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== zshbrev [[toc:]] zshbrev allows you to mix zsh code and brev code. Not for polished li'l "eggs" but for your own duct tape and chewing gum hacking and automation. Quick and dirty♥. The default directory is {{.zshbrev/}} but you can change it with the {{--dir}} flag to {{zshbrev}}. === brev in zsh Write functions in {{.zshbrev/functions.scm}} and then call {{zshbrev}}. It'll create an executable in {{.zshbrev/bin/}} for each function, so add that directory to your path so you can call brev functions from zsh, or from any shell for that matter. You can add this to your {{.zshrc}} to automatically call zshbrev: if [ ~/.zshbrev/functions.scm -nt ~/.zshbrev/brevbox ]; then echo -n "Recompiling zshbrev… " zshbrev echo done. fi The function arguments are {{read}} as sexps, which means symbols for strings and numbers for numbers. Arguments starting with two dashes are read as keywords, and arguments with one dash are interpreted as the leftmost keyword that starts with that same letter, if any (otherwise it's passed through). Arity must match, so if in {{functions.scm}}: (define (hollywood a b c) (+ a b c 1000)) And then at your zsh command line: ellen% hollywood 100 20 4 1124 If you mess up the arity, it'll bork: ellen% hollywood 1 hollywood 1 Error: bad argument count - received 1 but expected 3: #<procedure (hollywood a b c)> followed by a call stack. You can use {{match-generics}} and all of brev, you can import stuff like pyffi etc, and the functions can also call each other or themselves. (define-some (descseq num) (cons num (descseq (sub1 num)))) ellen% descseq 4 (4 3 2 1) Another example: (define (reverse-even lis) (reverse (filter even? lis))) ellen% reverse-even "$(descseq 6)" (2 4 6) === zsh in brev In {{functions.scm}}, you can also import commands from your {{.zshrc}} environment, including aliases and shell functions. This works even if the other shell you're calling zshbrev's functions from isn't zsh (as long as you have zsh installed). ==== zsh-import {{zsh-import}} is a macro that takes names as arguments to import. Each name can be of the form {{(output-type name)}}, for example if you have an alias "ml" for {{mpc playlist}} that you want to return a list of strings, you can: (zsh-import (strings ml)) and then you can call it with {{(ml)}}. The functions use arguments and stdin like normal shell functions. You can do any zsh command, including executables in your path, aliases, and shell functions. The types are: * {{stdout}}: prints its output to stdout and returns success code * {{port}}: forks off but returns a port where you can read its output * {{file}}: returns a temp file name that contains the output * {{string}}: returns its output as a string. The default, so you can do {{(zsh-import ls)}} instead of {{(zsh-import (string ls))}}. * {{chomp}}: like {{string}}, but ran through {{string-chomp}} * {{dwim}}: tries to figure out the best type automagically * {{strings}}: returns it output as a list of strings, one for each line of output * {{sexp}}: returns the first sexp (for example, a symbol or a number) of the output * {{sexps}}: sorta like {{read-list}}; turns the output into a list of sexps You can mix and match: (zsh-import (strings ml) echo (file man)) ==== ,zz When you want even more control, you have access to all of the {{scsh-process}} egg, which is imported and available from {{functions.scm}}. That gives you access to executables, but you can also reach aliases and shell functions from your .zshrc by adding ,zz to the run strings. For example: (run (,zz ml)) if you have {{ml}} as an alias or shell function. === Source code git clone
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