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[[tags: egg]] == thread-utils [[toc:]] == Documentation SRFI 18 related utility routines; some CHICKEN specific. === Thread Utilities ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import thread-utils) </enscript> ==== print-exception-error <procedure>(print-exception-error EXN [THREAD [PORT [HEADER]]])</procedure> Prints the error {{EXN}} and the current call chain. The message header is supplied by {{thread-warning-message}}. This routine duplicates the uncaught exception in a thread handling behavior of Chicken. Useful for caught exceptions that cannot in fact be handled. The {{EXN}} is a {{condition}} or any other object. The default for {{THREAD}} is the {{(current-thread)}}. The default for {{PORT}} is the {{(current-error-port)}}. The default for {{HEADER}} is the {{"\n\tThread call history:\n"}}. ==== print-exception-warning <procedure>(print-exception-warning EXN [THREAD [PORT [HEADER]]])</procedure> Invokes {{print-exception-error}} when warnings are enabled. The {{EXN}} is a {{condition}} or any other object. The default for {{THREAD}} is the {{(current-thread)}}. The default for {{PORT}} is the {{(current-error-port)}}. The default for {{HEADER}} is the {{"\n\tThread call history:\n"}}. ==== thread-warning-message <procedure>(thread-warning-message THREAD) -> string</procedure> Returns the {{string}} {{"Warning (<THREAD>): "}}. ==== thread-timeout? ==== check-timeout ==== error-timeout <procedure>(thread-timeout? OBJECT) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(check-timeout LOCATION OBJECT [ARGUMENT-NAME]) -> (or #f time number)</procedure> <procedure>(error-timeout LOCATION OBJECT [ARGUMENT-NAME])</procedure> Is the {{OBJECT}} a {{thread-timeout}} object? A {{thread-timeout}} is {{#f}}, a {{number}}, or a SRFI 18 {{time}} object. ==== make-thread-timeout <procedure>(make-thread-timeout OFFSET [BASE]) -> (or #f time)</procedure> Returns the SRFI 18 {{time}} object representing the {{OFFSET}} + {{BASE}}. The {{BASE}} is a {{thread-timeout}} object with default {{(current-time)}}. Should {{OFFSET}} be {{#f}} or a {{time}} object the {{BASE}} is ignored and {{OFFSET}} is returned. Assumes an absolute {{OFFSET}} indicates a timeout already calculated. ==== check-thread ==== error-thread <procedure>(check-thread LOCATION OBJECT [ARGUMENT-NAME]) -> thread</procedure> <procedure>(error-thread LOCATION OBJECT [ARGUMENT-NAME])</procedure> Type checking for {{thread}}. ==== thread-created? ==== thread-ready? ==== thread-running? ==== thread-blocked? ==== thread-suspended? ==== thread-sleeping? ==== thread-terminated? ==== thread-dead? <procedure>(thread-created? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-ready? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-running? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-blocked? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-suspended? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-sleeping? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-terminated? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-dead? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> Is the {{THREAD}} in the indicated state? ==== thread-obstructed? <procedure>(thread-obstructed? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> Is the {{THREAD}} blocked or sleeping? ==== thread-state=? <procedure>(thread-state=? THREAD TOKEN) -> boolean</procedure> Does the state token of the {{THREAD}} equal the supplied {{TOKEN}}. ==== thread-blocked-for-termination? <procedure>(thread-blocked-for-termination? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure>? ==== thread-blocked-for-io? <procedure>(thread-blocked-for-io? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure>? ==== thread-blocked-for-timeout? <procedure>(thread-blocked-for-timeout? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure>? Is the {{THREAD}} in the indicated blocking state? ==== thread-unblock! <procedure>(thread-unblock! THREAD)</procedure> Attempts to ''cleanly'' unblock the {{THREAD}}. Currently only threads blocked for timeout can be unblocked. Threads blocked for any other reason are ignored. ==== thread-thunk <procedure>(thread-thunk THREAD) -> procedure</procedure> ==== thread-result-list <procedure>(thread-result-list THREAD) -> (or #f list)</procedure> ==== thread-block-timeout <procedure>(thread-block-timeout THREAD) -> (or #f float)</procedure> ==== thread-state-buffer <procedure>(thread-state-buffer THREAD) -> state-buffer</procedure> Returns the {{THREAD}}'s {{STATE-BUFFER}}. ==== thread-end-exception <procedure>(thread-end-exception THREAD) -> *</procedure> ==== thread-owned-mutexes <procedure>(thread-owned-mutexes THREAD) -> list</procedure> ==== thread-block-object <procedure>(thread-block-object THREAD) -> *</procedure> ==== thread-recipients <procedure>(thread-recipients THREAD) -> list</procedure> ==== thread-block-object-of-recipient? <procedure>(thread-block-object-of-recipient? THREAD) -> boolean</procedure> Is {{THREAD}} a recipient of itself? ==== thread-dynamic-winds <procedure>(thread-dynamic-winds THREAD) -> list</procedure> ==== thread-standard-input <procedure>(thread-standard-input THREAD) -> port</procedure> ==== thread-standard-output <procedure>(thread-standard-output THREAD) -> port</procedure> ==== thread-standard-error <procedure>(thread-standard-error THREAD) -> port</procedure> ==== thread-default-exception-handler <procedure>(thread-default-exception-handler THREAD) -> procedure</procedure> ==== thread-current-parameter-vector <procedure>(thread-current-parameter-vector THREAD) -> vector</procedure> === Thread Reaper Allows a thread to be ''joined'' to the primordial thread asynchronously. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import thread-reaper) </enscript> ==== thread-reaper-shutdown? <procedure>(thread-reaper-shutdown?) -> boolean</procedure> ==== thread-reap! <procedure>(thread-reap! THREAD)</procedure> Queues the supplied {{THREAD}} for reaping. ==== zombie-threads <procedure>(zombie-threads) -> (list-of thread)</procedure> Returns the threads which could not be reaped, by timing out every retry. ==== thread-reaper-stop! <procedure>(thread-reaper-stop!)</procedure> Processes any threads queued for reaping and terminates the reaper. ==== thread-reaper-timeout ==== thread-reaper-timeout-set! <procedure>(thread-reaper-timeout) -> (or #f number)</procedure> <procedure>(thread-reaper-timeout-set! SECONDS)</procedure> Gets and sets the number of seconds to wait for a thread to quit. The default is {{#f}} or wait till termination. Should threads submitted to the reaper be known to "run off with the cpu" then something other than wait forever is warranted. ==== thread-reaper-retries ==== thread-reaper-retries-set! <procedure>(thread-reaper-retries) -> fixnum</procedure> <procedure>(thread-reaper-retries-set! SECONDS)</procedure> Gets and sets the number of attempts to wait for a thread to quit. Default is {{1}}. ==== thread-reaper-greedy ==== thread-reaper-greedy-set! <procedure>(thread-reaper-greedy) -> boolean</procedure> <procedure>(thread-reaper-greedy-set! FLAG)</procedure> Gets and sets the reaper greedy mode. When greedy the queue is exhausted whenever possible. Otherwise only one queue item is processed per time-slice. Default is {{#f}}. ==== thread-reaper-wait-seconds ==== thread-reaper-wait-seconds-set! <procedure>(thread-reaper-wait-seconds) -> (or #f number)</procedure> <procedure>(thread-reaper-wait-seconds-set! SECONDS)</procedure> Gets and sets the number of seconds to wait before another attempt by the reaper. The default is {{1.0}}. ==== thread-reaper-quantum ==== thread-reaper-quantum-set! <procedure>(thread-reaper-quantum) -> number</procedure> <procedure>(thread-reaper-quantum-set! MILLISECONDS)</procedure> Gets and sets the time-slice for the reaper. Default is {{2500}}. Is the reaper shutting down? === SRFI-18 Barrier Thread synchronization object. ==== Usage <enscript language=scheme> (import (srfi-18 barrier)) </enscript> ==== make-barrier <procedure>(make-barrier [LIMIT [NAME]]) -> barrier</procedure> Create and return a thread barrier. ; LIMIT : {{fixnum}} : number of thread waiting before barrier "lifted", default {{1}}. ; NAME : {{*}} : object name, default {{#f}}. ==== barrier? ==== check-barrier ==== error-barrier <procedure>(barrier? OBJ) --> boolean</procedure> Is {{OBJ}} a SRFI-18 {{barrier}}? <procedure>(check-barrier LOC OBJ . NAM) --> barrier</procedure> <procedure>(error-barrier LOC OBJ . NAM)</procedure> ==== barrier-count <procedure>(barrier-count BAR) -> fixnum</procedure> Returns number of threads waiting on {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. ==== barrier-limit <procedure>(barrier-limit BAR) --> fixnum</procedure> Returns maximum number of threads waiting on {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. ==== barrier-name <procedure>(barrier-name BAR) --> *</procedure> Returns name of {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. ==== barrier-specific <procedure>(barrier-specific BAR) -> *</procedure> Returns the specific of {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. ==== barrier-specific-set! <procedure>(barrier-specific-set! BAR OBJ) -> void</procedure> Sets the specific of {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. ==== barrier-state <procedure>(barrier-state BAR) -> (or thread symbol)</procedure> Returns the state of {{barrier}} {{BAR}}; see SRFI-18 {{mutex-state}}. ==== barrier-wait <procedure>(barrier-wait BAR [TIMOUT]) -> boolean</procedure> Synchronize calling {{thread}} at the {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. The calling thread will block until the {{barrier-limit}} number of threads have called {{barrier-wait}} on {{barrier}} {{BAR}}. Returns {{#t}}, and {{#f}} otherwise, to the invoking thread when the barrier is "lifted". ; BAR : {{barrier}} : barrier to wait "behind." ; TIMOUT : {{(or false real time)}} : timeout to abandon wait. == Bugs & Limitations * {{thread-reaper-timeout}} & {{thread-reaper-retries}} are poorly named. == Notes * All numbers are as defined by the Chicken core. == Requirements [[srfi-18]] [[queues]] [[synch]] [[miscmacros]] [[moremacros]] [[record-variants]] [[check-errors]] == Author [[/users/kon-lovett|Kon Lovett]] == Repository This egg is hosted on the CHICKEN Subversion repository: [[|]] If you want to check out the source code repository of this egg and you are not familiar with Subversion, see [[/egg-svn-checkout|this page]]. == Version history ; 2.2.5 : Fix {{barrier-name}}. ; 2.2.4 : Fix {{barrier-specific}} type. ; 2.2.3 : Fix {{timeout}} type; see {{barrier-wait TIMOUT}} argument. ; 2.2.2 : Fix {{barrier-name}}. ; 2.2.1 : . ; 2.2.0 : Add {{(srfi-18 barrier)}}. ; 2.1.2 : . ; 2.1.1 : . ; 2.1.0 : Add ''zombie'' concept. ; 2.0.0 : C5 port. ; 1.2.0 : Add reaper state setters. ; 1.1.0 : Add {{thread-...}} & {{*thread-...}} getters. Deprecated {{thread-blocked?/...}}. Added {{thread-blocked-for...?}}. ; 1.0.2 : "Fix" for ticket #981. Added {{thread-reaper-wait-seconds}}. ; 1.0.1 : Use compiled setup-helper (& un-hide). ; 1.0.0 : Moved from [[srfi-27]] into own extension. == License Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Kon Lovett. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
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