poissons)) </enscript> ==== make-random-bernoullis <procedure>(make-random-bernoullis [p: (P 1/2)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> boolean)</procedure> {{P}} is {{real}} in [{{0}} {{1}}]. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 bernoullis)) </enscript> ==== make-random-binomials <procedure>(make-random-binomials [t: (T 1)] [p: (P 1/2)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> integer)</procedure> {{T}} is {{cardinal-integer}}. {{P}} is {{real}} in [{{0}} {{1}}]. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 binomials)) </enscript> ==== make-random-geometrics <procedure>(make-random-geometrics [p: (P 1/2)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))])) -> (-> integer)</procedure> {{P}} is {{real}} in [{{0}} {{1}}]. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 geometrics)) </enscript> ==== make-random-lognormals <procedure>(make-random-lognormals [mu: (MU 1)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{MU}} is {{nonzero-real}}. {{SIGMA}} is {{nonnegative-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 lognormals)) </enscript> ==== make-random-cauchys <procedure>(make-random-cauchys [median: (MEDIAN 0)] [sigma: (SIGMA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{MEDIAN}} is {{real}}. {{SIGMA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 cauchys)) </enscript> ==== make-random-gammas <procedure>(make-random-gammas [alpha: (ALPHA 1)] [theta: (THETA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{ALPHA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{THETA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 gammas)) </enscript> ==== make-random-erlangs <procedure>(make-random-erlangs [alpha: (ALPHA 1)] [theta: (THETA 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{ALPHA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{THETA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 erlangs)) </enscript> ==== make-random-paretos <procedure>(make-random-paretos [alpha: (ALPHA 1)] [xmin: (XMIN 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{ALPHA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{XMIN}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 paretos)) </enscript> ==== make-random-levys <procedure>(make-random-levys [gamma: (GAMMA 1)] [delta: (DELTA 0)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{GAMMA}} is {{nonnegative-real}}. {{DELTA}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 levys)) </enscript> ==== make-random-weibulls <procedure>(make-random-weibulls [shape: (SHAPE 1)] [scale: (SCALE 1)] [randoms: (RANDOMS (current-random-real))]) -> (-> real)</procedure> {{SHAPE}} is {{positive-real}}. {{SCALE}} is {{positive-real}}. {{RANDOMS}} is a {{(-> real)}} <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 27 weibulls)) </enscript> == Examples * A procedure for creating K-vector (whatever that is) generators. The use of George Marsaglia's Multiply With Carry {{random-source}} and the "/dev/random" {{entropy-source}} are for exposition only. <enscript language=scheme> (import entropy-unix entropy-port mwc (srfi 27) (srfi 27 uniform-random) (srfi 27 vector)) (define (make-random-k-vector #!optional (k 1024) (rs (make-random-source 'mwc)) es) (let ( (new-es (or es ;don't keep open port around too much (parameterize ((entropy-port-lifetime 30)) (make-entropy-source-random-device)))) (old-es (random-source-entropy-source rs)) ) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (random-source-entropy-source-set! rs new-es) ) (lambda () (let* ( (rnd (make-uniform-random-integers low: (- k) high: (+ k) precision: 2 source: rs)) (vecgen (make-random-vector randoms: rnd)) ) (lambda (#!optional (k k)) (vecgen k)) ) ) (lambda () (random-source-entropy-source-set! rs old-es) ) ) ) ) </enscript> * Providing a fixed entropy-source, a constant seed. <enscript language=scheme> (import data-structures entropy-procedure) (define (make-entropy-constant n) (make-entropy-source/f64procedure (constantly (exact->inexact n)) name: (string->uninterned-symbol (conc "entropy-constant-" n)) docu: (conc "Entropy constant " n)) ) </enscript> * A silly OO version of a random distribution generator <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi 1) (srfi 13)) (import coops) (import (srfi 27 normals) (srfi 27 exponentials)) ;; Named (has a name) "concept" (define-generic (name obj)) (define-class <named> () ( (namsym reader: name) ) ) ;; Parameterized extension "concept" (define-class <parameterized> () (ctor params src)) ;; Moves forward thru a set of values "concept" (define-generic (next-value obj)) (define-class <stepper> () (nxtval)) (define-method (next-value (obj <stepper>)) ((slot-value obj 'nxtval))) (define-generic (reset obj)) (define-method (reset (obj <stepper>)) (let-values ( ((gen _) (apply (slot-value obj 'ctor) `(,@(slot-value obj 'params) ,(slot-value obj 'src)))) ) (set! (slot-value obj 'nxtval) gen) ) ) ;; Parameterized generative set of random values "concept" (define-class <random-distribution> (<named> <parameterized> <stepper>) ( ;holds any value, temporarily tmpval ) ) ;; Create an instance of <random-distribution> where the arguments are ;; the same as the documented procedural distribution API. ;; ;; SRFI 27 API: ({some distribution constructor} arg...) ;; OO API: (make-random-distribution {some distribution constructor} arg...) (define-syntax make-random-distribution (syntax-rules () ((_ ?ctor ?arg0 ...) ;use tmpval to hold the ctor call form (make <random-distribution> 'tmpval (list ?ctor ?arg0 ...)) ) ) ) (define-method (initialize-instance (obj <random-distribution>)) ; The 'ctor' must be a globally defined procedure compiled with ; procedure-information. So if following nomenclature then the last ; procedure name element will be the kind of distribution: ; make-random-<distribution>. And the <random-source> will be the ; last argument. ; ; (I do not endorse this kind of "auto-magic". For example only.) (let* ( (tmpval (or (slot-value obj 'tmpval) `(,make-random-normals))) (ctor (car tmpval) ) (procinfo (procedure-information ctor)) (procname (and procinfo (pair? procinfo) (symbol->string (car procinfo)))) (procname (and procname (and-let* ((kndpos (string-index-right procname #\-))) (substring/shared procname (add1 kndpos))))) (procname (or procname "impossible")) (dstr-vals (receive (apply ctor (cdr tmpval)))) (params (and (<= 2 (length dstr-vals)) (receive ((second dstr-vals))))) ) ;"free" the temp slot (set! (slot-value obj 'tmpval) #f) ;initialize state (set! (slot-value obj 'namsym) (string->symbol procname)) (set! (slot-value obj 'nxtval) (first dstr-vals)) (set! (slot-value obj 'ctor) ctor) (set! (slot-value obj 'params) (and params (drop-right params 1))) (set! (slot-value obj 'src) (and params (last params))) ) ) ;; Use it (import coops-extras) (define expn-rd (make-random-distribution make-random-exponentials mu: 1/2)) (describe-object expn-rd) ;coops instance of class `<random-distribution>': ;tmpval: #f ;namsym: exponentials ; ctor: #<procedure (srfi-27-exponentials#make-random-exponentials . tmp302303)> ;params: (1/2) ; src: #<procedure> ;nxtval: #<procedure (f_1191)> (next-value expn-rd) ;=> ... </enscript> == Notes * Portions by Sebastian Egner and Brad Lucier. (See the "book" SRFI 27 implementation.) == Bugs and Limitations * Support for 64-bit platforms is poor. Need to provide core random integer generators which are defined over the 64-bit integer range. Currently 64-bit fixnum bounds are processed as if using a 32-bit platform. However, due to the bignum implementation, results in the 64-bit fixnum range are coerced to fixnum. * The random distribution API is poorly documented. * The implementation API is not documented. See the source distribution. * Use of an entropy-source as a random-source is impossible without the undocumented implementation API. == Requirements [[srfi-1]] [[vector-lib]] [[miscmacros]] [[check-errors]] [[timed-resource]] [[test]] == Author * [[/users/kon-lovett|Kon Lovett]] * Ported to Chicken 5 by Kon Lovett and Sergey Goldgaber == Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. == Version history ; 4.2.2 : ; 4.2.1 : ; 4.2.0 : Add {{entropy-system}} {{entropy-source}} & {{random-system}} {{random-source}}. ; 4.1.6 : Remove dependencies. ; 4.1.5 : Fix {{entropy-windows}} compilation error. ; 4.1.4 : Fix {{entropy-windows}} compilation error. ; 4.1.3 : Fix {{modulo}} of a {{flonum}} issue. ; 4.1.2 : Remove broken 32bit platform CHICKEN 4 ''optimization''. ; 4.1.1 : Update test runner. ; 4.1.0 : Remove deprecated exports. Non-SRFI-27 module renaming to support the {{(srfi 27 <extension>)}} form. ; [[|4.0.0]] : Ported to Chicken 5 == License Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Kon Lovett. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Does not supercede any restrictions found in the source code.
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